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    NetworkEnvironment 是一个TaskManager对应一个,而不是一个task对应一个


     * Network I/O components of each {@link TaskManager} instance. The network environment contains
     * the data structures that keep track of all intermediate results and all data exchanges.
     * When initialized, the NetworkEnvironment will allocate the network buffer pool.
     * All other components (netty, intermediate result managers, ...) are only created once the
     * environment is "associated" with a TaskManager and JobManager. This happens as soon as the
     * TaskManager actor gets created and registers itself at the JobManager.
    public class NetworkEnvironment {
        private final NetworkEnvironmentConfiguration configuration;
        private final NetworkBufferPool networkBufferPool;
        private ConnectionManager connectionManager;
        private ResultPartitionManager partitionManager;
        private ResultPartitionConsumableNotifier partitionConsumableNotifier;
         * ExecutionEnvironment which is used to execute remote calls with the
         * {@link JobManagerResultPartitionConsumableNotifier}
        private final ExecutionContext executionContext;
         * Initializes all network I/O components.
        public NetworkEnvironment(
            ExecutionContext executionContext,
            FiniteDuration jobManagerTimeout,
            NetworkEnvironmentConfiguration config) throws IOException {
            // create the network buffers - this is the operation most likely to fail upon
            // mis-configuration, so we do this first
            try {
                networkBufferPool = new NetworkBufferPool(config.numNetworkBuffers(),
                    config.networkBufferSize(), config.memoryType());
            catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IOException("Cannot allocate network buffer pool: " + t.getMessage(), t);




    首先,它管理了一堆的BufferPool,而不是buffer,因为一个task manager只有一个networkBufferPool,所以对于每个task,需要分配一个buffer pool
    再者,它的内存管理和memory manager一样的模式,从heap或off-heap申请相应数量的segments放入availableMemorySegments中



