Use Docker
1. Install Docker
sudo apt-get install -y
a) pull repository from server in China, here is a faster mirror:
sudo docker pull
b)run an interactive terminal
sudo docker run -i -t /bin/bash
c)Install git in container
apt-get install git
d)Clone paddle tutorial code
git clone
e)Open another terminal and commit the conntainer
sudo docker container ls
sudo docker commit -m="Add git and clone padddlepaddle tutorial code" -a="chenrufeng" c6ec649e0f08 paddle_tutorial:v1
PaddlePaddle Book
You can create a container serving PaddlePaddle Book using Jupyter Notebook in one minute using Docker. PaddlePaddle Book is an interactive Jupyter Notebook for users and developers.If you want to dig deeper into deep learning, PaddlePaddle Book definitely is your best choice.
We provide a packaged book image, simply issue the command:
docker run -p 8888:8888 paddlepaddle/book
Then, you would back and paste the address into the local browser:
That’s all. Enjoy your journey
Update paddlepaddle book docker(if above paddlepaddle/book does not work well, you may need update paddlepadde)
use compile paddlepaddle whl from source code. you can find the guild here.
and, then you can use python SimpleHttpServer to share your new compiled package.
sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
you can download the new package in your docker container. after success of downloading your package, replace the old one.
wget http://192.168.xx.xx/paddlepaddle-xxxxxx.whl
rm usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paddl*
pip install paddlepaddle-xxxxxx.whl
Open another terminal to commit all changes in container.
sudo docker commit -m="update padddlepaddle package" -a="chenrufeng" c6ec649e0f08 paddle_book:v2
finally, everything is ready. We can use command line to start jupyter notebook
sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 paddle_book:v2 jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip=