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  • Python 自动获取License文件


    公司做了几个nodejs项目,牵扯到License问题。希望做 一个  把这个项目中引用到的dependency中的license 的文件内容 整合到一个TXT文档里。

    for example:

    根目录下的 package.json 中dependencies{ "protobufjs": "6.10.1"}

    则需要查找protobufjs 中的package.json 中的 

    "dependencies": {
    "@protobufjs/aspromise": "^1.1.2",
    "@protobufjs/base64": "^1.1.2",
    "@protobufjs/codegen": "^2.0.4",
    "@protobufjs/eventemitter": "^1.1.0",
    "@protobufjs/fetch": "^1.1.0",
    "@protobufjs/float": "^1.0.2",
    "@protobufjs/inquire": "^1.1.0",
    "@protobufjs/path": "^1.1.2",
    "@protobufjs/pool": "^1.1.0",
    "@protobufjs/utf8": "^1.1.0",
    "@types/long": "^4.0.1",
    "@types/node": "^13.7.0",
    "long": "^4.0.0"

    在去查找@protobufjs/aspromise下的package.json ,直到找不到dependencies为止,


    ** 不可重复





    1. 先解析根目录下的package.json 文件,查询到用的dependencies

    2.用os.walk(path) 循环的方式获取到遍历根目录下方与查询到的dependencies一致的文件夹A

    3.在文件夹A的路径下,判断license文件是否存在,若存在则读取license文件到TXT中,如果不存在,在TXT中写入dependency的名字,注明license 未查询到。

    4.在文件夹A的路径下,读取package.json 文件,读取解析dependencies(循环过程1,2,3)

    在文件夹少的情况下,可行,过大的时候,× 不可行。



    1. 遍历文件夹下的所有package.json 文件,获取所有package.json 文件的路径,作为一个list存储下来 pkgDirList(如果出现重复的需要对其进行解析,争取排除重复项)

    2. 以pkgDirList为输入,计算每一个dependency出现的次数,和dependency对应的路径,比如dictCountDir["axios"]=1,dictNameDir["axios"] ="C:xxx\mxxx ode_modulesaxios"

    2. 以根目录中的pakage.json 文件中的dependencies为入口,然后循环遍历pkgDirList,在pkgDirList中找到对应的文件路径,

    3. 读取package.json 文件,解析后在去pkgDirList 匹配查找对应路径,以此下去, 直到查完所有的package.json 文件中的dependency,返回一个包含所有dependencies的list, depList