     * The NetworkBufferPool is a fixed size pool of {@link MemorySegment} instances
     * for the network stack.
     * The NetworkBufferPool creates {@link LocalBufferPool}s from which the individual tasks draw
     * the buffers for the network data transfer. When new local buffer pools are created, the
     * NetworkBufferPool dynamically redistributes the buffers between the pools.
    public class NetworkBufferPool implements BufferPoolFactory {
        private final int totalNumberOfMemorySegments; //该Pool所管理的所有MemorySegment的数量
        private final int memorySegmentSize; //memorySegment的大小,size
        private final Queue<MemorySegment> availableMemorySegments; //可用的MemorySegment队列
        private final Set<LocalBufferPool> managedBufferPools = new HashSet<LocalBufferPool>(); //管理一组LocalBufferPool,每个task需要分配一个
        public final Set<LocalBufferPool> allBufferPools = new HashSet<LocalBufferPool>();
        private int numTotalRequiredBuffers;
         * Allocates all {@link MemorySegment} instances managed by this pool.
        public NetworkBufferPool(int numberOfSegmentsToAllocate, int segmentSize, MemoryType memoryType) {
            this.totalNumberOfMemorySegments = numberOfSegmentsToAllocate;
            this.memorySegmentSize = segmentSize;
            final long sizeInLong = (long) segmentSize;
            try {
                this.availableMemorySegments = new ArrayBlockingQueue<MemorySegment>(numberOfSegmentsToAllocate); //availableMemorySegments按totalNumberOfMemorySegments分配
            catch (OutOfMemoryError err) {
            try {
                if (memoryType == MemoryType.HEAP) { //可以选择是从heap或off-heap分配
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegmentsToAllocate; i++) {
                        byte[] memory = new byte[segmentSize];
                        availableMemorySegments.add(MemorySegmentFactory.wrapPooledHeapMemory(memory, null));
                else if (memoryType == MemoryType.OFF_HEAP) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegmentsToAllocate; i++) {
                        ByteBuffer memory = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(segmentSize);
                        availableMemorySegments.add(MemorySegmentFactory.wrapPooledOffHeapMemory(memory, null));
                else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown memory type " + memoryType);
        public MemorySegment requestMemorySegment() {
            return availableMemorySegments.poll(); //request就是从availableMemorySegments里面取一个
        // This is not safe with regard to destroy calls, but it does not hurt, because destroy happens
        // only once at clean up time (task manager shutdown).
        public void recycle(MemorySegment segment) {
            availableMemorySegments.add(segment); //而回收就是放回availableMemorySegments
        public BufferPool createBufferPool(int numRequiredBuffers, boolean isFixedSize) throws IOException {
            // It is necessary to use a separate lock from the one used for buffer
            // requests to ensure deadlock freedom for failure cases.
            synchronized (factoryLock) {
                // Ensure that the number of required buffers can be satisfied.
                // With dynamic memory management this should become obsolete.
                if (numTotalRequiredBuffers + numRequiredBuffers > totalNumberOfMemorySegments) { //确定已经required的加上这次require的没有超过总量
                    throw new IOException(String.format("Insufficient number of network buffers: " +
                                    "required %d, but only %d available. The total number of network " +
                                    "buffers is currently set to %d. You can increase this " +
                                    "number by setting the configuration key '%s'.",
                            totalNumberOfMemorySegments - numTotalRequiredBuffers,
                this.numTotalRequiredBuffers += numRequiredBuffers; //增加numTotalRequiredBuffers
                // We are good to go, create a new buffer pool and redistribute
                // non-fixed size buffers.
                LocalBufferPool localBufferPool = new LocalBufferPool(this, numRequiredBuffers); //创建LocalBufferPool,这时并不会把segement给他,request是lazy的
                // The fixed size pools get their share of buffers and don't change
                // it during their lifetime.
                if (!isFixedSize) { //如果不是Fixed,可以动态把多的segment分配出去
                allBufferPools.add(localBufferPool); //管理localBufferPool
                return localBufferPool;
        // Must be called from synchronized block
        private void redistributeBuffers() throws IOException {
            int numManagedBufferPools = managedBufferPools.size();
            if (numManagedBufferPools == 0) {
                return; // necessary to avoid div by zero when no managed pools
            // All buffers, which are not among the required ones
            int numAvailableMemorySegment = totalNumberOfMemorySegments - numTotalRequiredBuffers; //多的Segments
            // Available excess (not required) buffers per pool
            int numExcessBuffersPerPool = numAvailableMemorySegment / numManagedBufferPools; //多的平均到每个bufferpool
            // Distribute leftover buffers in round robin fashion
            int numLeftoverBuffers = numAvailableMemorySegment % numManagedBufferPools; //余数
            int bufferPoolIndex = 0;
            for (LocalBufferPool bufferPool : managedBufferPools) {
                int leftoverBuffers = bufferPoolIndex++ < numLeftoverBuffers ? 1 : 0; //余数可能是1或0
                bufferPool.setNumBuffers(bufferPool.getNumberOfRequiredMemorySegments() + numExcessBuffersPerPool + leftoverBuffers); //在getNumberOfRequiredMemorySegments的基础上加上多余的

