- private static final long serialVersionUID = -1672970955045193907L;
如果你修改了此类, 要修改此值。否则以前用老版本的类序列化的类恢复时会出错。为了在反序列化时,确保类版本的兼容性,最好在每个要序列化的类中加入private static final long serialVersionUID这个属性,具体数值自己定义。
What is private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ???
Hi Friends,
Can you please tell me the purpose of this line ???
SerialVersionUID is an ID which is stamped on object when it get serialized usually hashcode of object, you can use tool serialver to see serialVersionUID of a serialized object . SerialVersionUID is used for version control of object. you can specify serialVersionUID in your class file also. Consequence of not specifying serialVersionUID is that when you add or modify any field in class then already serialized class will not be able to recover because serialVersionUID generated for new class and for old serialized object will be different. Java serialization process relies on correct serialVersionUID for recovering state of serialized object and throws java.io.InvalidClassException in case of serialVersionUID mismatch.
SerialVersionUID,后面简称SUID,是当对象序列化的时候对象的一个标识(stamp on 在这里我也不太清楚翻译成什么好),SUID的值常为该对象的hascode。你可以使用工具serialver查看一个序列化对象的SUID。SUID用于控制对象的版本。你也可以在类文件中指定SUID。不指定SUID的结果就是当你添加或者更改类的域并已经序列化类的时候,类是不能再恢复了,因为新的SUID和之前的SUID不同了。Java的序列化过程依赖于正确的SUID来反序列化已经序列化的对象,如果SUID不匹配,那么就会抛 java.io.InvalidClassException 异常了。
Please don’t simply copy and paste from another website; that may be breach of copyright. That quote is confusing at the best.
An SUID is not a hash of the object, but a hash of its originating class. If the class is updated, for example with different fields, the SUID can change. You have four (at least) possible courses of action:-
- 1: Leave out the SUID. This tells the runtime that there are no differences between versions of classes when serialising and deserialising.
- 2: Always write a default SUID, which looks like the heading of this thread. That tells the JVM that all versions with this SUID count as the same version.
- 3: Copy an SUID from a previous version of the class. That tells the runtime that this version and the version the SUID came from are to be treated as the same version.
- 4: Use a generated SUID for each version of the class. If the SUID is different in a new version of the class, that tells the runtime that the two versions are different and serialised instances of the old class cannot be deserialised as instances of the new class.
第四点才是private static final long serialVersionUID的作用的重点所在。
Thanks Campbell, will be careful from now on.