    4. 将获取到的所有dependencies的depList 中的元素作为 dictNameDir的key查找对应的license 路径,

    4.1 如果license 文件存在,根据license路径读取文件。写入TXT文档。

    4.2 如果license文件不存在,再去判断license内容是否存在于readme.md 文件中,


        4.2.2如果不存在,判断是不是MIT license,如果是MIT license 导入MIT license 模板。

        4.2.3 如果都不是,备注找不到。



      1 import os
      2 import sys
      3 import json
      4 import time
      7 #return dependencies string
      8 #for example:
      9 # '"axios": "^0.19.2","myjs-common": "^1.0.6","oneport": "^1.0.2" '
     10 def readPackageJson(filename):
     11     dependenceStr = ""
     12     try:
     13         if os.path.exists(filename):
     14              with open(filename,"r",encoding='utf8') as dependencies:
     15                 packageJson = json.load(dependencies)
     16                 if "dependencies" in packageJson and packageJson["dependencies"] != {}:
     17                         dependenceStr = str(packageJson["dependencies"]).replace("{","").replace("}","")
     18         return dependenceStr
     19     except Exception as e:
     20         print(e)
     23 #for example:
     24 # '"license": "MIT"' in package.json file 
     25 #  if keyName == license, valueStr==MIT;
     26 #  if keyName = homepage, valueStr=https://github.com/indutny/node-spdy
     27 def GetPackageJsonInfo(filePath,keyName):
     28     valueStr = ""
     29     try:
     30         filePath = os.path.join("%s%s" % (filePath,"\package.json"))
     31         if os.path.exists(filePath):
     32              with open(filePath,"r",encoding='utf8') as pkgJson:
     33                 packageJson = json.load(pkgJson)
     34                 if keyName in packageJson:
     35                     valueStr = str(packageJson[keyName])
     36         return valueStr
     37     except Exception as e:
     38         print(e)
     40 # Whether the readme.md file contains MIT license content, 
     41 # it returns True and file dir, but does not return False.
     42 def readReadmefile(filePath):
     43     fileNames = ["\readme.md","\README.md","\Readme.md","\readme.txt"]
     44     for fileName in fileNames:
     45         filePath = os.path.join("%s%s"% (filePath,fileName))
     46         if os.path.exists(filePath):
     47             with open(filePath,"r",encoding="utf8") as readMe:
     48                 if "copies or substantial portions of the Software." in readMe.read():
     49                     return True
     50                 else:
     51                     return False
     55 #depStr is dependencies from package.json file,like '"axios": "^0.19.2","myjs-common": "^1.0.6","oneport": "^1.0.2" '
     56 #return a dependencies list, for example:["axios","myjs-common","oneport"]
     57 def ParsingPackageJson(depStr):
     58         depList = []
     59         for dep in depStr.split(","):
     60             if len(dep.split(":")) == 2:
     61                 depList.append(dep.split(":")[0].strip().replace("'",""))
     62         return sorted(list(set(depList)))
     64 def getLicenseFilePath(filepath):
     65         licensefilename = ["LICENSE","LICENCE","LICENSE-MIT","LICENCE-MIT"]
     66         licensepath = None
     67         stopCircle = False
     68         count = 0
     69         for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(filepath): 
     70             for filename in filenames:
     71                 count = count + 1
     72                 fileNameTemp = filename.upper().split(".")
     73                 if (len(fileNameTemp) >= 2 and (fileNameTemp[-1] != "JS" or fileNameTemp[-1] != "HTML")) or len(fileNameTemp) == 1:
     74                     if fileNameTemp[0] in licensefilename :
     75                         licensepath = os.path.join('%s%s' % (filepath, "\" + filename))
     76                         stopCircle = True
     77                         break
     78                         #print(filename)
     79             if stopCircle or count == len(filenames):
     80                 break
     81         return licensepath
     83 #Get the dependencies in the package.json file in the root directory
     84 # return dependencies info str
     85 def getRootPackageJson(rootPath):
     86     depStr = ""
     87     findPackageJson = False
     88     for fileNames in os.walk(rootPath):
     89         if "node_modules" in fileNames[1]:
     90             global nodeModulesDir
     91             nodeModulesDir =  os.path.join('%s%s' % (fileNames[0], "\node_modules"))
     92         for pfile in fileNames[-1]:
     93             if pfile == "package.json":
     94                 packageJsonPath =  os.path.join('%s%s' % (fileNames[0], "\package.json"))
     95                 depStr = readPackageJson(packageJsonPath)
     96                 findPackageJson = True
     97                 break
     98         break
     99         if findPackageJson:
    100             print("get pacakageJson")
    101         else:
    102             print("No pacakageJson")
    103     return depStr
    105 # DepDir,pkg file dir
    106 def getDependencyName(DepDir):
    107     if "@" in DepDir:
    108         dependenceName ="@" + (DepDir.split("@")[-1]).replace("\","/")
    109     else:
    110         dependenceName = DepDir.split("\")[-1]
    111     return dependenceName
    113 # Find the dir where all package.json files are located,
    114 # Return a list containing all package.json dir  
    115 def getAllPackageJsonDir(Dir):
    116     packageJsonDir = [] 
    117     depName = []   
    118     for dirs,fileNames,files in os.walk(Dir):
    119         for file in files:
    120             if file=="package.json":
    121                 dependenceName = getDependencyName(dirs)
    122                 if dependenceName not in depName:
    123                     depName.append(dependenceName)
    124                     packageJsonDir.append(dirs)
    125                 else:
    126                     # The dependencies in package.json in the dependency folders of the same name under different folders may be different
