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  • pong game using ncurses


      1 /*
      2  * bounce2d 1.0
      3  * bounce a character (default is 'o') around the screen
      4  *  defined by some parameters
      5  * user input: s slow down x component, S: slow y component
      6  *             f speed up x component, F: speed y component
      7  *             Q quit
      8  * blocks on read, but timer tick sends SIGALRM caught by ball_move
      9  * build: cc bounce2d.c set_ticker.c -lcurses -o bounce2d
     10     */
     11 #include <curses.h>
     12 #include <string.h>
     13 #include <signal.h>
     14 #include "bounce.h"
     16 struct ppball the_ball;
     18 /** the main loop **/
     20 //int flap_pos = RIGHT_EDGE / 2 - LEFT_EDGE;
     21 int flap_pos =0;
     22 int old_pos = 0;
     23 void set_up();
     24 void wrap_up();
     25 void move_flap();
     26 int bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *);
     28 int main()
     29 {
     30 //    printf("LEFT_EDGE: %d, RIGHT_EDGE: %d
     31 //    printf("TOP_EDGE: %d, BOT_EDGE: %d
    ",TOP_ROW, BOT_ROW);
     32     int c;
     33     set_up();
     34     while (((c = getchar())) != 'Q')
     35     {
     36         if (c == 'f') the_ball.x_ttm--;
     37         else if (c == 's') the_ball.x_ttm++;
     38         else if (c == 'F') the_ball.y_ttm--;
     39         else if (c == 'S') the_ball.y_ttm++;
     40         else if (c == 'a'){
     41             if (flap_pos > LEFT_EDGE){
     42                 old_pos = flap_pos;
     43                 flap_pos -= FLAP_SPEED;
     44                 move_flap();
     45             }
     46         }else if (c == 'd'){
     47             if (flap_pos + (int)strlen(FLAP) < RIGHT_EDGE){
     48                 old_pos = flap_pos;
     49                 flap_pos += FLAP_SPEED;
     50                 move_flap();
     51             }
     52         }
     53     }
     54     wrap_up();
     55 //    printf("LINES: %d, COLS: %d
    ",LINES, COLS);
     56     return 0;
     57 }
     59 void set_up()
     60     /*
     61      * init structure and other stuff
     62      */
     63 {
     64     void ball_move(int);
     65     the_ball.y_pos = Y_INIT;
     66     the_ball.x_pos = X_INIT;
     67     the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm = Y_TIM;
     68     the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm = X_TIM;
     69     the_ball.y_dir = 1;
     70     the_ball.x_dir = 1;
     71     the_ball.symbol = DFL_SYMBOL;
     72     the_ball.x_moved = the_ball.y_moved = false;
     74     initscr();
     75     noecho();
     76     crmode();
     78     signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
     79     mvaddch(the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol);
     80     move_flap();
     81     signal(SIGALRM, ball_move);
     82     set_ticker(1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC);
     83 }
     85 void wrap_up()
     86 {
     87     set_ticker(0);
     88     endwin();
     89 }
     91 void move_flap()
     92 {
     93     move(BOT_ROW + 1, old_pos);
     94     addstr(FLAP); //FLAP is blank. Here it is used to clear its old existence.