    可看到,当一个task需要申请buffer pool时,要先createBufferPool




    class LocalBufferPool implements BufferPool {
        private final NetworkBufferPool networkBufferPool; //总的bufferPool
        // The minimum number of required segments for this pool
        private final int numberOfRequiredMemorySegments; //要求申请的MemorySegments的个数,最小个数
        // The current size of this pool
        private int currentPoolSize; //实际的MemorySegments的个数,如果不是fixed,可能会多
        // The currently available memory segments. These are segments, which have been requested from
        // the network buffer pool and are currently not handed out as Buffer instances.
        private final Queue<MemorySegment> availableMemorySegments = new ArrayDeque<MemorySegment>(); //缓存MemorySegment的队列
        // Buffer availability listeners, which need to be notified when a Buffer becomes available.
        // Listeners can only be registered at a time/state where no Buffer instance was available.
        private final Queue<EventListener<Buffer>> registeredListeners = new ArrayDeque<EventListener<Buffer>>();
        // Number of all memory segments, which have been requested from the network buffer pool and are
        // somehow referenced through this pool (e.g. wrapped in Buffer instances or as available segments).
        private int numberOfRequestedMemorySegments; //已经分配的MemorySegments的个数
        private boolean isDestroyed;
        private BufferPoolOwner owner; //owner复杂去释放networkBufferPool的buffer
        LocalBufferPool(NetworkBufferPool networkBufferPool, int numberOfRequiredMemorySegments) {
            this.networkBufferPool = networkBufferPool;
            this.numberOfRequiredMemorySegments = numberOfRequiredMemorySegments; //初始化的时候,numberOfRequiredMemorySegments,currentPoolSize相等
            this.currentPoolSize = numberOfRequiredMemorySegments;
        public int getMemorySegmentSize() {
            return networkBufferPool.getMemorySegmentSize(); //MemorySegment本身的size
        public int getNumBuffers() {
            synchronized (availableMemorySegments) {
                return currentPoolSize; //当前local pool的size
        private Buffer requestBuffer(boolean isBlocking) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
            synchronized (availableMemorySegments) {
                returnExcessMemorySegments(); //把多申请的MemorySegment还回去,如果动态的情况下,是可能的
                boolean askToRecycle = owner != null;
                while (availableMemorySegments.isEmpty()) { //如果availableMemorySegments中没有现成的
                    if (numberOfRequestedMemorySegments < currentPoolSize) { //只有在numberOfRequestedMemorySegments小于currentPoolSize,才能继续申请
                        final MemorySegment segment = networkBufferPool.requestMemorySegment(); //从networkBufferPool中申请一块
                        if (segment != null) {
                            continue; //如果申请到继续
                    if (askToRecycle) { //如果申请不到,说明networkBufferPool也没有buffer了
                        owner.releaseMemory(1); //试图让owner去让networkBufferPool释放一块
                    if (isBlocking) {
                    else {
                        return null;
                return new Buffer(availableMemorySegments.poll(), this);
        public void recycle(MemorySegment segment) {
            synchronized (availableMemorySegments) {
                if (isDestroyed || numberOfRequestedMemorySegments > currentPoolSize) {
                    returnMemorySegment(segment); //直接还回networkBufferPool
                else {
                    EventListener<Buffer> listener = registeredListeners.poll();
                    if (listener == null) { //如果没有listen,直接把segment放回availableMemorySegments
                        availableMemorySegments.notify(); //触发通知availableMemorySegments有新的segment
                    else {
                        try {
                            listener.onEvent(new Buffer(segment, this)); //如果有listener,触发onEvent让listener去处理这个segment
                        catch (Throwable ignored) {
        public void setNumBuffers(int numBuffers) throws IOException {
            synchronized (availableMemorySegments) {
                checkArgument(numBuffers >= numberOfRequiredMemorySegments, "Buffer pool needs at least " + numberOfRequiredMemorySegments + " buffers, but tried to set to " + numBuffers + ".");
                currentPoolSize = numBuffers;
                // If there is a registered owner and we have still requested more buffers than our
                // size, trigger a recycle via the owner.
                if (owner != null && numberOfRequestedMemorySegments > currentPoolSize) {
                    owner.releaseMemory(numberOfRequestedMemorySegments - numBuffers);




    NetworkEnvironment 中有很多组件,是需要在绑定TaskManagerAndJobManager时,才需要去初始化的

     * This associates the network environment with a TaskManager and JobManager.
     * This will actually start the network components.
     * @param jobManagerGateway Gateway to the JobManager.
     * @param taskManagerGateway Gateway to the TaskManager.
     * @throws IOException Thrown if the network subsystem (Netty) cannot be properly started.
    public void associateWithTaskManagerAndJobManager(
            ActorGateway jobManagerGateway,
            ActorGateway taskManagerGateway) throws IOException
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (this.partitionConsumableNotifier == null &&
                this.partitionManager == null &&
                this.taskEventDispatcher == null &&
                this.connectionManager == null)
                // good, not currently associated. start the individual components
                LOG.debug("Starting result partition manager and network connection manager");
                this.partitionManager = new ResultPartitionManager();
                this.taskEventDispatcher = new TaskEventDispatcher();
                this.partitionConsumableNotifier = new JobManagerResultPartitionConsumableNotifier(
                this.partitionStateChecker = new JobManagerPartitionStateChecker(
                        jobManagerGateway, taskManagerGateway);
                // -----  Network connections  -----
                final Option<NettyConfig> nettyConfig = configuration.nettyConfig();
                connectionManager = nettyConfig.isDefined() ? new NettyConnectionManager(nettyConfig.get())
                                                            : new LocalConnectionManager();
                try {
                    LOG.debug("Starting network connection manager");
                    connectionManager.start(partitionManager, taskEventDispatcher, networkBufferPool);
                catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException("Failed to instantiate network connection manager: " + t.getMessage(), t);
            else {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Network Environment is already associated with a JobManager/TaskManager");