    127                     # for example:
    128                     # G:.....
    129                     # G:.....
    130                     for pjsonDir in packageJsonDir:
    131                         if pjsonDir.split("\")[-1]==dirs.split("\")[-1]:
    132                             pjsonPath = os.path.join("%s%s" % (pjsonDir,"\package.json")) 
    133                             pjsonPathNew = os.path.join("%s%s" % (dirs,"\package.json"))
    134                             pjsonStr = readPackageJson(pjsonPath) 
    135                             pjsonStrNew = readPackageJson(pjsonPathNew) 
    136                             pName = ParsingPackageJson(pjsonStr)
    137                             pNameNew = ParsingPackageJson(pjsonStrNew)
    138                             if pName!=pNameNew:
    139                                 packageJsonDir.append(dirs)
    140                                 #saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,dirs)
    141     print("all package.json file dir count:",len(packageJsonDir))
    142     return packageJsonDir
    144 # for example: dictCountDir["axios"]=1,dictNameDir["axios"] =r"C:...meetingServer_1.0.8
    145 # return dictCountDir,dictNameDir
    146 def getPkgDirDict(pacakageDir,rootDir):
    147     #dictCountDir  key: dependence name, value: dir count of same dependencies
    148     dictCountDir={}
    149     #dictNameDir  key: dependence name,value: dependence dir
    150     dictNameDir={}
    151     for pkgDir in pacakageDir:
    152         if pkgDir == rootDir:
    153             continue
    154         pkgDirName = getDependencyName(pkgDir)
    155         countDir=0
    156         if  pkgDirName not in dictNameDir.keys():
    157             dictNameDir[pkgDirName] = pkgDir
    158             dictCountDir[pkgDirName] = countDir+1
    159         else:
    160             dictCountDir[pkgDirName] = dictCountDir[pkgDirName] +1
    161     return dictNameDir,dictCountDir
    163 # Read the package.json file under pkgPath, if dependencies is not empty,
    164 # analyze whether the dependence is in the deplist, if not, add it to the deplist, and return to the deplist.
    165 # pkgName:dependence name, depList:dependence list, pkgPath: package.json file path
    166 # return dependency list
    167 def getSubDepList(pkgName,deplist,pkgPath):
    168     pkgJson = readPackageJson(pkgPath)
    169     if pkgJson:
    170          pkgDep = ParsingPackageJson(pkgJson)
    171          for subDep in pkgDep:
    172             if subDep not in deplist:
    173                 deplist.append(subDep)
    174          info = "pkgName:"+ pkgName + "  pkgPath:"+ pkgPath +"
     pkgJson:"+ str(pkgJson)+"
    175          saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,info)
    176     return deplist
    178 #Query all dependencies according to the dependencies value in package.json 
    179 #Return a list of all dependencies
    180 def getDepList(rootDepStr,pacakageDir,dirDict):
    181     deplist=[]
    182     dictNameDirs=dirDict[0]
    183     dictCountDir = dirDict[1]
    184     if rootDepStr:
    185         # 根据packageDir 分析依赖库
    186         deplist = ParsingPackageJson(rootDepStr)
    187         for dep in deplist:
    188             for pkgDir in pacakageDir:
    189                 pkgDirName = getDependencyName(pkgDir)
    190                 if dep==pkgDirName:
    191                     pkgPath =  os.path.join('%s%s' % (pkgDir, "\package.json")) 
    192                     getSubDepList(dep,deplist,pkgPath)
    193                     if dictCountDir[pkgDirName] ==1:
    194                         break
    195         saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"deplist count:"+ str(len(deplist))+ "
    " +str(deplist))
    196         dcount = len(deplist)
    197         print("dependence count:",str(dcount))
    199     return deplist
    201 # test function, find all depencies
    202 def getAllDepList(pacakageDir):
    203     depStr = ""
    204     for dir in pacakageDir:
    205         pkgPath =  os.path.join('%s%s' % (dir, "\package.json")) 
    206         pJson = readPackageJson(pkgPath)
    207         if pJson:
    208             depStr =  depStr +  pJson 
    209         depStr = depStr +","
    210     allDep = ParsingPackageJson(depStr)
    211     return allDep
    213 def getLicenses(rootdir):
    215     pkgDirList = getAllPackageJsonDir(rootdir)
    216     dirDict = getPkgDirDict(pkgDirList,rootdir)
    217     rootDepStr = getRootPackageJson(rootdir)
    218     deplist = getDepList(rootDepStr,pkgDirList,dirDict)
    220     licenseTypeDict= {"FindInReadme":0, "AddMITLicenseTemp":0,"NotMITLicense":0,"Others":0}
    221     # According to find all deplist, find the license file under the corresponding file.
    222     licenseNo = 0 # license number in AllLicenses.txt file
    223     lNoFindCount = 0  # Total number of license files not found
    224     LicenseFileNotFind=[] #
    225     depFileNotFind=[] # The file directory where the dependency file is not found
    226     for depName in deplist:
    227         licenseNo = licenseNo + 1
    228         dictNameDir = dirDict[0]
    229         if depName in dictNameDir.keys():
    230             licensepath = getLicenseFilePath(dictNameDir[depName])
    231             if licensepath is None:
    232                 licensepath = None
    233                 LicenseFileNotFind.append(depName)
    234                 lNoFindCount = lNoFindCount+1
    235                 res = AddLicenseTemp(licenseNo,dictNameDir[depName],depName)
    236                 licenseTypeDict[res] = licenseTypeDict[res]+1
    237             else:
    238                 readLicense(licenseNo,licensepath,depName) 
    239         else:
    240             lNoFindCount = lNoFindCount+1
    241             depFileNotFind.append(depName)
    242             res = AddLicenseTemp(licenseNo,None,depName)
