1 public class wuziqi 2 { 3 public static void main(String[] args){ 4 showGameName(); 5 board board1 = new board(); 6 7 board1.newBoard(); 8 9 startgame(); 10 11 } 12 13 public static boolean startgame(){ 14 while(true){ 15 //提示信息 16 System.out.println("white turn:"); 17 /*玩家下一步旗*/ 18 board.printChessman('○'); 19 /*检查一次是否结束*/ 20 if(tools.chekGame('○')){System.out.println("Game Over white have Win");return false;} 21 //提示信息 22 System.out.println("black turn:"); 23 /*电脑下一步旗*/ 24 board.printChessman('●'); 25 /*检查一次是否结束*/ 26 if(tools.chekGame('●')){System.out.println("Game Over black have Win");return false;} 27 } 28 29 } 30 public static void showGameName(){ 31 System.out.println("***********"); 32 System.out.println(" 五子棋"); 33 System.out.println("***********"); 34 } 35 36 37 }
1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 import java.util.Date; 3 public class board 4 { 5 /*这是一个15x15的棋盘*/ 6 public static int Board_Size = 15; 7 /*用俩个二维数组定义棋盘*/ 8 public static char elements[][]=new char[Board_Size][Board_Size]; 9 public static int boards[][]=new int[Board_Size][Board_Size]; 10 /*初始化棋盘 并 绘制*/ 11 public static void newBoard(){ 12 for(int i=0;i<Board_Size;i++){//初始化 13 for(int j=0;j<Board_Size;j++){ 14 elements[i][j]='╂'; 15 } 16 } 17 /*绘制*/ 18 System.out.println(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4");//打印标尺 列数 19 for(int i=0;i<Board_Size;i++){ 20 System.out.print(i);if(i<10){System.out.print(" ");}////打印标尺 行数 21 for(int j=0;j<Board_Size;j++){ 22 if(tools.tool1(i,j)&&tools.tool2(i,j))//检查4个角和4条边 23 System.out.print(elements[i][j]); 24 }System.out.println(); 25 } 26 } 27 /*绘制棋盘的方法*/ 28 public static void paintBoard(){ 29 System.out.println(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4");//打印标尺 列数 30 for(int i=0;i<Board_Size;i++){ 31 System.out.print(i);if(i<10){System.out.print(" ");}////打印标尺 行数 32 for(int j=0;j<Board_Size;j++){ 33 System.out.print(elements[i][j]); 34 }System.out.println(); 35 } 36 } 37 /*根据用户输入的坐标打印旗子*/ 38 public static void printChessman(char C){ 39 while(true){ 40 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 41 System.out.println("请输入x:"); 42 int x = scanner.nextInt(); 43 System.out.println("请输入y:"); 44 int y = scanner.nextInt(); 45 if(x<=14&&x>=0&&y<=14&&y>=0&&(elements[x][y]!='○'&&elements[x][y]!='●')){ 46 elements[x][y]=C;break; 47 }else{System.out.println("输入坐标无效!");} 48 } 49 50 paintBoard(); 51 } 52 /*根据用户输入的坐标打印旗子2*/ 53 public static void printChessman2(){ 54 while(true){ 55 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 56 System.out.println("请输入x:"); 57 int x = scanner.nextInt(); 58 System.out.println("请输入y:"); 59 int y = scanner.nextInt(); 60 if(x<=14&&x>=0&&y<=14&&y>=0&&(elements[x][y]!='○'&&elements[x][y]!='●')){ 61 elements[x][y]='●';break; 62 }else{System.out.println("输入坐标无效!");} 63 } 64 65 paintBoard(); 66 } 67 }
1 public class tools 2 { 3 public static boolean tool1(int x,int y){//检查棋盘四个角 4 if(x==0&&y==0){board.elements[x][y]='┎';return true;} 5 else if(x==0&&y==board.Board_Size-1){board.elements[x][y]='┒';return true;} 6 else if(x==board.Board_Size-1&&y==0){board.elements[x][y]='┖';return true;} 7 else if(x==board.Board_Size-1&&y==board.Board_Size-1){board.elements[x][y]='┚';return true;} 8 return true; 9 } 10 public static boolean tool2(int x,int y){//检查棋盘四条边缘 11 if(x==0&&y!=board.Board_Size-1&&y!=0){board.elements[x][y]='┰';return true;} 12 else if(x==board.Board_Size-1&&y!=board.Board_Size-1&&y!=0){board.elements[x][y]='┸';return true;} 13 else if(y==0&&x!=board.Board_Size-1&&x!=0){board.elements[x][y]='┠';return true;} 14 else if(y==board.Board_Size-1&&x!=board.Board_Size-1&&x!=0){board.elements[x][y]='┨';return true;} 15 return true; 16 } 17 public static boolean chekGame(char C){/*检查是否有同色的旗子连着5个*/ 18 for(int i=0;i<board.Board_Size;i++){ 19 for(int j=0;j<board.Board_Size;j++){ 20 int count1=0; 21 int count2=0; 22 int count3=0; 23 int count4=0; 24 /*检查是否有5个竖着连着*/ 25 if(board.elements[i][j]==C){ 26 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 27 if(i-x>=0){if(board.elements[i-x][j]==C){count1++;}else{break;}} 28 else{break;} 29 } 30 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 31 if(i+x<=14){if(board.elements[i+x][j]==C){count1++;}else{break;}} 32 else{break;} 33 }System.out.println("棋子的纵向:"+count1);} 34 35 if(count1>=4){return true;}//退出 36 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 /*检查是否有5个横着连着*/ 38 if(board.elements[i][j]==C){ 39 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 40 if(j-x>=0){if(board.elements[i][j-x]==C){count2++;}else{break;}} 41 else{break;} 42 } 43 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 44 if(j+x<=14){if(board.elements[i][j+x]==C){count2++;}else{break;}} 45 else{break;} 46 } 47 System.out.println("棋子的横向:"+count2);} 48 49 if(count2>=4){return true;}//退出 50 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 /*检查是否有5个左斜个连着*/ 52 if(board.elements[i][j]==C){ 53 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 54 if(j-x>=0&&i-x>=0){if(board.elements[i-x][j-x]==C){count3++;}else{break;}} 55 else{break;} 56 } 57 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 58 if(j+x<=14&&i+x<=14){if(board.elements[i+x][j+x]==C){count3++;}else{break;}} 59 else{break;} 60 } 61 System.out.println("棋子的左斜:"+count3);} 62 63 if(count3>=4){return true;}//退出 64 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 65 /*检查是否有5个右斜个连着*/ 66 if(board.elements[i][j]==C){ 67 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 68 if(j+x<=14&&i-x>=0){if(board.elements[i-x][j+x]==C){count4++;}else{break;}} 69 else{break;} 70 } 71 for(int x=1;x<=4;x++){ 72 if(j-x>=0&&i+x<=14){if(board.elements[i+x][j-x]==C){count4++;}else{break;}} 73 else{break;} 74 } 75 System.out.println("棋子的右斜:"+count4);} 76 77 if(count4>=4){return true;}//退出 78 79 } 80 } 81 return false; 82 } 83 }
2020-8-7 04:27:09