    主要是初始化一系列组件,TaskEventDispatcher,ConnectionManager, ResultPartitionManager

    JobManagerResultPartitionConsumableNotifier, JobManagerPartitionStateChecker


    这里面,主要是初始化Netty client和Netty server


    而对于ResultPartitionManager, 主要就是用于track所有的result partitions,

    核心结构为, Table<ExecutionAttemptID, IntermediateResultPartitionID, ResultPartition> registeredPartitions = HashBasedTable.create();


     * The result partition manager keeps track of all currently produced/consumed partitions of a
     * task manager.
    public class ResultPartitionManager implements ResultPartitionProvider {
        private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResultPartitionManager.class);
        public final Table<ExecutionAttemptID, IntermediateResultPartitionID, ResultPartition>
                registeredPartitions = HashBasedTable.create();
        private boolean isShutdown;
        public void registerResultPartition(ResultPartition partition) throws IOException {
            synchronized (registeredPartitions) {
                checkState(!isShutdown, "Result partition manager already shut down.");
                ResultPartitionID partitionId = partition.getPartitionId();
                ResultPartition previous = registeredPartitions.put(partitionId.getProducerId(), partitionId.getPartitionId(), partition);



    private static class JobManagerResultPartitionConsumableNotifier implements ResultPartitionConsumableNotifier {
         * {@link ExecutionContext} which is used for the failure handler of {@link ScheduleOrUpdateConsumers}
         * messages.
        private final ExecutionContext executionContext;
        private final ActorGateway jobManager;
        private final ActorGateway taskManager;
        private final FiniteDuration jobManagerMessageTimeout;
        public void notifyPartitionConsumable(JobID jobId, final ResultPartitionID partitionId) {
            final ScheduleOrUpdateConsumers msg = new ScheduleOrUpdateConsumers(jobId, partitionId); //通知jobmanager,去deployconsumer
            Future<Object> futureResponse = jobManager.ask(msg, jobManagerMessageTimeout); //等JobManager的回复
            futureResponse.onFailure(new OnFailure() { //失败,即无法deploy consumer
                public void onFailure(Throwable failure) {
                    LOG.error("Could not schedule or update consumers at the JobManager.", failure);
                    // Fail task at the TaskManager
                    FailTask failMsg = new FailTask(
                            new RuntimeException("Could not notify JobManager to schedule or update consumers",
            }, executionContext);




    public void registerTask(Task task) throws IOException {
        final ResultPartition[] producedPartitions = task.getProducedPartitions();
        final ResultPartitionWriter[] writers = task.getAllWriters();
        ResultPartitionConsumableNotifier jobManagerNotifier;
        synchronized (lock) {
            for (int i = 0; i < producedPartitions.length; i++) {
                final ResultPartition partition = producedPartitions[i];
                final ResultPartitionWriter writer = writers[i];
                // Buffer pool for the partition
                BufferPool bufferPool = null;
                try {
                    bufferPool = networkBufferPool.createBufferPool(partition.getNumberOfSubpartitions(), false); //创建LocalPool,注意Reqired的segment数目是Subpartitions的数目,即一个subP一个segment
                    partition.registerBufferPool(bufferPool); //把localPool注册到ResultPartition
                    partitionManager.registerResultPartition(partition); //注册到partitionManager
                // Register writer with task event dispatcher
                taskEventDispatcher.registerWriterForIncomingTaskEvents(writer.getPartitionId(), writer);
            // Setup the buffer pool for each buffer reader
            final SingleInputGate[] inputGates = task.getAllInputGates();
            for (SingleInputGate gate : inputGates) {
                BufferPool bufferPool = null;
                try {
                    bufferPool = networkBufferPool.createBufferPool(gate.getNumberOfInputChannels(), false);
            // Copy the reference to prevent races with concurrent shut downs
            jobManagerNotifier = partitionConsumableNotifier;
        for (ResultPartition partition : producedPartitions) {
            // Eagerly notify consumers if required.
            if (partition.getEagerlyDeployConsumers()) { //如果是eager的方式,通知jobmanager,可以deploy consumer了
                        partition.getJobId(), partition.getPartitionId());
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/6150231.html
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