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  • 股票k线







     1 var tooltipChart = {//   
     2         chartVar: null,//highcharts() 对象传入  在load时传入
     3         SVGElements: {},
     4         tooltipWidth:null,
     5         buildTooltip: function(text, coord,isLeft) {
     6             // we've to check if exists and remove it
     7             try {
     8                 this.SVGElements.destroy();
     9             } catch(e) {
    10                 // nothing
    11             }
    12             try {
    13                 // first of all we've to build a group to put the elements
    14                 this.SVGElements = this.chartVar.renderer.g().attr({'zIndex': 11}).add();
    15                 //将tooltip放在左边  coord[0] 左坐标位置正确的,coord[1]传入的是图表高度
    16                 // build tooltip text
    17                 var textContainer = this.chartVar.renderer.text(text, coord[0],coord[1])
    18                     .attr({
    19                         'zIndex': 10
    20                     })
    21                     .add(this.SVGElements);
    22                 // get text 'box'
    23                 var box = textContainer.getBBox();
    24                 tooltipChart.tooltipWidth=box.width;
    25                 // build  tooltip square according to the text location, then place the container behind the text
    26                 this.chartVar.renderer.rect(box.x , box.y, box.width , box.height , 1)
    27                     .attr({
    28                         'stroke-width': 1,            // border width
    29                         'stroke': '#a8a8a8',        // border color
    30                         'zIndex': 9,
    31                         'fill': 'white',            // background color
    32                         'fill-opacity': 0.85,        // background opacity
    33                         'isShadow': false
    34                     })
    35                     .add(this.SVGElements);
    36             } catch(e) {
    37                 return false;
    38             }
    39         }
    40     }
    View Code


     1  //修改colum条的颜色(重写了源码方法)
     2      var originalDrawPoints = Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints;
     3         Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints = function () {
     4             var merge  = Highcharts.merge,
     5                 series = this,
     6                 chart  = this.chart,
     7                 points = series.points,
     8                 i      = points.length;
     9             var seriesPointAttr ;
    10             while (i--) {
    11                 var candlePoint = chart.series[0].points[i];
    12                 if(candlePoint.open != undefined && candlePoint.close !=  undefined){  //如果是K线图 改变矩形条颜色,否则不变
    13                     var color = (candlePoint.open < candlePoint.close) ? '#DD2200' : '#33AA11';
    14                     seriesPointAttr = merge(series.pointAttr);
    15                     seriesPointAttr[''].fill = color;
    16                     seriesPointAttr.hover.fill = Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(0.3).get();
    17                     seriesPointAttr.select.fill = color;
    18                 }else{
    19                      seriesPointAttr = merge(series.pointAttr);
    20                 }
    21                 points[i].pointAttr = seriesPointAttr;
    22             }
    23             originalDrawPoints.call(this);
    24         };
    View Code

    3.MA5、 MA10、MA30的显示




     1     <ul class="clearfix">
     2                 <li class="hover">
     3                     <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="clickTrend(this)">分时</a>
     4                 </li>
     5                 <li>
     6                     <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="clickDayKLine(this)">日K</a>
     7                 </li>
     8                 <li>
     9                     <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="clickWeekKLine(this)">周K</a>
    10                 </li>
    11                 <li>
    12                     <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="clickMonthKLine(this)">月K</a>
    13                 </li>
    14             </ul>
    View Code

    引入jquery.js  highstock.js


    1 <div id="report" class="klineMap-report"></div>
    2 <div class="kline_map" id="line_map" style="height: 200px; 100%" >          


      1 //open.hundsun.com:8081/quote/v1/kline?get_type=range&prod_code=600570.SS&candle_period=6&fields=open_px,high_px,low_px,close_px,business_amount&data_count=5
      2 var KLINE_URL=js_lib.getkLineUrl();
      3 var DIVID="#line_map";
      4 //接收个股代码
      5 var STOCK_CODE = js_lib.getQueryStringByName("stock_code");
      6 var STOCKCODE="600570.SS";
      7 if(STOCK_CODE==""){
      8     STOCK_CODE="600570.SS";
      9 }
     10 //日K
     11 function clickDayKLine(obj){
     12     var kline_params = "get_type=range&prod_code="+STOCK_CODE+"&candle_period=6&fields=open_px,high_px,low_px,close_px,business_amount";
     13     js_lib.ajax(KLINE_URL, clickKLine_Show, 'get',kline_params,failCallback);
     15     $(obj).parent().parent().children().each(function(){
     16         $(this).removeClass("hover");
     17     });
     18     $(obj).parent().addClass("hover");
     19 }
     21 //周K
     22 function clickWeekKLine(obj){
     23     var kline_params = "get_type=range&prod_code="+STOCK_CODE+"&candle_period=7&fields=open_px,high_px,low_px,close_px,business_amount";
     24     js_lib.ajax(KLINE_URL, clickKLine_Show, 'get',kline_params,failCallback);
     25     $(obj).parent().parent().children().each(function(){
     26         $(this).removeClass("hover");
     27     });
     28     $(obj).parent().addClass("hover");
     29 }
     30 //月k
     31 function clickMonthKLine(obj){
     32     var kline_params = "get_type=range&prod_code="+STOCK_CODE+"&candle_period=8&fields=open_px,high_px,low_px,close_px,business_amount";
     33     js_lib.ajax(KLINE_URL, clickKLine_Show, 'get',kline_params,failCallback);
     34     $(obj).parent().parent().children().each(function(){
