# __author__ = 'STEVEN' # coding = utf-8 import time,threading #开启事件 event = threading.Event() count = 0 class Lighter(threading.Thread): def run(self): while True: global count count += 1 time.sleep(0.4) event.set() #设置绿灯时间为10s,红灯为10s if count>10 and count<=20: event.clear() print(' 33[41;1m red light .. 33[0m') elif count > 20: count = 0 event.set() print(' 33[42;1m green light .. 33[0m') else: print(' 33[42;1m green light .. 33[0m') class Car(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,name): super(Car,self).__init__() self.name = name def run(self): time.sleep(0.5) if event.is_set(): print('{} passed the light'.format(self.name)) else: print('{} is waiting the green light'.format(self.name)) l = Lighter() l.start() #启动50辆车,让他们经过红绿灯 for i in range(50): time.sleep(1) c = Car('car{}'.format(i)) c.start()