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  • Storm-源码分析-Stats (backtype.storm.stats)

    会发现, 现在storm里面有两套metrics系统, metrics framework和stats framework

    并且在所有地方都是同时注册两套, 貌似准备用metrics来替代stats, 但当前版本UI仍然使用stats


    1. 在worker中, 会定期调用do-executor-heartbeats去往zk同步hb
    可以看到, stats也会作为hb的一部分被同步到zk上

    (defnk do-executor-heartbeats [worker :executors nil]
      ;; stats is how we know what executors are assigned to this worker 
      (let [stats (if-not executors
                      (into {} (map (fn [e] {e nil}) (:executors worker)))
                      (->> executors
                        (map (fn [e] {(executor/get-executor-id e) (executor/render-stats e)}))
                        (apply merge)))
            zk-hb {:storm-id (:storm-id worker)
    executor-stats stats
                   :uptime ((:uptime worker))
                   :time-secs (current-time-secs)
        ;; do the zookeeper heartbeat
        (.worker-heartbeat! (:storm-cluster-state worker) (:storm-id worker) (:assignment-id worker) (:port worker) zk-hb)    

    2. 现在任何人都可以通过nimbus的thrift接口来得到相关信息

    (^TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo [this ^String storm-id]
       beats (.executor-beats storm-cluster-state storm-id (:executor->node+port assignment))
       stats (:stats heartbeat))

    3. 最直接的用户就是storm UI, 在准备topology page的时候, 就会调用getTopologyInfo来获取数据

    (defn topology-page [id window include-sys?]
      (with-nimbus nimbus
        (let [summ (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)]


    这个模块用于spout和bolt来抽样统计数据, 需要统计的具体metics如下

    (def COMMON-FIELDS [:emitted :transferred])
    (defrecord CommonStats [emitted transferred rate])
    (def BOLT-FIELDS [:acked :failed :process-latencies :executed :execute-latencies])
    ;;acked and failed count individual tuples
    (defrecord BoltExecutorStats [common acked failed process-latencies executed execute-latencies])
    (def SPOUT-FIELDS [:acked :failed :complete-latencies])
    ;;acked and failed count tuple completion
    (defrecord SpoutExecutorStats [common acked failed complete-latencies])

    抽样的比例在storm-conf, TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE, 配置

    为什么统计时每次加rate, 而不是加1?

    因为这里的统计是抽样的, 所以如果抽样比例是10%, 那么发现一个, 应该加1/(10%), 10个

    (defn sampling-rate [conf]
           (/ 1)

    然后统计是基于时间窗口的, 底下是对应默认的bucket和时间窗口的定义

    (def NUM-STAT-BUCKETS 20) ;;bucket数
    ;; 10 minutes, 3 hours, 1 day ;;定义3种时间窗口
    (def STAT-BUCKETS [30 540 4320]) ;;bucket大小分别是30,540,4320秒

    核心数据结构是RollingWindowSet, 包含:
    统计数据需要的函数, updater extractor, 之所以治理也需要是因为需要统计all-time 
    一组rolling windows, 默认是3个时间窗, 10 minutes, 3 hours, 1 day
    all-time, 在完整的时间区间上的统计结果

    (defrecord RollingWindowSet [updater extractor windows all-time])
    (defn rolling-window-set [updater merger extractor num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
      (RollingWindowSet. updater extractor (dofor [s bucket-sizes] (rolling-window updater merger extractor s num-buckets)) nil)

    继续看看rolling window的定义,
    核心数据, buckets, hashmap, {streamid, data}, 初始化为{}
    统计data需要的函数, updater merger extractor
    时间窗口, buckets大小和buckets个数

    (defrecord RollingWindow [updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets buckets])
    (defn rolling-window [updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets]
      (RollingWindow. updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets {}))

    1. mk-stats


    mk-executor-stats <> (sampling-rate storm-conf)
    ;; TODO: refactor this to be part of an executor-specific map
    (defmethod mk-executor-stats :spout [_ rate]
      (stats/mk-spout-stats rate))
    (defmethod mk-executor-stats :bolt [_ rate]
      (stats/mk-bolt-stats rate))

    第一个参数忽略, 其实就是分别调用stats/mk-spout-stats或stats/mk-bolt-stats, 可见就是对于每个需要统计的数据, 创建一个rolling-windows-set

    (defn- mk-common-stats [rate]
      (CommonStats. (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                    (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
    (defn mk-bolt-stats [rate]
      (BoltExecutorStats. (mk-common-stats rate)
                      (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                      (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                      (atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                      (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                      (atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
    (defn mk-spout-stats [rate]
      (SpoutExecutorStats. (mk-common-stats rate)
                       (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                       (atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
                       (atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))

    2. 数据更新

    (defn spout-acked-tuple! [^SpoutExecutorStats stats stream latency-ms]
      (update-executor-stat! stats :acked stream (stats-rate stats))
      (update-executor-stat! stats :complete-latencies stream latency-ms)
    (defmacro update-executor-stat! [stats path & args]
      (let [path (collectify path)]
        `(swap! (-> ~stats ~@path) update-rolling-window-set ~@args)

    就以update-executor-stat! stats :acked stream (stats-rate stats)为例子看看怎么做的?

    SpoutExecutorStats取出用于记录spout acked情况的rolling-windows-set


    keyed-counter-rolling-window-set, 预定义了updater merger extractor
    updater, incr-val [amap key amt], 把给定的值amt加到amap的对应的key的value上
    merger, (partial merge-with +), 用+作为map merge的逻辑, 即出现相同key则相加
    extractor, counter-extract, (if v v {}), 有则返回, 无则返回{}
    windows, rolling-window的list
    all-time, 初始化为nil

    (defn keyed-counter-rolling-window-set [num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
      (apply rolling-window-set incr-val (partial merge-with +) counter-extract num-buckets bucket-sizes))

    好, 下面就看看, 当spout-acked-tuple!时更新:acked时, 如何update的?

    首先更新每个rolling-window, 并把更新过的rolling-window-set更新到:windows
    并且更新:all-time, (apply (:updater rws) (:all-time rws) args)
    updated, incr-val [amap key amt]
    args, steamid, rate
    all-time, 是用来记录整个时间区间上的, 某个stream的统计情况

    (defn update-rolling-window-set
      ([^RollingWindowSet rws & args]
         (let [now (current-time-secs)
               new-windows (dofor [w (:windows rws)]
                             (apply update-rolling-window w now args))]
           (assoc rws :windows new-windows :all-time (apply (:updater rws) (:all-time rws) args))

    根据now算出当前属于哪个bucket, time-bucket
    取出buckets, 并使用:updater更新相应的bucket, 这里的操作仍然是把rate叠加到streamid的value上

    (defn update-rolling-window
      ([^RollingWindow rw time-secs & args]
         ;; this is 2.5x faster than using update-in...
         (let [time-bucket (curr-time-bucket time-secs (:bucket-size-secs rw))
               buckets (:buckets rw)
               curr (get buckets time-bucket)           
               curr (apply (:updater rw) curr args)
           (assoc rw :buckets (assoc buckets time-bucket curr))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/3223110.html
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