    243             licenseTypeDict[res] = licenseTypeDict[res]+1
    245     notFindDepCount = str(len(depFileNotFind))
    246     notFindLinceseCount = str(len(LicenseFileNotFind))
    248     print("Not find Dependence file :",notFindDepCount)
    249     print("Not find license file:", notFindLinceseCount)
    250     print("License file Not find count:",str(lNoFindCount))
    251     for key in licenseTypeDict:
    252         print(key,licenseTypeDict[key])
    253     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"
     Info of license file is found"+ str(licenseTypeDict))
    254     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"
     Not find Dependence dir count:"+ notFindDepCount +" 
    "+ str(depFileNotFind))
    255     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"
     Not find license file count: "+ notFindLinceseCount + "
    "+ str(LicenseFileNotFind))
    256     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"
     total license file Not find count:"+str(lNoFindCount))
    258 def saveInfoToTxt(savePath,line):
    259      with open(savePath,"a+") as f:
    260         f.write(str(line)) 
    261         f.write('
    263 # no:license number
    264 # filepath: license file path
    265 # depName: dependence name
    266 # There is a license file under dir, read the license content
    267 def readLicense(no,filepath,depName):
    268     with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    269         f.write("
    270         f.write(str(no) + ") " + depName)
    271         f.writelines("
    272         with open(filepath,"r", encoding="utf8") as licensefile:     
    273             f.write(licensefile.read()) 
    274             f.write('
    276 # There is no license file under dir, add license template
    277 # 
    278 def AddLicenseTemp(no,filepath,depName):
    279     if filepath != None:
    280         isMITlicense = readReadmefile(filepath)
    281         with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    282             f.write("
    283             f.write(str(no) + ") " + depName)
    284             f.writelines("
    285         if isMITlicense:
    286             saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"** %s MIT License in readme.md file,Please paste manually. %s 
    " % (depName,filepath))
    287             with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    288                 f.write("MIT License in readme.md file,Please paste manually! " )
    289                 f.write('
    290             return "FindInReadme"
    291         else:
    292             license = GetPackageJsonInfo(filepath,"license")
    293             homepage = GetPackageJsonInfo(filepath,"homepage")
    294             if homepage:
    295                 with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    296                     f.write("Homepage: %s%s" % (homepage,"
    297             if license=="MIT":
    298                 with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    299                     with open(lincenseTempPath,"r", encoding="utf8") as licenseTemp:
    300                         f.write(licenseTemp.read()) 
    301                         f.write('
    302                 saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,">> %s Add MIT License Template. " % depName)
    303                 return "AddMITLicenseTemp"
    304             else:
    305                 #with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    306                 #    f.write("License:%s" % license )
    307                 saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath, "@@ %s is not an MIT License, its license is: %s" % (depName,license))
    308                 return "NotMITLicense"
    309     else:
    310          with open(ResultLincensePath,"a+",encoding="utf8") as f:
    311             f.write("
    312             f.write(str(no) + ") " + depName)
    313             f.writelines("
    314             f.write("Nothing find !" )
    315             saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~  Nothing find ! %s" % depName)
    316             return "Others"
    318 # Initialization Result path
    319 def inite():
    320     global ResultDefaultPath,ResultLincensePath,ResultInfoPath,lincenseTempPath
    321     ResultDefaultPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"Results")
    322     if not os.path.exists(ResultDefaultPath):
    323         os.mkdir(ResultDefaultPath)
    324     ResultLincensePath = os.path.join('%s%s' % (ResultDefaultPath, "\AllLicenses.txt"))
    325     ResultInfoPath = os.path.join('%s%s' % (ResultDefaultPath, "\AllInfo.txt"))
    326     lincenseTempPath = os.path.join('%s%s' % (ResultDefaultPath, "\MITLicenseTemp.txt"))
    327     if not os.path.exists(lincenseTempPath):
    328         print("license template file in Result dir is not exists.")
    329         time.sleep(20)
    330         exit(0)
    331     if os.path.exists(ResultLincensePath):
    332         os.remove(ResultLincensePath)
    333     if os.path.exists(ResultInfoPath):
    334         os.remove(ResultInfoPath)
    336 if __name__ == '__main__':
    338     inite()
    339     rootDir = os.getcwd()
    340     #os.getcwd()
    341     print("***Root File Path:",rootDir)
    342     print("Begin Time:",time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
    343     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"Begin Time:"+time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
    344     getLicenses(rootDir)
    345     print("All finished:",time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
    346     saveInfoToTxt(ResultInfoPath,"All finished:"+ time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
    347     print("
     ***Complete! Please refer Results folder.***")
    348     input("Press any key to close.")
    View Code



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fool-jingqiu/p/14334227.html
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