     35         $(this).removeClass("hover");
     36     });
     37     $(obj).parent().addClass("hover");
     39 }
     40 //年K
     41 function clickYearKLine(obj){
     42     var kline_params = "get_type=range&prod_code="+STOCK_CODE+"&candle_period=9&fields=open_px,high_px,low_px,close_px,business_amount&data_count=5";
     43     js_lib.ajax(KLINE_URL, clickKLine_Show, 'get',kline_params,failCallback);
     44     $(obj).parent().parent().children().each(function(){
     45         $(this).removeClass("hover");
     46     });
     47     $(obj).parent().addClass("hover");
     48 }
     50 function clickKLine_Show(val){
     51     var jsonText = JSON.parse(val);    
     52     if(typeof(jsonText.error_info)!='undefined'){
     53         failCallback();
     54         return ;
     55     }
     56     data=jsonText.data.candle;
     57     data=data[STOCK_CODE];
     58     createKlineChart(DIVID,data);
     59 }
     60 //定制化  tooltip
     61 var tooltipChart = {//   
     62         chartVar: null,//highcharts() 对象传入  在load时传入
     63         SVGElements: {},
     64         tooltipWidth:null,
     65         buildTooltip: function(text, coord,isLeft) {
     66             // we've to check if exists and remove it
     67             try {
     68                 this.SVGElements.destroy();
     69             } catch(e) {
     70                 // nothing
     71             }
     72             try {
     73                 // first of all we've to build a group to put the elements
     74                 this.SVGElements = this.chartVar.renderer.g().attr({'zIndex': 11}).add();
     75                 //将tooltip放在左边  coord[0] 左坐标位置正确的,coord[1]传入的是图表高度
     76                 // build tooltip text
     77                 var textContainer = this.chartVar.renderer.text(text, coord[0],coord[1])
     78                     .attr({
     79                         'zIndex': 10
     80                     })
     81                     .add(this.SVGElements);
     82                 // get text 'box'
     83                 var box = textContainer.getBBox();
     84                 tooltipChart.tooltipWidth=box.width;
     85                 // build  tooltip square according to the text location, then place the container behind the text
     86                 this.chartVar.renderer.rect(box.x , box.y, box.width , box.height , 1)
     87                     .attr({
     88                         'stroke-width': 1,            // border width
     89                         'stroke': '#a8a8a8',        // border color
     90                         'zIndex': 9,
     91                         'fill': 'white',            // background color
     92                         'fill-opacity': 0.85,        // background opacity
     93                         'isShadow': false
     94                     })
     95                     .add(this.SVGElements);
     96             } catch(e) {
     97                 return false;
     98             }
     99         }
    100     }
    101 //放数据个数控制
    102 var count=0;
    103 //highstock K线图
    104 var createKlineChart = function (divID,data,crrentData){
    105     var $reporting = $("#report");
    106     $reporting.html("");
    107     var firstTouch = true;
    108     //开盘价^最高价^最低价^收盘价^成交量^成交额^涨跌幅^换手率^五日均线^十日均线^30日均线^昨日收盘价 
    109     var  open,high,low,close,y,zde,zdf,MA5=0,MA10=0,MA30=0,zs=0;
    110     //定义数组
    111     var ohlcArray = [],volumeArray = [],MA5Array = [],MA10Array=[],MA30Array=[];    
    112     //容错处理
    113     if(data==undefined&&data==null&&data.length==0){
    114         failCallback();
    115         return;
    116     }
    117      //修改colum条的颜色(重写了源码方法)
    118      var originalDrawPoints = Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints;
    119         Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints = function () {
    120             var merge  = Highcharts.merge,
    121                 series = this,
    122                 chart  = this.chart,
    123                 points = series.points,
    124                 i      = points.length;
    125             var seriesPointAttr ;
    126             while (i--) {
    127                 var candlePoint = chart.series[0].points[i];
    128                 if(candlePoint.open != undefined && candlePoint.close !=  undefined){  //如果是K线图 改变矩形条颜色,否则不变
    129                     var color = (candlePoint.open < candlePoint.close) ? '#DD2200' : '#33AA11';
    130                     seriesPointAttr = merge(series.pointAttr);
    131                     seriesPointAttr[''].fill = color;
    132                     seriesPointAttr.hover.fill = Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(0.3).get();
    133                     seriesPointAttr.select.fill = color;
    134                 }else{
    135                      seriesPointAttr = merge(series.pointAttr);
    136                 }
    137                 points[i].pointAttr = seriesPointAttr;
    138             }
    139             originalDrawPoints.call(this);
    140         };
    141     //常量本地化
    142     Highcharts.setOptions({
    143         global : {
    144             useUTC : true
    145         },
    146     lang: {
    147         rangeSelectorFrom:"日期:",
    148         rangeSelectorTo:"至",
    149         rangeSelectorZoom:"间隔",
    150         loading:'加载中...',
    151         shortMonths:['1月','2月','3月','4月','5月','6月','7月','8月','9月','10月','11月','12月'],
    152         weekdays:['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'],
    153     }});
    154     //格式化数据,准备绘图 ,把当前最新K线数据加载进来,count至多50个数据
    155     count = data.length<50?data.length:50;
    156     //限制数据输入个数
    157     var i;
    158     for (i = data.length-count; i <data.length; i++) {
    159         //日期的原始格式 20141205,转换成highstock的日期格式
    160         var dateUTC =  getDateUTC(data[i][0]);//得出的UTC时间
    161         ohlcArray.push([
    162             parseInt(dateUTC), // the date
    163             parseFloat(data[i][1]), // open
    164             parseFloat(data[i][2]), // high
    165             parseFloat(data[i][3]), // low
    166             parseFloat(data[i][4]) // close
