1.1 单机-普通上传
1.2 分布式-普通上传
1.3 分布式-云存储
二、云存储方案:阿里云OSS(object storage service)
2.1 相关术语
3.1 普通上传方式
3.2 服务端签名后直传 (推荐)
4.1 引入依赖
<dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>aliyun-oss-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> </dependency>
4.2 配置accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, endPoint
To get accessKey, secretKey, follow these steps:
On the Alibaba Cloud console, click your avatar on the upper-right corner and click accesskeys. Or visit User Management page directly:
Get your accessKey、secretKey:
Note: If you are using STS, you should configure securityToken in addition to accessKey, secretKey, and endpoint.
4.3 直接使用注入的OSSClient
Inject OSSClient and use it to upload files to the OSS server and download a file from OSS server.
Note: Direct injection into the OSSClient mode is typically used for scenarios where you need to handle a large number of file objects. If you only need to read the contents of the file object, OSS Starter also supports reading the file in Resource mode.
@Service public class YourService { @Autowired private OSSClient ossClient; //下载文件到本地 public void saveFile() { ossClient.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, objectName), new File("pathOfYourLocalFile")); } //上传文件到阿里云oss public void uploadFile(){ InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("c:\pic\test.jpg"); ossClient.putObject("bucketName","fileName",inputStream); } }