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  • 利用属性(Attribute)扩展元数据,关于自定义配置节(转载)

        在NET中可以用自己的 XML 配置元素来扩展标准的 ASP.NET 配置设置集。若要完成该操作,必须一个实现 System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection 类的 .NET Framework 类。
        netframework 主要包括一下处理程序:
        SingleTagSectionHandler 配置节返回类型为 Systems.Collections.IDictionary
        DictionarySectionHandler 配置节返回类型为 Systems.Collections.IDictionary
        NameValueSectionHandler 配置节返回类型为 Systems.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection


        2、在<Custom element for configuration section>处设置配置节的具体配置。

    实现 ConfigurationSection 类创建自定义配置文件处理类

    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    2. <configuration>
    3.     <configSections>
    4.         <section name="SingleTagSection" type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler"/>
    5.         <section name="DictionarySection" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/>
    6.         <section name="NameValueSection" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
    7.         <section  name="CustomSection" type="ConfigSections.CustomSection,ConfigSections"   />
    9.     </configSections>
    10.     <SingleTagSection setting1="One world" setting2=" one dream"  />
    11.     <DictionarySection>
    12.         <add key="China" value="51" />
    13.         <add key="USA" value="36" />
    14.         <add key="RUS" value="23" />
    15.     </DictionarySection>
    16.     <NameValueSection>
    17.         <add key="China" value="100" />
    18.         <add key="USA" value="110" />
    19.         <add key="RUS" value="72" />
    20.     </NameValueSection>
    21.     <CustomSection fileName="default.txt" maxUsers="1000" maxIdleTime="00:15:00" />
    22. </configuration>

    1. // Define a custom section.
    2. // The CustomSection type alows to define a custom section 
    3. // programmatically.
    4. using System.Configuration;
    5. using System;
    6. namespace ConfigSections
    7. {
    8.     public sealed class CustomSection : ConfigurationSection
    9.     {
    10.         // The collection (property bag) that conatains 
    11.         // the section properties.
    12.         private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection _Properties;
    13.         // Internal flag to disable 
    14.         // property setting.
    15.         private static bool _ReadOnly;
    16.         // The FileName property.
    17.         private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _FileName =
    18.             new ConfigurationProperty("fileName",
    19.             typeof(string), "default.txt",
    20.             ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);
    21.         // The MasUsers property.
    22.         private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _MaxUsers =
    23.             new ConfigurationProperty("maxUsers",
    24.             typeof(long), (long)1000,
    25.             ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
    26.         // The MaxIdleTime property.
    27.         private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _MaxIdleTime =
    28.             new ConfigurationProperty("maxIdleTime",
    29.             typeof(TimeSpan), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
    30.             ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);
    31.         // CustomSection constructor.
    32.         public CustomSection()
    33.         {
    34.             // Property initialization
    35.             _Properties =
    36.                 new ConfigurationPropertyCollection();
    37.             _Properties.Add(_FileName);
    38.             _Properties.Add(_MaxUsers);
    39.             _Properties.Add(_MaxIdleTime);
    40.         }
    41.         // This is a key customization. 
    42.         // It returns the initialized property bag.
    43.         protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties
    44.         {
    45.             get
    46.             {
    47.                 return _Properties;
    48.             }
    49.         }
    50.         private new bool IsReadOnly
    51.         {
    52.             get
    53.             {
    54.                 return _ReadOnly;
    55.             }
    56.         }
    57.         // Use this to disable property setting.
    58.         private void ThrowIfReadOnly(string propertyName)
    59.         {
    60.             if (IsReadOnly)
    61.                 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
    62.                     "The property " + propertyName + " is read only.");
    63.         }
    64.         // Customizes the use of CustomSection
    65.         // by setting _ReadOnly to false.
    66.         // Remember you must use it along with ThrowIfReadOnly.
    67.         protected override object GetRuntimeObject()
    68.         {
    69.             // To enable property setting just assign true to
    70.             // the following flag.
    71.             _ReadOnly = true;
    72.             return base.GetRuntimeObject();
    73.         }
    74.         [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = " ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;'\"|\\",
    75.             MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 60)]
    76.         public string FileName
    77.         {
    78.             get
    79.             {
    80.                 return (string)this["fileName"];
    81.             }
    82.             set
    83.             {
    84.                 // With this you disable the setting.
    85.                 // Renemmber that the _ReadOnly flag must
    86.                 // be set to true in the GetRuntimeObject.
    87.                 ThrowIfReadOnly("FileName");
    88.                 this["fileName"] = value;
    89.             }
    90.         }
    91.         [LongValidator(MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 1000000,
    92.             ExcludeRange = false)]
    93.         public long MaxUsers
    94.         {
    95.             get
    96.             {
    97.                 return (long)this["maxUsers"];
    98.             }
    99.             set
    100.             {
    101.                 this["maxUsers"] = value;
    102.             }
    103.         }
    104.         [TimeSpanValidator(MinValueString = "0:0:30",
    105.             MaxValueString = "5:00:0",
    106.             ExcludeRange = false)]
    107.         public TimeSpan MaxIdleTime
    108.         {
    109.             get
    110.             {
    111.                 return (TimeSpan)this["maxIdleTime"];
    112.             }
    113.             set
    114.             {
    115.                 this["maxIdleTime"] = value;
    116.             }
    117.         }
    118.     }
    119. }

    1. using System;
    2. using System.Collections.Generic;
    3. using System.Linq;
    4. using System.Text;
    5. using System.Configuration;
    6. using System.Collections.Specialized;
    7. using System.Collections;
    8. namespace ConfigSections
    9. {
    10.     class Program
    11.     {
    12.         static void Main(string[] args)
    13.         {
    14.             IDictionary dictionary = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("SingleTagSection"as IDictionary;
    15.             foreach (DictionaryEntry item in dictionary)
    16.             {
    17.                 Console.Write(item.Value);
    18.             }
    19.             Console.WriteLine();
    20.             dictionary = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("DictionarySection"as IDictionary;
    21.             foreach (DictionaryEntry item in dictionary)
    22.             {
    23.                 Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", item.Key, item.Value);
    24.             }
    25.             Console.WriteLine();
    26.             NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("NameValueSection"as NameValueCollection;
    27.             foreach (string key in nameValueCollection.AllKeys)
    28.             {
    29.                 Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", key, nameValueCollection[key]);
    30.             }
    31.             CustomSection section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("CustomSection"as CustomSection;
    32.             Console.WriteLine(section.FileName);
    33.             Console.WriteLine(section.MaxUsers);
    34.             Console.ReadLine();
    35.         }
    36.     }
    37. }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fuchifeng/p/1395371.html
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