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  • 分治

    Merge k Sorted Lists

    Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity。

    分析:加入直接合并的话,每次需要找到k个数中的最小,一共需要查找k*max(n)次,复杂度为O(k^2 *n)

      这里采用分治的思想,每次合并的数目大于等于3,就分发下去,知道合并两个。合并两个的复杂度为O(n) .O(T) = 2*O(T/2) + n,所以复杂度为nlog(k)

     1 def mergeKLists(self, lists):
     2         if not lists:
     3             return None
     4         return self.mergeKListsHelp(lists, 0, len(lists) - 1)
     5     def mergeKListsHelp(self, lists, start, end):
     6         if start == end:
     7             return lists[start]
     8         if start + 1 == end:
     9             return self.mergeTwoList(lists[start], lists[end])
    10         divider = start + (end - start)/2
    11         return self.mergeTwoList(self.mergeKListsHelp(lists, start, divider),self.mergeKListsHelp(lists, divider + 1, end))
    12     def mergeTwoList(self, node1, node2):
    14         if not node1:
    15             return node2
    16         if not node2:
    17             return node1
    18         head = ListNode(0)
    19         tmp = head
    20         while node1 and node2:
    21             if node1.val < node2.val:
    22                 tmp.next = node1
    23                 tmp = tmp.next
    24                 node1 = node1.next
    25             else:
    26                 tmp.next = node2
    27                 tmp = tmp.next
    28                 node2 = node2.next
    29         while  node1:
    30             tmp.next = node1
    31             tmp = tmp.next
    32             node1 = node1.next
    33         while node2:
    34             tmp.next = node2
    35             tmp = tmp.next
    36             node2 = node2.next
    37         return head.next
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     Expression Add Operators

    Given a string that contains only digits 0-9 and a target value, return all possibilities to add binary operators (not unary) +-, or *between the digits so they evaluate to the target value.






     1 def addOperators(self, num, target):
     2         """
     3         :type num: str
     4         :type target: int
     5         :rtype: List[str]
     6         """
     7         res = []
     8         self.dfs(res, num, target, '', 0, 0, 0)
     9         return res
    10     def dfs(self,res, num, target, path, pos, val, mulVal):
    11         if pos == len(num):
    12             if val == target:
    13                 res.append(path)
    14             return
    15         length = len(num)
    16         for i in range(pos,length):
    17             if i!=pos and num[pos] == '0':
    18                 break
    19             cur = int(num[pos:i + 1])
    20             if pos == 0:
    21                 self.dfs(res, num, target, path + str(cur), i + 1, cur, cur)
    22             else:
    23                 self.dfs(res, num, target, path + '+' + str(cur), i + 1, val + cur, cur)
    24                 self.dfs(res, num, target, path + '-' + str(cur), i + 1, val - cur, -cur)
    25                 self.dfs(res, num, target, path + '*' + str(cur), i + 1, val - mulVal + mulVal * cur, mulVal * cur)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/futurehau/p/5912075.html
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