List<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor> consumedPartitions = tdd.getInputGates(); // Consumed intermediate result partitions this.inputGates = new SingleInputGate[consumedPartitions.size()]; this.inputGatesById = new HashMap<IntermediateDataSetID, SingleInputGate>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.inputGates.length; i++) { SingleInputGate gate = SingleInputGate.create( taskNameWithSubtaskAndId, jobId, executionId, consumedPartitions.get(i), networkEnvironment, metricGroup.getIOMetricGroup()); this.inputGates[i] = gate; inputGatesById.put(gate.getConsumedResultId(), gate); }
// Setup the buffer pool for each buffer reader final SingleInputGate[] inputGates = task.getAllInputGates(); for (SingleInputGate gate : inputGates) { BufferPool bufferPool = null; try { bufferPool = networkBufferPool.createBufferPool(gate.getNumberOfInputChannels(), false); gate.setBufferPool(bufferPool); }
/** * Creates an input gate and all of its input channels. */ public static SingleInputGate create( String owningTaskName, JobID jobId, ExecutionAttemptID executionId, InputGateDeploymentDescriptor igdd, NetworkEnvironment networkEnvironment, IOMetricGroup metrics) { final IntermediateDataSetID consumedResultId = checkNotNull(igdd.getConsumedResultId()); final int consumedSubpartitionIndex = igdd.getConsumedSubpartitionIndex(); checkArgument(consumedSubpartitionIndex >= 0); final InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[] icdd = checkNotNull(igdd.getInputChannelDeploymentDescriptors()); final SingleInputGate inputGate = new SingleInputGate( //生成SingleInputGate对象 owningTaskName, jobId, executionId, consumedResultId, consumedSubpartitionIndex, icdd.length, networkEnvironment.getPartitionStateChecker(), metrics); // Create the input channels. There is one input channel for each consumed partition. final InputChannel[] inputChannels = new InputChannel[icdd.length]; //初始化InputChannel for (int i = 0; i < inputChannels.length; i++) { final ResultPartitionID partitionId = icdd[i].getConsumedPartitionId(); final ResultPartitionLocation partitionLocation = icdd[i].getConsumedPartitionLocation(); if (partitionLocation.isLocal()) { //local inputChannels[i] = new LocalInputChannel(inputGate, i, partitionId, networkEnvironment.getPartitionManager(), networkEnvironment.getTaskEventDispatcher(), networkEnvironment.getPartitionRequestInitialAndMaxBackoff(), metrics ); } else if (partitionLocation.isRemote()) { //remote inputChannels[i] = new RemoteInputChannel(inputGate, i, partitionId, partitionLocation.getConnectionId(), networkEnvironment.getConnectionManager(), networkEnvironment.getPartitionRequestInitialAndMaxBackoff(), metrics ); } else if (partitionLocation.isUnknown()) { inputChannels[i] = new UnknownInputChannel(inputGate, i, partitionId, networkEnvironment.getPartitionManager(), networkEnvironment.getTaskEventDispatcher(), networkEnvironment.getConnectionManager(), networkEnvironment.getPartitionRequestInitialAndMaxBackoff(), metrics ); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partition location."); } inputGate.setInputChannel(partitionId.getPartitionId(), inputChannels[i]); //将inputChannel设置inputGate } return inputGate; }
if (numberOfInputs > 0) { InputGate[] inputGates = getEnvironment().getAllInputGates(); inputProcessor = new StreamInputProcessor<IN>(inputGates, inSerializer, getCheckpointBarrierListener(), configuration.getCheckpointMode(), getEnvironment().getIOManager(), isSerializingTimestamps());
InputGate inputGate = InputGateUtil.createInputGate(inputGates); if (checkpointMode == CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE) { this.barrierHandler = new BarrierBuffer(inputGate, ioManager); } else if (checkpointMode == CheckpointingMode.AT_LEAST_ONCE) { this.barrierHandler = new BarrierTracker(inputGate); }
final BufferOrEvent bufferOrEvent = barrierHandler.getNextNonBlocked(); if (bufferOrEvent != null) { if (bufferOrEvent.isBuffer()) { currentChannel = bufferOrEvent.getChannelIndex(); currentRecordDeserializer = recordDeserializers[currentChannel]; //SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer currentRecordDeserializer.setNextBuffer(bufferOrEvent.getBuffer()); //将buffer set到SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer } //后续可以从set到SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer中反序列化出record DeserializationResult result = currentRecordDeserializer.getNextRecord(deserializationDelegate); if (result.isFullRecord()) { StreamElement recordOrWatermark = deserializationDelegate.getInstance();
final BufferOrEvent bufferOrEvent = barrierHandler.getNextNonBlocked()
public BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws IOException, InterruptedException { while (true) { // process buffered BufferOrEvents before grabbing new ones BufferOrEvent next; if (currentBuffered == null) { //如果currentBuffered为空,说明没有unblock的buffer数据,直接从inputGate读取 next = inputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent(); }