    167         ]);
    168         if(i>=4){
    169             var ma5=0.00;
    170             for( var j=0;j<5;j++){
    171                 ma5+=parseFloat(data[i-j][4]);
    172             }
    173             MA5Array.push([
    174                  parseInt(dateUTC), // the date
    175                  parseFloat(ma5/5)
    176              ]);
    177         }
    178         if(i>=9){
    179             var ma10=0.00;
    180             for( var j=0;j<10;j++){
    181                 ma10+=parseFloat(data[i-j][4]);
    182             }
    183             MA10Array.push([
    184                 parseInt(dateUTC),
    185                 parseFloat(ma10/10),
    186              ]);
    187         }
    188         if(i>=29){
    189             var ma30=0.00;
    190             for( var j=0;j<30;j++){
    191                 ma30+=parseFloat(data[i-j][4]);
    192             }
    193             MA30Array.push([
    194                          parseInt(dateUTC),
    195                         parseFloat(ma30/30)
    196                 ]);
    197         }        
    198       volumeArray.push([
    199             parseInt(dateUTC), // the date
    200             parseInt(data[i][5]) // 成交量
    201         ]);
    203     }
    204     var swipeX=false,//左右移动标志
    205     swipeY=false;//上下移动标志
    206     //触屏触摸
    207     createKlineChart.kline_touchstart=function(event){
    208         var touch = event.touches[0];
    209         startX=touch.pageX;
    210         startY=touch.pageY;
    211         swipeX=swipeY=false;
    212         document.getElementById("line_map").addEventListener("touchmove", createKlineChart.kline_touchmove);
    213     }
    214     //触屏手指移动
    215     createKlineChart.kline_touchmove=function(event){
    216         var touch = event.touches[0];
    217         var currenX=touch.pageX;
    218         var currentY=touch.pageY;
    219         var chart = $(DIVID).highcharts();
    221         if(true==swipeX){//先左右就一直左右  上下也不影响
    222             swipeY=false;
    223         }
    224         else if(true==swipeY){//向上下移动的标志
    225             swipeX=false;
    226         }else{
    227             if(Math.abs(currentY-startY)>Math.abs(currenX-startX)){//判断上下移动
    228                 swipeY=true;
    229             }
    230             else{
    231                 swipeX=true;
    232                 }
    233         }
    234         if(true==swipeY){//上下移动  x  先重画线 然后删除事件
    235             document.getElementById("line_map").removeEventListener("touchmove", createKlineChart.kline_touchmove,false);
    236         }else if(true==swipeX){ 
    237             event.preventDefault();
    238         }
    239         //不管 上下 还是 左右 都需要先画标示线
    240         //画图区左边距离
    241         var left=chart.yAxis[0].left+(chart.yAxis[0].axisLine.strokeWidth==undefined?0:chart.yAxis[0].axisLine.strokeWidth);
    242         var y ;
    243         var x = touch.pageX-left-10;
    244         //x点 =x/chart宽度 * 总体点的个数
    245         x=(x/chart.plotWidth)*ohlcArray.length;
    246         var i=0;
    247         i=Number(Math.ceil(x));
    248         if(i>=ohlcArray.length||i<0){
    249             return;}
    250         //计算图表x轴
    251         x=ohlcArray[i][0];//utc格式时间数据
    252         y=ohlcArray[i][3];
    253         chart = $(DIVID).highcharts();           // Highcharts构造函数
    254         chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-x");
    255         chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    256             borderColor:'#BEBEBE',
    257             borderWidth:0.1,
    258             color: '#BEBEBE',
    259             from: x-0.0001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    260             to:  x+0.0001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    261             label: {
    262                 useHTML:true,
    263                 text: '<span class="value" style="font-size:10px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.6); color:#fff; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0 5px;">'+Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d ', x)+'</span>',
    264                 textAlign: 'bottom',
    265                 x:-30,
    266                 y:5
    267             },
    268          id:'plotBand-x',
    269          zIndex:1001
    270          });
    271         chart.yAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-y0");
    272         chart.yAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    273              borderColor:'#BEBEBE',
    274              borderWidth:0.1,
    275              color: '#BEBEBE',
    276                 from: y-0.0001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    277                 to:   y+0.0001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    278                 label: {
    279                     useHTML:true,
    280                     text: '<span class="value" style="font-size:10px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.6); color:#fff; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0 5px;">'+y.toFixed(2)+'</span>',
    281                     verticalAlign:'left',
    282                     textAlign: 'left',
    283                     x:-25,
    284                     y:-2
    285                 },
    286                 id:'plotBand-y0',
    287                 zIndex:1001
    288          });
    289          var open=0,high=0,low=0,close=0,MA5=0,MA10=0,MA30=0;
    290          if(ohlcArray.length>0){
    291              open=Number(ohlcArray[i][1].toFixed(2));
    292              high=Number(ohlcArray[i][2].toFixed(2));
    293              low=Number(ohlcArray[i][3].toFixed(2));
    294              close=Number(ohlcArray[i][4].toFixed(2));
    295              if(i>=4){
    296                  MA5=Number(MA5Array[i-4][1].toFixed(2));
    297              }
    298              if(i>=9){
    299              MA10=Number(MA10Array[i-9][1].toFixed(2));
    300              }
    301              if(i>=29){
    302                  MA30=Number(MA30Array[i-29][1].toFixed(2));
    303              }
    304          }
