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  • 【转】HTML的特殊字符及其编码


    Special Characters

    • By Webmonkey Staff

    To make special characters and accented letters show up on your pages, use a special set of codes called character entities, which you insert into your HTML code and which your browser will display as the corresponding symbols or characters you want.

    The most common character entities have been collected by the International Organization for Standardization and compiled in the ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1 table, which includes special characters, letters with diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.), and scientific and currency symbols. The Latin-1 table contains 255 characters.  

    ISO Entities

    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    left single quote
    right single quote
    single low-9 quote
    left double quote
    right double quote
    double low-9 quote
    double dagger
    per mill sign
    single left-pointing angle quote
    single right-pointing angle quote
    black spade suit
    black club suit
    black heart suit
    black diamond suit
    overline, = spacing overscore
    leftward arrow
    upward arrow
    rightward arrow
    downward arrow
    trademark sign
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description


    horizontal tab

    line feed



    ! ! exclamation mark
    " " double quotation mark

    # # number sign

    $ $ dollar sign

    % % percent sign
    & & & ampersand

    ' apostrophe

    ( ( left parenthesis

    ) ) right parenthesis

    * * asterisk

    + + plus sign

    , , comma

    - - hyphen

    . . period
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    ⁄ / / slash

    digits 0-9

    : : colon

    ; ; semicolon
    &lt; < < less-than sign

    = = equals sign
    &gt; > > greater-than sign

    ? ? question mark

    @ @ at sign

    uppercase letters A-Z

    [ [ left square bracket

    \ \ backslash

    ] ] right square bracket

    ] ] caret

    _ _ horizontal bar (underscore)

    ` ` grave accent

    lowercase letters a-z

    { { left curly brace

    | | vertical bar
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description

    } } right curly brace

    ~ ~ tilde

    &ndash; en dash
    &mdash; em dash

    nonbreaking space
    &iexcl; ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation
    &cent; ¢ ¢ cent sign
    &pound; £ £ pound sterling
    &curren; ¤ ¤ general currency sign
    &yen; ¥ ¥ yen sign
    &brvbar; or &brkbar; ¦ ¦ broken vertical bar
    &sect; § § section sign
    &uml; or &die; ¨ ¨ umlaut
    &copy; © © copyright
    &ordf; ª ª feminine ordinal
    &laquo; « « left angle quote
    &not; ¬ ¬ not sign
    &shy; ­ ­ soft hyphen
    &reg; ® ® registered trademark
    &macr; or &hibar; ¯ ¯ macron accent
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    &deg; ° ° degree sign
    &plusmn; ± ± plus or minus
    &sup2; ² ² superscript two
    &sup3; ³ ³ superscript three
    &acute; ´ ´ acute accent
    &micro; µ µ micro sign
    &para; paragraph sign
    &middot; · · middle dot
    &cedil; ¸ ¸ cedilla
    &sup1; ¹ ¹ superscript one
    &ordm; º º masculine ordinal
    &raquo; » » right angle quote
    &frac14; ¼ ¼ one-fourth
    &frac12; ½ ½ one-half
    &frac34; ¾ ¾ three-fourths
    &iquest; ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
    &Agrave; À À uppercase A, grave accent
    &Aacute; Á Á uppercase A, acute accent
    &Acirc; Â Â uppercase A, circumflex accent
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    &Atilde; Ã Ã uppercase A, tilde
    &Auml; Ä Ä uppercase A, umlaut
    &Aring; Å Å uppercase A, ring
    &AElig; Æ Æ uppercase AE
    &Ccedil; Ç Ç uppercase C, cedilla
    &Egrave; È È uppercase E, grave accent
    &Eacute; É É uppercase E, acute accent
    &Ecirc; Ê Ê uppercase E, circumflex accent
    &Euml; Ë Ë uppercase E, umlaut
    &Igrave; Ì Ì uppercase I, grave accent
    &Iacute; Í Í uppercase I, acute accent
    &Icirc; Î Î uppercase I, circumflex accent
    &Iuml; Ï Ï uppercase I, umlaut
    &ETH; Ð Ð uppercase Eth, Icelandic
    &Ntilde; Ñ Ñ uppercase N, tilde
    &Ograve; Ò Ò uppercase O, grave accent
    &Oacute; Ó Ó uppercase O, acute accent
    &Ocirc; Ô Ô uppercase O, circumflex accent
    &Otilde; Õ Õ uppercase O, tilde
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    &Ouml; Ö Ö uppercase O, umlaut
    &times; × × multiplication sign
    &Oslash; Ø Ø uppercase O, slash
    &Ugrave; Ù Ù uppercase U, grave accent
    &Uacute; Ú Ú uppercase U, acute accent
    &Ucirc; Û Û uppercase U, circumflex accent
    &Uuml; Ü Ü uppercase U, umlaut
    &Yacute; Ý Ý uppercase Y, acute accent
    &THORN; Þ Þ uppercase THORN, Icelandic
    &szlig; ß ß lowercase sharps, German
    &agrave; à à lowercase a, grave accent
    &aacute; á á lowercase a, acute accent
    &acirc; â â lowercase a, circumflex accent
    &atilde; ã ã lowercase a, tilde
    &auml; ä ä lowercase a, umlaut
    &aring; å å lowercase a, ring
    &aelig; æ æ lowercase ae
    &ccedil; ç ç lowercase c, cedilla
    &egrave; è è lowercase e, grave accent
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    &eacute; é é lowercase e, acute accent
    &ecirc; ê ê lowercase e, circumflex accent
    &euml; ë ë lowercase e, umlaut
    &igrave; ì ì lowercase i, grave accent
    &iacute; í í lowercase i, acute accent
    &icirc; î î lowercase i, circumflex accent
    &iuml; ï ï lowercase i, umlaut
    &eth; ð ð lowercase eth, Icelandic
    &ntilde; ñ ñ lowercase n, tilde
    &ograve; ò ò lowercase o, grave accent
    &oacute; ó ó lowercase o, acute accent
    &ocirc; ô ô lowercase o, circumflex accent
    &otilde; õ õ lowercase o, tilde
    &ouml; ö ö lowercase o, umlaut
    &divide; ÷ ÷ division sign
    &oslash; ø ø lowercase o, slash
    &ugrave; ù ù lowercase u, grave accent
    &uacute; ú ú lowercase u, acute accent
    &ucirc; û û lowercase u, circumflex accent
    Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
    &uuml; ü ü lowercase u, umlaut
    &yacute; ý ý lowercase y, acute accent
    &thorn; þ þ lowercase thorn, Icelandic
    &yuml; ÿ ÿ lowercase y, umlaut

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fzzl/p/1833643.html
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