public static InputGate createInputGate(InputGate[] inputGates) { if (inputGates.length < 2) { return inputGates[0]; } else { return new UnionInputGate(inputGates); } }
/** * Input gate wrapper to union the input from multiple input gates. * * <p> Each input gate has input channels attached from which it reads data. At each input gate, the * input channels have unique IDs from 0 (inclusive) to the number of input channels (exclusive). * * <pre> * +---+---+ +---+---+---+ * | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 2 | * +--------------+--------------+ * | Input gate 0 | Input gate 1 | * +--------------+--------------+ * </pre> * * The union input gate maps these IDs from 0 to the *total* number of input channels across all * unioned input gates, e.g. the channels of input gate 0 keep their original indexes and the * channel indexes of input gate 1 are set off by 2 to 2--4. * * <pre> * +---+---++---+---+---+ * | 0 | 1 || 2 | 3 | 4 | * +--------------------+ * | Union input gate | * +--------------------+ * </pre> * * It is possible to recursively union union input gates. */ public class UnionInputGate implements InputGate { /** The input gates to union. */ private final InputGate[] inputGates; private final Set<InputGate> inputGatesWithRemainingData; //没有结束的inputGate /** Data availability listener across all unioned input gates. */ private final InputGateListener inputGateListener; /** The total number of input channels across all unioned input gates. */ private final int totalNumberOfInputChannels; //所有的inputGates的所有channels的数目 /** * A mapping from input gate to (logical) channel index offset. Valid channel indexes go from 0 * (inclusive) to the total number of input channels (exclusive). */ private final Map<InputGate, Integer> inputGateToIndexOffsetMap; //每个inputGate的index的base,比如上面的gate1的base就是2 /** Flag indicating whether partitions have been requested. */ private boolean requestedPartitionsFlag; public UnionInputGate(InputGate... inputGates) { for (InputGate inputGate : inputGates) { // The offset to use for buffer or event instances received from this input gate. inputGateToIndexOffsetMap.put(checkNotNull(inputGate), currentNumberOfInputChannels); //当前InputChannels的总数就代表该inputGate的base inputGatesWithRemainingData.add(inputGate); //加入inputGatesWithRemainingData,表示该inputGate没有结束 currentNumberOfInputChannels += inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels(); //channel数累加 } this.totalNumberOfInputChannels = currentNumberOfInputChannels; this.inputGateListener = new InputGateListener(inputGates, this); //InputGateListener }
@Override public BufferOrEvent getNextBufferOrEvent() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (inputGatesWithRemainingData.isEmpty()) { //如果所有的inputgate都已经结束 return null; } // Make sure to request the partitions, if they have not been requested before. requestPartitions(); //从相应的resultpartition去request数据 final InputGate inputGate = inputGateListener.getNextInputGateToReadFrom(); //获取一个有数据的inputGate final BufferOrEvent bufferOrEvent = inputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent(); //真正的取数据,SingleInputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent if (bufferOrEvent.isEvent() && bufferOrEvent.getEvent().getClass() == EndOfPartitionEvent.class && inputGate.isFinished()) { //如果是结束event,则表示该inputGate已经结束 if (!inputGatesWithRemainingData.remove(inputGate)) { //从队列内删除 throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find input gate in set of remaining " + "input gates."); } } // Set the channel index to identify the input channel (across all unioned input gates) final int channelIndexOffset = inputGateToIndexOffsetMap.get(inputGate); //取得改inputgate的baseindex bufferOrEvent.setChannelIndex(channelIndexOffset + bufferOrEvent.getChannelIndex()); //baseindx + 真实的index = union index return bufferOrEvent; }
/** * Data availability listener at all unioned input gates. * * <p> The listener registers itself at each input gate and is notified for *each incoming * buffer* at one of the unioned input gates. */ private static class InputGateListener implements EventListener<InputGate> { private final UnionInputGate unionInputGate; private final BlockingQueue<InputGate> inputGatesWithData = new LinkedBlockingQueue<InputGate>(); //Cache所有有available buffer的inputGate @Override public void onEvent(InputGate inputGate) { //SingleInputGate.onAvailableBuffer时被触发 // This method is called from the input channel thread, which can be either the same // thread as the consuming task thread or a different one. inputGatesWithData.add(inputGate); //将inputGate加入队列,等待读取 for (int i = 0; i < registeredListeners.size(); i++) { registeredListeners.get(i).onEvent(unionInputGate); } } InputGate getNextInputGateToReadFrom() throws InterruptedException { //从队列头取一个inputGate return inputGatesWithData.take(); }
先看下requestPartitions,如何request resultpartition的?