    305          $reporting.html(
    306                   '<div class="detail">'+
    307                   '<ul>'+
    308                   '<li class="value-4">'+
    309                         ' <span>开:</span>'+ open.toFixed(2)
    310                   +'</li>'
    311                   +'<li>'        
    312                         +' <span>高:</span>'+ high.toFixed(2)
    313                   +'</li>'
    314                   +'<li>'
    315                         +' <span>低:</span>'+ low.toFixed(2)
    316                   +'</li>'
    317                   +'<li>'
    318                         +'<span>收:</span>'+close.toFixed(2)
    319                   +'</li>'
    320                   +'</ul>'
    321                         +'</div>'
    322                         );
    323               chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-whole-x");
    324              chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    325                 borderColor:'transparent',
    326                 borderWidth:1,
    327                 color: 'transparent',
    328                 from: ohlcArray[0][0]-0.00001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    329                 to:  ohlcArray[0][0]+0.000001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    330                 label: {
    331                     useHTML:true,
    332                     text:'<p>'
    333                       + '    <b style="color:#1aadce;padding-left:25px">MA5</b> '+ MA5
    334                       +'  <b style="color: #8bbc21;padding-left:25px">MA10 </b> '+ MA10
    335                       +'  <b style="color:#910000;padding-left:25px">MA30</b> '+ MA30
    336                      +'</p>' ,
    337                     textAlign: 'top',
    338                     y:20,
    339                     x:-25
    340                 },
    341                 id:'plotBand-whole-x',
    342                 zIndex:1001
    343              });
    345             //左右移动,显示tooltip关联tooltipChart对象
    346             var coord=null ;
    347             //手指在图表中间的右侧
    348             if(i>ohlcArray.length/2){
    349                 coord = [left,chart.yAxis[0].top+30];
    350             }else{
    351                 coord=[chart.chartWidth-left-tooltipChart.tooltipWidth,chart.yAxis[0].top+30];
    352             }
    353             var text = getTooltipHTML(ohlcArray,volumeArray,i);
    354             tooltipChart.buildTooltip(text, coord);
    355         }
    356         document.getElementById("line_map").removeEventListener("touchstart",createTrendChart.trend_touchstart,false);
    357         document.getElementById("line_map").addEventListener("touchstart",createKlineChart.kline_touchstart);
    358         document.getElementById("line_map").removeEventListener("touchmove",createTrendChart.trend_touchmove,false);
    359         //开始绘图
    360         $(DIVID).highcharts('StockChart',  {
    361             chart:{
    362                 renderTo : DIVID,
    363                 //关闭平移
    364                 panning:false,
    365                 zoomType: 'none',
    366                 pinchType:'none',
    367             //修改左右位置  
    368                 margin: [10, 25,25, 25],
    369                 spacing: [0,0,0,0],
    370                 plotBorderColor: '#3C94C4',
    371                 plotBorderWidth: 0,
    372                 zoomType:false,
    373                 events:{
    374                         load:function(){
    375                             x=ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][0];
    376                             y=ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][3];
    377                             var chart = $(DIVID).highcharts();           // Highcharts构造函数
    378                              //时间线
    379                              chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-x");
    380                              chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    381                                 borderColor:'#BEBEBE',
    382                                 borderWidth:0.1,
    383                                 color: '#BEBEBE',
    384                                 from: x-0.0001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    385                                 to:  x+0.0001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    386                                 label: {
    387                                     useHTML:true,
    388                                     text: '<span class="value" style="font-size:10px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.6); color:#fff; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0 5px;">'+Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d ', x)+'</span>',
    389                                     textAlign: 'bottom',
    390                                     y:5,
    391                                     x:-30
    392                                 },
    393                              id:'plotBand-x',
    394                              zIndex:1001
    395                              });
    396                              chart.yAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-y0");
    397                              chart.yAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    398                                  borderColor:'#BEBEBE',
    399                                  borderWidth:0.1,
    400                                  color: '#BEBEBE',
    401                                     from: y-0.0001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    402                                     to:   y+0.0001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    403                                     label: {
    404                                         useHTML:true,
    405                                         text: '<span class="value" style="font-size:10px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.6); color:#fff; height:15px; line-height:15px; padding:0 5px;">'+y.toFixed(2)+'</span>',
    406                                         verticalAlign:'left',
    407                                         textAlign: 'left',
    408                                         x:-25,
    409                                         y:-2
    410                                     },
    411                                     id:'plotBand-y0',
    412                                     zIndex:1001
    413                              });
    414                              var open=0,high=0,low=0,close=0,MA5=0,MA10=0,MA30=0;
    415                              if(ohlcArray.length>0){
    416                                  open=Number(ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][1].toFixed(2));
    417                                  high=Number(ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][2].toFixed(2));
    418                                  low=Number(ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][3].toFixed(2));
    419                                  close=Number(ohlcArray[ohlcArray.length-1][4].toFixed(2));
    420                                  if(ohlcArray.length>=5-1){
    421                                      MA5=Number(MA5Array[MA5Array.length-1][1].toFixed(2));
    422                                  }
    423                                  if(ohlcArray.length>=10-1){
    424                                  MA10=Number(MA10Array[MA10Array.length-1][1].toFixed(2));
    425                                  }
    426                                  if(ohlcArray.length>=30-1){
    427                                      MA30=Number(MA30Array[MA30Array.length-1][1].toFixed(2));
    428                                  }
    429                              }
    430                               $reporting.html(
    431                                       '<div class="detail">'+
    432                                       '<ul>'+
    433                                       '<li class="value-4">'+
    434                                             ' <span>开:</span>'+ open.toFixed(2)
    435                                       +'</li>'
    436                                       +'<li>'        
    437                                             +' <span>高:</span>'+ high.toFixed(2)
    438                                       +'</li>'
    439                                       +'<li>'
    440                                             +' <span>低:</span>'+ low.toFixed(2)
    441                                       +'</li>'
    442                                       +'<li>'
    443                                             +'<span>收:</span>'+close.toFixed(2)
    444                                       +'</li>'
    445                                       +'</ul>'
    446                                             +'</div>'
    447                                             );
    448                               chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand("plotBand-whole-x");
    449                                  chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({
    450                                     borderColor:'transparent',
    451                                     borderWidth:1,
    452                                     color: 'transparent',
    453                                     from: ohlcArray[0][0]-0.000001,//,Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,50),
    454                                     to:  ohlcArray[0][0]+0.000001,//Date.UTC(2015, 3, 27,10,51),
    455                                     label: {
    456                                         useHTML:true,
    457                                         text:'<p>'
    458                                           + '    <b style="color:#1aadce;padding-left:25px">MA5</b> '+ MA5
    459                                           +'  <b style="color: #8bbc21;padding-left:25px">MA10 </b> '+ MA10
    460                                           +'  <b style="color:#910000;padding-left:25px">MA30</b> '+ MA30
    461                                          +'</p>' ,
    462                                         textAlign: 'top',
    463                                         y:20,
    464                                         x:-25
    465                                     },
    466                                     id:'plotBand-whole-x',
    467                                     zIndex:1001
    468                                  });
    469                         //显示tooltip
    470                            var chart = $(DIVID).highcharts(); 
    471                            var left=chart.yAxis[0].left+(chart.yAxis[0].axisLine.strokeWidth==undefined?0:chart.yAxis[0].axisLine.strokeWidth);
    473                            //关联tooltipChart对象
    474                            tooltipChart.chartVar=chart;
    475                            var coord = [left,chart.yAxis[0].top+30];
    476                            var text = getTooltipHTML(ohlcArray,volumeArray,ohlcArray.length-1);
    477                            $textDiv=$(text);
    478                            tooltipChart.buildTooltip(text, coord);
    479                         }
    480                 }
    482             },
    484             loading: {
    485                 labelStyle: {
    486                     position: 'relative',
    487                     top: '10em',
    488                     zindex:1000
    489                 }
    490             },
    491              credits:{
    492                     enabled:false
    493                 },
    494             rangeSelector: {
    495                 enabled:false
    496             },
    497             plotOptions: {
    498                 //修改蜡烛颜色
    499                 candlestick: {
    500                     color: '#33AA11',
    501                     upColor: '#DD2200',
    502                     lineColor: '#33AA11',                
    503                     upLineColor: '#DD2200', 
    504                     maker:{
    505                         enabled:false,
    506                         states:{
    507                             hover:{
    508                                 enabled:false,
    509                             }
    510                         }
    511                     },
    512                     // cursor: 'pointer',
    513                         dataLabels: {
    514                             enabled: false,
    516                            // y:-100
    517                         }
    518                 },
    519                 //去掉曲线和蜡烛上的hover事件
    520                 series: {
    521                     states: {
    522                         hover: {
    523                             enabled: false
    524                         }
    525                     },
    526                 line: {
    527                     marker: {
    528                         enabled: false
    529                     }
    530                  },
    531                 },
    532                 column:{
    533                     //启用动画
    534                     animation:true,
    535                     states: {
    536                         hover: {
    537                             enabled: false
    538                         }
    539                     },
    540                 },
    541                 spline:{
    542                     allowPointSelect:false,
    543                     states: {
    544                         hover: {
    545                             enabled: false
    546                         }
    547                     },
    548                 },
    550             },
    551             //格式化悬浮框
    552             tooltip: {
    553                 enabled:false,
    554                 crosshairs:false,
    555             },
    556             title: {
    557                 enabled:false
    558             },
    559             exporting: { 
    560                 enabled: false  //设置导出按钮不可用 
    561             }, 
    562             scrollbar: {
    563                 enabled:false
    564             },
    565              navigator: {
    566                 enabled:false,
    567              },
    568             xAxis:{
    569                 showFirstLabel: true,
    570                 showLastLabel:true,
    571                 labels: {  
    572                     overflow: 'justify',
    573                     style: {         //字体样式
    574                         font: 'normal 4px Verdana, sans-serif'
    575                     },
    576                     formatter: function() {  
    577                         var vDate=new Date(this.value);  
    578                         return vDate.getFullYear()+"/"+(vDate.getMonth()+1)+"/"+vDate.getDate();  
    579                     },  
    580                     align: 'center'  
    581                 } ,
    583                 gridLineWidth: 1,
    584                 // X轴的步进值,决定隔多少个显示一个  
    585                 tickPositioner:function(){
    586                     var positions = [],
    587                     tick = Number((this.dataMin)),
    588                     increment = Number(((this.dataMax - this.dataMin) / 4));
    589                     for (tick; tick - increment <= this.dataMax; tick += increment) {
    590                         positions.push(Number(tick.toFixed(2)));
    591                         if(increment==0){
    592                             break;
    593                         }
    594                  }
    595                  return positions;
    596                 },
    597             },
    598             yAxis: [{
    599                 title: {    
    600                     text: ''
    601                 },
    602                 labels: {
    603                     overflow: 'justify',
    604                     style: {         //字体样式
    605                         font: 'normal 5px Verdana, sans-serif'
    606                         },
    607                     align: 'right',
    608                     x:-2,
    609                     y:5,
    610                     formatter: function() {  
    611                         return this.value.toFixed(2);
    612                     },  
    613                 },
    614                 //tickInterval: 10, 
    615                 showFirstLabel: true,
    616                 showLastLabel:true,
    617                 height: '60%',
    618                 lineWidth:2,//Y轴边缘线条粗细
    619                 opposite:false,
    620                 tickPositioner:function(){
    621                     var positions = [],
    622                     tickMin=Number(this.dataMin),
    623                     tickMax=Number(this.dataMax),
    624                     tick ,
    625                     increment = Number(((tickMax-tickMin) / 5).toFixed(2));
    626                     tickMin=tickMin-increment;
    627                     tickMax=tickMax+increment;
    628                     increment= Number(((tickMax-tickMin) / 5).toFixed(2));
    629                     tick=tickMin;
    630                     if(tick<0){
    631                         tick=0;
    632                         tickMin=0;
    633                         tickMax=tickMax+(-tick);
    634                         increment=tickMax/5;
    635                     }
    636                     var j=0;
    637                     for (tick;j++<=6 &&increment!=0; tick =Number(tick+ increment)) {
    638                         positions.push(Number(tick.toFixed(2)));
    639                 }
    640                 return positions;
    641                 },
    642             },{
    643                 title: {
    644                    text:''
    645                 },
    646                 showFirstLabel: true,
    647                 showLastLabel:true,
    648                 labels: {
    649                     style: {         //字体样式
    650                         font: 'normal 5px Verdana, sans-serif'
    651                         },
    652                     align: 'right',
    653                     x: -2,
    654                     y:5,
    655                     formatter:function(){
    656                         if(this.value>1000000000){