     96     move(BOT_ROW + 1, flap_pos);
     97     standout();
     98     addstr(FLAP);
     99     standend();
    100     refresh();
    101 }
    103 void ball_move(int signum)
    104 {
    105     int y_cur, x_cur, moved;
    107     signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
    108     x_cur = the_ball.x_pos;
    109     y_cur = the_ball.y_pos;
    110     moved = 0;
    112     if (the_ball.y_ttm > 0 &&  the_ball.y_ttg-- == 1){
    113         the_ball.y_pos += the_ball.y_dir;  /* move */
    114         the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm;   /* reset */
    115         the_ball.y_moved = 1;
    116         moved = 1;
    117     }
    119     if (the_ball.x_ttm > 0 && the_ball.x_ttg-- == 1){
    120         the_ball.x_pos += the_ball.x_dir;  /* move */
    121         the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm;   /* reset */
    122         the_ball.x_moved = 1;
    123         moved = 1;
    124     }
    126     if (moved){
    127         mvaddch(y_cur, x_cur, BLANK);
    128         mvaddch(y_cur, x_cur, BLANK);
    129         mvaddch(the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol);
    130         if(bounce_or_lose(&the_ball)){
    131 //            signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
    132             move(LINES / 2, COLS / 2);
    133             addstr("GAME OVER");
    134             refresh();
    135             return;
    136         }
    137         move(LINES-1, COLS-1);
    138         if (the_ball.x_moved && the_ball.y_moved){
    139             refresh();
    140             the_ball.x_moved = the_ball.y_moved = false; /* reset */
    141         }
    142     }
    143     signal(SIGALRM, ball_move);
    144 }
    146 int bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *bp)
    147     /*
    148      * 1 lose
    149      * 0 not lose
    150      */
    151 {
    152     int return_val = 0;
    154     if (bp->y_pos == TOP_ROW){
    155         bp->y_dir = 1;
    156     }else if (bp->y_pos == BOT_ROW){
    157         bp->y_dir = -1;
    158         if (!(bp->x_pos >= flap_pos && bp->x_pos <= (flap_pos + (int)strlen(FLAP)))){
    159             return_val = 1;
    160         }
    161     }
    163     if (bp->x_pos == LEFT_EDGE){
    164         bp->x_dir = 1;
    165     }else if (bp->x_pos == RIGHT_EDGE){
    166         bp->x_dir = -1;
    167     }
    168     return return_val;
    169 }


     1 #define BLANK ' '
     2 #define DFL_SYMBOL 'o'
     3 #define TOP_ROW 0
     4 #define BOT_ROW 20
     5 #define LEFT_EDGE 0
     6 #define RIGHT_EDGE 81
     7 #define X_INIT 3
     8 #define Y_INIT 5
     9 #define TICKS_PER_SEC 50
    10 #define Y_TIM 8
    11 #define X_TIM 8
    12 #define FLAP "               " 
    13 //#define FLAP_LEN 21
    14 #define FLAP_SPEED 1
    16 struct ppball {
    17     int x_ttg; // x 轴下次重画还要等待多少个计时器
    18     int y_ttg; // y 轴下次重画还要等待多少个计时器
    19     int x_ttm; // x 轴移动需要等待的信号间隔
    20     int y_ttm; // y 轴移动絮叨等待的信号间隔
    21     int y_pos;
    22     int x_pos;
    23     int y_dir;
    24     int x_dir;
    25     int x_moved;
    26     int y_moved;
    27     char symbol;
    28 };


     1 #include    <stdio.h>
     2 #include        <sys/time.h>
     3 #include        <signal.h>
     4 #include    <stdlib.h>
     6 /*
     7  *      set_ticker.c
     8  *          set_ticker( number_of_milliseconds )
     9  *                   arranges for the interval timer to issue
    10  *                   SIGALRM's at regular intervals
    11  *          returns -1 on error, 0 for ok
    12  *
    13  *      arg in milliseconds, converted into micro seoncds
    14  */
    17 set_ticker( n_msecs )
    18 {
    19         struct itimerval new_timeset;
    20         long    n_sec, n_usecs;
    22         n_sec = n_msecs / 1000 ;
    23         n_usecs = ( n_msecs % 1000 ) * 1000L ;
    25         new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec  = n_sec;        /* set reload  */
    26         new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec = n_usecs;      /* new ticker value */
    27         new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec     = n_sec  ;      /* store this   */
    28         new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec    = n_usecs ;     /* and this     */
    30     return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new_timeset, NULL);
    31 }


    A different version:

      1 #include <curses.h>
      2 #include <sys/time.h>
      3 #include <signal.h>
      5 #define RIGHT COLS-1   /*球所能到达的当前屏幕最大水平范围*/
      6 #define BOTTOM LINES-1 /*球所能到达的当前屏幕最大垂直范围*/
      7 #define BOARD_LENGTH   10  /*挡板长度*/
      8 #define LEFT 0  /*当前屏幕的最左边*/
      9 #define TOP 0   /*当前屏幕的最上边*/
     10 char BALL= 'O';  /*球的形状*/
     11 char BLANK= ' ';  /*覆盖球走过的轨迹*/
     14 int left_board; /*挡板左侧坐标*/
     15 int right_board; /*挡板右侧坐标*/
     16 int is_lose=0;
     19 int hdir;   /*控制球水平运动的变量*/
     20 int vdir;   /*控制球垂直运动的变量*/
     21 int pos_X;  /*球的横坐标*/
     22 int pos_Y;  /*球的纵坐标*/
     24 int delay=100;
     25 void moveBall();
     26 void init();
     27 void control();
     29 int main()
     30 {
     31     //初始化 curses
     32     initscr();
     33     crmode();  /*中断模式*/
     34     noecho();  /*关闭回显*/
     36     move(6,28);
     37     attron(A_BOLD);
     38     addstr("Welcome to the BallGame!");
     39     move(8,20);
     40     attroff(A_BOLD);
     41     addstr("Help:");
     42     move(9,23);
     43     addstr("'N':Start a new game.");
     44     move(10,23);
     45     addstr("'Q':Quit game.");
     46     move(11,23);
     47     addstr("'KEY_LEFT' :Control baffle left  shift.");
     48     move(12,23);
     49     addstr("'KEY_RIGHT':Control baffle right shift.");
     50     move(13,23);
     51     addstr("'KEY_UP'   :Control of the ball speed.");
     52     move(14,23);
     53     addstr("'KEY_DOWN' :Control of the ball reducer.");
     54     int flag=1;
     55     char choice;
     56     move(16,24);
     57     addstr("Please choose your choice!(n/q):");
     58     refresh();
     59     choice=getch();
     60     while(flag){
     61         if(choice=='q'||choice=='Q'||choice=='n'||choice=='N')
     62              flag=0;
     63         else  choice=getch();
     64     }
     65     if(choice=='n'||choice=='N'){    /*开始游戏*/
     66         clear();
     67         move(10,25);
     68         addstr("BallGame will start! Are you ready?");
     69         refresh();
     70         sleep(3);
     71         control();
     72     }
     73     else if(choice=='q'||choice=='Q'){   /*退出游戏*/
     74         clear();
     75         move(10,25);
     76         addstr("You quit the game successfully!");
     77         refresh();
     78         sleep(3);
     79         endwin();
     80     }
     81     endwin();  /*结束 curses*/
     82     return 0;
     83 }
     85 void init(){
     86     int i,j;
     87     clear();
     88     if(start_color()==OK){  /*改变球和挡板的颜色*/
     89         attron(A_BOLD);  /*打开粗体*/
     90         init_pair(1,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK);
     91         attron(COLOR_PAIR(1));
     92     }
     93     //初始球
     94     pos_X =22;  /*球初始的横坐标*/
     95     pos_Y = BOTTOM-1;  /*球初始的纵坐标*/
     96     //初始化球的运动方向,朝右上方运动
     97     hdir=1; 
     98     vdir=-1;
    100     //初始挡板
    101     left_board=20;
    102     right_board=left_board+BOARD_LENGTH;
    103     for(i=left_board;i<=right_board;i++){  /*显示挡板*/
    104         move(BOTTOM,i);
    105         addch('-');
    106     }
    108     //初始刷新时间
    109     signal(SIGALRM,moveBall);
    110     set_ticker(delay);
    112     keypad(stdscr,TRUE);  /*打开 keypad 键盘响应*/
    113     attroff(A_BLINK);     /*关闭 A_BLINK 属性*/
    115     is_lose=0;
    116     move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    117     addch(BALL);
    118     move(LINES-1, COLS-1);
    119     refresh();
    120     usleep(100000);  /*睡眠*/
    121     move(LINES-1,COLS-1);
    122     refresh();
    123 }
    125 void moveBall(){
    126     if(is_lose) return;
    127     signal(SIGALRM,moveBall);
    128     move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    129     addch(BLANK);
    130     pos_X += hdir;
    131     pos_Y += vdir;
    132     //改变球的方向时
    133     if(pos_X >= RIGHT) { /*当球横坐标大于右边边缘时,球反弹朝左运动*/
    134         hdir = -1;
    135         beep();   /*球撞墙时,发出声音*/
    136     }
    137     if(pos_X <= LEFT)  { /*当球横坐标大于左边边缘时,球反弹朝右运动*/
    138         hdir = 1;
    139         beep();  /*球撞墙时,发出声音*/
    140     }
    141     if(pos_Y <= TOP)   { /*当球纵坐标大于顶部边缘时,球反弹朝下运动*/
    142         vdir = 1;
    143         beep();  /*球撞墙时,发出声音*/
    144     }
    146     //当球在底部的时候进行额外的处理
    147     if(pos_Y >= BOTTOM-1){
    148         if(pos_X>=left_board&&pos_X<=right_board)  /*球在挡板处*/
    149             vdir=-1;
    150         else{    /*球不在挡板处*/
    151             is_lose=1;
    152             move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    153             addch(BALL);
    154             move(LINES-1, COLS-1);
    155             refresh();
    156             usleep(delay*1000);  /*睡眠*/
    157             move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    158             addch(BLANK);
    159             pos_X += hdir;
    160             pos_Y += vdir;
    161             move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    162             addch(BALL);
    163             move(LINES-1, COLS-1);
    164             refresh();
    165         }
    166     }
    167     //不改变球的方向时
    168     move(pos_Y,pos_X);
    169     addch(BALL);
    170     move(LINES-1, COLS-1);
    171     refresh();
    172 }
    173 void control(){
    174     init();
    175     int cmd;
    176     while (1)
    177     {     
    178         if(!is_lose){
    179             cmd=getch();
    180             if(cmd=='q'||cmd=='Q'||cmd==27) break;  //强制退出游戏
    181             //挡板左移
    182             if(cmd==KEY_LEFT){
    183                 if(left_board>0){
    184                     move(BOTTOM,right_board);
    185                     addch(' ');
    186                     right_board--;
    187                     left_board--;                     
    188                     move(BOTTOM,left_board);
    189                     addch('-');
    190                     move(BOTTOM,RIGHT);
    191                     refresh();
    192                 }
    193             }     
    194             //挡板右移
    195             else if(cmd==KEY_RIGHT){
    196                 if(right_board<RIGHT){
    197                     move(BOTTOM,left_board);
    198                     addch(' ');
    199                     right_board++;
    200                     left_board++;
    201                     move(BOTTOM,right_board);
    202                     addch('-');
    203                     move(BOTTOM,RIGHT);
    204                     refresh();
    205                 }
    206             }
    207             //给球加速
    208             else if(cmd==KEY_UP){   
    209                 delay/=2;     
    210                 set_ticker(delay);
    211             }
    212             //给球减速
    213             else if(cmd==KEY_DOWN){  
    214                 delay*=2;
    215                 set_ticker(delay);
    216             }
    218         }
    219         else{
    220             //输掉球后的处理
    221             int flag=1;
    222             char choice;
    223             move(8,15);
    224             addstr("Game Over!try again?(y/n):");
    225             refresh();
    226             choice=getch();
    228             while(flag){
    229                 if(choice=='y'||choice=='Y'||choice=='n'||choice=='N')
    230                      flag=0;
    231                 else  choice=getch();
    232             }
    233             if(choice=='y'||choice=='Y'){  /*游戏重新开始*/
    234                     delay=100; /*恢复球的初始速度*/
    235                     init();
    236                     continue;
    237             }
    238             else if(choice=='n'||choice=='N'){   /*结束游戏*/
    239                     break;
    240             }
    241         }
    242     }
    243 }
    244 //设置定时器
    245 int set_ticker(int n_msecs){
    246     struct itimerval new_timeset;     
    247     long n_sec,n_usecs;
    248     n_sec=n_msecs/1000;
    249     n_usecs=(n_msecs%1000)*1000L;
    250     new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec=n_sec;
    251     new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec=n_usecs;
    252     new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec=n_sec;
    253     new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec=n_usecs;
    254     return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&new_timeset,NULL); 
    255 }
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