SMW0 模板上载:
function z_pub_excel_download_from_smw0 . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"本地接口: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(I_OBJID) TYPE WWWDATATAB-OBJID OPTIONAL *" VALUE(I_FIELDNAME) TYPE STRING OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(E_RETURN) TYPE BAPIRET2 *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *--此函数用于,在SWM0上传后,通过此函数下载到本地; * * 相关变量定义 data:lo_objdata like wwwdatatab, lo_mime like w3mime, lc_fullpath type string value 'c:', lc_path type string value 'c:', ls_destination like rlgrap-filename, ls_objnam type string, l_rc like sy-subrc, ls_errtxt type string, l_dest like sapb-sappfad. * 模板下载路径名 call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog exporting window_title = '模板下载' default_extension = 'xlsx' default_file_name = i_fieldname changing filename = i_fieldname path = lc_path fullpath = lc_fullpath exceptions cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 invalid_default_file_name = 4 others = 5. * 没有选择路径 if lc_fullpath = ''. e_return-type = 'E'. e_return-message = '请选择正确的路径!'. return. else. *- 路径名 l_dest = lc_fullpath. select single relid "IMPORT/EXPORT 记录中的区域 objid "SAP WWW 网关对象名 from wwwdata into corresponding fields of lo_objdata where srtf2 = 0 and relid = 'MI' and objid = i_objid. if sy-subrc <> 0 or lo_objdata-objid is initial. e_return-type = 'E'. e_return-message = '没有获得模板数据'. return. endif. ls_destination = l_dest. call function 'DOWNLOAD_WEB_OBJECT' exporting key = lo_objdata destination = ls_destination importing rc = l_rc. if l_rc <> 0. e_return-type = 'E'. e_return-message = '模板下载失败'. return. endif. endif. endfunction.
REPORT ztest1. data: lv_objid type w3objid, ls_return type bapiret2. lv_objid = 'XXXX'. "SMW0定义的对象名称 clear ls_return. call function 'Z_PUB_EXCEL_DOWNLOAD_FROM_SMW0' exporting i_objid = lv_objid i_fieldname = '模板下载' importing e_return = ls_return. if ls_return-type eq 'E'. message ls_return-message type 'S' display like 'E'. stop. endif.