    657                             return Number((this.value/1000000000).toFixed(2))+"G";
    658                         }else if(this.value>1000000){
    659                             return Number((this.value/1000000).toFixed(2))+"M";
    660                         }else if(this.value>1000){
    661                             return Number((this.value/1000).toFixed(2))+"K";
    662                         }else{
    663                             return Number(this.value.toFixed(2));
    664                         }
    665                     }
    666                 },
    667                 top: '65%',
    668                 height: '35%',
    669                 offset:0,
    670                 lineWidth: 2,
    671                 opposite:false,
    672                 tickPositioner:function(){
    673                     var positions = [],
    674                     tick = Number((this.dataMin)),
    675                     increment = Number(((this.dataMax - this.dataMin) / 2));
    676                     for (tick; tick - increment <= this.dataMax; tick += increment) {
    677                         positions.push(Number(tick.toFixed(2)));
    678                         if(0==increment){break;}
    679                 }
    680                 return positions;
    681                 }
    682             }],
    683             series: [
    684             {
    685                 type: 'candlestick',
    686                 id:"candlestick",
    687                 name: STOCK_CODE,
    688                 data: ohlcArray,
    689                 tooltip : {
    690                 valueDecimals : 2
    691             },
    692                 dataGrouping: {
    693                     enabled: false,
    694                     forced: true
    695                 }
    696             }
    697             ,{
    698                 type: 'column',//2
    699                 name: '成交量',
    700                 data: volumeArray,
    701                 yAxis: 1,
    702                 dataGrouping: {
    703                     enabled: false,
    704                     forced: true
    705                 }
    706             } ,{
    707                 type: 'spline',
    708                 name: 'MA5',
    709                 color:'#1aadce',
    710                 data: MA5Array,
    711                 lineWidth:1,
    712                 dataGrouping: {
    713                     enabled: false,
    714                     forced: true
    715                 }
    716             },{
    717                 type: 'spline',
    718                 name: 'MA10',
    719                 data: MA10Array,
    720                 color:'#8bbc21',
    721                 threshold: null, 
    722                 lineWidth:1,
    723                 dataGrouping: {
    724                     enabled: false,
    725                     forced: true
    726                 }
    727             },{
    728                 type: 'spline',
    729                 name: 'MA30',
    730                 data: MA30Array,
    731                 color:'#910000',
    732                 threshold: null, 
    733                 lineWidth:1,
    734                 dataGrouping: {
    735                     enabled: false,
    736                     forced: true
    737                 }
    738             }
    739             ]
    740         });
    741     Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints = originalDrawPoints ;
    742 }
    743 //ohlcArray和volumeArray中的第i个数据
    744 function getTooltipHTML(ohlcArray,volumeArray,i){
    745      //涨跌幅=(今收最新价-昨收)/昨收
    746        var time=ohlcArray[i][0];
    747        var zde=0,zdf=0,zs=0;
    748        if(i!=0){
    749         zde = parseFloat(ohlcArray[i][4]-ohlcArray[i-1][4]).toFixed(2);
    750            zdf = parseFloat((zde/(ohlcArray[i][4])).toFixed(2));
    751            zs=parseFloat(ohlcArray[i-1][4]);    //昨天收盘价
    752        }
    753       var open = ohlcArray[i][1].toFixed(2),
    754       high = ohlcArray[i][2].toFixed(2),
    755       low = ohlcArray[i][3].toFixed(2),
    756       close = ohlcArray[i][4].toFixed(2),
    757       y = volumeArray[i][1];    //成交量
    758       var tip= '<div><span style="font-size:8px;">'+ Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d  %A', this.x) +'</span><br/>';
    759       if(open>zs){
    760           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">开盘:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+open+' </span><br/>';
    761       }else{
    762           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">开盘:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+open+' </span><br/>';
    763       } 
    764       if(high>zs){
    765           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">最高:</span></span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+high+' </span><br/>';
    766       }else{
    767           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">最高:</span></span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+high+' </span><br/>';
    768       } 
    769       if(low>zs){
    770           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">最低:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+low+' </span><br/>';
    771       }else{
    772           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">最低:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+low+' </span><br/>';
    773       }
    774       if(close>zs){
    775           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">收盘:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+close+' </span><br/>';
    776       }else{
    777           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">收盘:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+close+' </span><br/>';
    778       }
    779       if(zde>0){
    780           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">涨跌额:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+zde+' </span><br/>';
    781       }else{
    782           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">涨跌额:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+zde+' </span><br/>';