public void requestPartitions() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!requestedPartitionsFlag) {//只需要做一次 for (InputGate inputGate : inputGates) { inputGate.requestPartitions(); } requestedPartitionsFlag = true; } }
public void requestPartitions() throws IOException, InterruptedException { synchronized (requestLock) { if (!requestedPartitionsFlag) { //只做一次 for (InputChannel inputChannel : inputChannels.values()) { inputChannel.requestSubpartition(consumedSubpartitionIndex); //调用inputChannel.requestSubpartition } } requestedPartitionsFlag = true; } }
@Override void requestSubpartition(int subpartitionIndex) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (partitionRequestClient == null) { // Create a client and request the partition partitionRequestClient = connectionManager .createPartitionRequestClient(connectionId); partitionRequestClient.requestSubpartition(partitionId, subpartitionIndex, this, 0); } }
public ChannelFuture requestSubpartition( final ResultPartitionID partitionId, final int subpartitionIndex, final RemoteInputChannel inputChannel, int delayMs) throws IOException { partitionRequestHandler.addInputChannel(inputChannel); //将inputChannel加入partitionRequestHandler final PartitionRequest request = new PartitionRequest( //生成request partitionId, subpartitionIndex, inputChannel.getInputChannelId()); if (delayMs == 0) { ChannelFuture f = tcpChannel.writeAndFlush(request); //发送request f.addListener(listener); return f; } else { final ChannelFuture[] f = new ChannelFuture[1]; tcpChannel.eventLoop().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { f[0] = tcpChannel.writeAndFlush(request); f[0].addListener(listener); } }, delayMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return f[0]; } }
@Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { try { if (!bufferListener.hasStagedBufferOrEvent() && stagedMessages.isEmpty()) { //普遍msg decodeMsg(msg); } else { stagedMessages.add(msg); } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyAllChannelsOfErrorAndClose(t); } }
private boolean decodeMsg(Object msg) throws Throwable { final Class<?> msgClazz = msg.getClass(); // ---- Buffer -------------------------------------------------------- if (msgClazz == NettyMessage.BufferResponse.class) { NettyMessage.BufferResponse bufferOrEvent = (NettyMessage.BufferResponse) msg; RemoteInputChannel inputChannel = inputChannels.get(bufferOrEvent.receiverId); //获取对应的inputChannel return decodeBufferOrEvent(inputChannel, bufferOrEvent); }
private boolean decodeBufferOrEvent(RemoteInputChannel inputChannel, NettyMessage.BufferResponse bufferOrEvent) throws Throwable { boolean releaseNettyBuffer = true; try { if (bufferOrEvent.isBuffer()) { // ---- Buffer ------------------------------------------------ BufferProvider bufferProvider = inputChannel.getBufferProvider(); while (true) { Buffer buffer = bufferProvider.requestBuffer(); //从channel的bufferProvider中获取buffer if (buffer != null) { buffer.setSize(bufferOrEvent.getSize()); bufferOrEvent.getNettyBuffer().readBytes(buffer.getNioBuffer()); //将数据写入buffer中 inputChannel.onBuffer(buffer, bufferOrEvent.sequenceNumber); //调用inputChannel.onBuffer return true; } else if (bufferListener.waitForBuffer(bufferProvider, bufferOrEvent)) { releaseNettyBuffer = false; return false; } else if (bufferProvider.isDestroyed()) { return false; } } } }
public void onBuffer(Buffer buffer, int sequenceNumber) { boolean success = false; try { synchronized (receivedBuffers) { if (!isReleased.get()) { if (expectedSequenceNumber == sequenceNumber) { receivedBuffers.add(buffer); //将buffer放入receivedBuffers expectedSequenceNumber++; notifyAvailableBuffer();//通知有available buffer success = true; } } } } }
protected void notifyAvailableBuffer() { inputGate.onAvailableBuffer(this); }
public void onAvailableBuffer(InputChannel channel) { inputChannelsWithData.add(channel); //inputChannelsWithData中表示该channel有数据需要读 EventListener<InputGate> listener = registeredListener; if (listener != null) { listener.onEvent(this); //通知UnionInputGate,该inputGate有data需要读 } }
@Override public BufferOrEvent getNextBufferOrEvent() throws IOException, InterruptedException { requestPartitions(); InputChannel currentChannel = null; while (currentChannel == null) { //如果没有有数据的channel,会循环blocking currentChannel = inputChannelsWithData.poll(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //从inputChannelsWithData poll一个有数据的channel } final Buffer buffer = currentChannel.getNextBuffer(); //读出buffer if (buffer.isBuffer()) { return new BufferOrEvent(buffer, currentChannel.getChannelIndex()); } else { final AbstractEvent event = EventSerializer.fromBuffer(buffer, getClass().getClassLoader()); if (event.getClass() == EndOfPartitionEvent.class) { channelsWithEndOfPartitionEvents.set(currentChannel.getChannelIndex()); if (channelsWithEndOfPartitionEvents.cardinality() == numberOfInputChannels) { hasReceivedAllEndOfPartitionEvents = true; } currentChannel.notifySubpartitionConsumed(); currentChannel.releaseAllResources(); } return new BufferOrEvent(event, currentChannel.getChannelIndex()); } }
Buffer getNextBuffer() throws IOException { synchronized (receivedBuffers) { Buffer buffer = receivedBuffers.poll(); numBytesIn.inc(buffer.getSize()); return buffer; } }