    783       }
    784       if(zdf>0){
    785           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">涨跌幅:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #DD2200;align:right;">'+zdf+'% </span><br/>';
    786       }else{
    787           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">涨跌幅:</span><span style="font-size:8px;color: #33AA11;align:right;">'+zdf+'% </span><br/>';
    788       }
    789       if(y>10000){
    790           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">成交量 '+(y*0.0001).toFixed(2)+"(亿股)</sapn>";
    791       }else{
    792           tip += '<span style="font-size:8px;">成交量:'+y+"(万股)</span>";
    793       }
    794       tip+="</div>"
    795       return tip;
    796 }
    797 function failCallback(){
    798     //常量本地化
    799     Highcharts.setOptions({
    800         global : {
    801             useUTC : true
    802         }
    803     });
    804     $(DIVID).highcharts('StockChart', {
    805          chart:{
    806              renderTo : DIVID,
    807              margin: [0, 0,0, 0],
    808              plotBorderColor: '#3C94C4',
    809              plotBorderWidth: 0,
    810              panning:false,
    811              pinchType:'x'
    812          },
    814         rangeSelector:{
    815             enabled: false,
    816         },
    817          /*导出配置*/
    818         exporting: {
    819             enabled: false,
    820         },
    821           /*创建者信息*/
    822         credits: {
    823             enabled: false,
    824         },
    825         /*下部时间拖拉选择*/
    826         navigator: {
    827             enabled: false,
    828             /*关闭时间选择*/
    829             baseseries: 10
    830         },
    832         scrollbar: {
    833             enabled: false /*关闭下方滚动条*/
    834         },
    835         /*底部滚动条*/
    836         scrollbar: {
    837             enabled: false
    838         },
    839         plotOptions:{
    840             //去掉分时线上的hover事件
    841             series: {
    842                 states: {
    843                     hover: {
    844                         enabled: true
    845                     }
    846                 },
    847             line: {
    848                 marker: {
    849                     enabled: false
    850                 }
    851              },
    852             },
    853         },
    854         yAxis: [{
    855             opposite: false,//是否把它显示到另一边(右边)
    856             labels: {
    857                 align: 'right',
    858                 x: -3
    859             },
    860             title: {
    861                 text: ''
    862             },
    863             height: '60%',
    864             lineWidth: 1,
    865         },
    866         {
    867             opposite: true,//是否把它显示到另一边(右边)
    868             labels: {
    869                 align: 'right',
    870                 x: 40,
    871             },
    872             title: {
    873                 text: ''
    874             },
    875             lineWidth: 1,
    876             height: '60%',
    877             gridLineWidth: 1,
    878         },
    879         {
    880             opposite: false,//是否把它显示到另一边(右边)
    881             labels: {
    882                 align: 'right',
    883                 x: -3,
    884             },
    885             title: {
    886                 text: ''
    887             },
    888             top: '65%',
    889             height: '35%',
    890             offset: 0,
    891             lineWidth: 2,
    892         }],
    894         series : [{
    895                     name : 'AAPL Stock Price',
    896                     data : [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1],
    897                                 [50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]],//[["9:30",200],["10:30",205]["11:30/13:00",210],["14:00",215],["15:00",220]],
    898                     type : 'scatter',
    899                     color:'transparent',
    900                     type : 'areaspline',
    901                     tooltip : {
    902                         valueDecimals : 2
    903                     },
    904                     fillColor : {
    905                         linearGradient : {
    906                             x1: 0,
    907                             y1: 0,
    908                             x2: 0,
    909                             y2: 1
    910                         },
    911                         stops : [
    912                             [0, Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]],
    913                             [1, Highcharts.Color(Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]).setOpacity(0).get('rgba')]
    914                         ]
    915                     },
    916                     yAxis:0,
    917                 },
    918                 {
    919                     type: 'column',
    920                     name: '成交量',
    921                     data: "",
    922                     yAxis: 1,
    923                     dataGrouping: {
    924                         enabled: false,
    925                         forced: true
    926                     },
    927                 yAxis:2,
    928                 }]
    929     });
    930 }
    931 function getDateUTC(date){
    932     var dArr = new Array();
    933     date+="";
    934     for(var hh=0;hh<3;hh++){
    935         var numb ;
    936         if(hh==0){
    937             numb = Number(date.slice(0,4));
    938         }
    939         else {
    940             numb= Number(date.slice((hh-1)*2+4,hh*2+4));
    941             };
    942         dArr.push(numb);
    943     }
    944     var dateUTC = Number(Date.UTC(dArr[0],dArr[1],dArr[2],0,0));//得出的UTC时间
    945     return dateUTC;
    946 }
  • 相关阅读:
    hibernate篇章四-- Hibernate配置文件中hiberante.hbm2ddl.auto四个参数的配置
    hibernate篇章三-- hibernate配置文件hibernate.cfg.xml的详细解释
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/friends-wf/p/4480170.html
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