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  • 3D Gallery DotNet controls Picture Box

    --     --
    --  3D Gallery  --
    --     --
    ----20119.19 这个有好多的链接 这个现在运行是不通的。

    Global mc3DgalleryDialog
    Global mc2TextBoxDialog

    if mc3DgalleryDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog
    rollout mc3DgalleryDialog " 3DGallery II:  Models" 624 height:444
     --> Local
     local Root_Dir="", Current_Dir = "", lastMainCat="", lastSubCat=""
     --local Img_Logo    = (mc2Path()+"Img\\3DGall_About_01.bmp")
     local colorclass  = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
     local cursor_harrow  = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\harrow.cur" --temp cursor
     local cursor_hmove   = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\hmove.cur" --temp cursor
     local singleborder   = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle 
     local dnfontlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
     local dnMXSlarge  = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
    local dnfont   = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)  
     local thumb_size  = [160, 120]
     local selected_items = #(), cat_offset, grp_offset, prg_offset
     --< Local
     GroupBox grp_cat "" pos:[64,76] 556 height:348
     Timer tmr_resize "Timer" pos:[4,4] 24 height:24 enabled:true interval:100 active:false
     --progressBar progbar "ProgressBar" pos:[64,428] 555 height:12
     dotNetControl progbar "Windows.Forms.Progressbar" pos:[64,428] 555 height:12
     bitmap bmpBg1 "Bitmap" pos:[72,20] 268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 244 220 50))
     bitmap bmpBg2 "Bitmap" pos:[348,20] 268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 50 200 240))
     dropdownList ddlMainClass "" pos:[76,24] 260 height:21
     dropdownList ddlSubCalss "" pos:[352,24] 260 height:21
     button btnCreMainCls "" pos:[8,24] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 161) toolTip:"Create Main Class"
     button btnDelMainCls "" pos:[32,24] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 150) toolTip:"Delete Main Class"
     button btnCreSubCls "" pos:[8,48] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 142) toolTip:"Create Sub Class"
     button btnDelSubCls "" pos:[32,48] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 141) toolTip:"Delete Sub Class"
    button btnAddModel "" pos:[32,104] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 149) toolTip:"Add selection to Library (press <Ctrl> for quick preview)"
    button btnMergeModel "" pos:[8,104] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 147) toolTip:"Add selection to Scene (press <Ctrl> to disable automatic rename)"
     button btnRenModel "" pos:[8,128] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 144) toolTip:"Rename Model"
     button btnDelModel "" pos:[32,128] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 148) toolTip:"Delete Model"
     checkbutton ckb_plant "" pos:[8,208] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 145) toolTip:"Planting"
     checkbutton ckbPSurf "" pos:[8,184] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 146) toolTip:"Pick a surface for planting"
     checkbutton ckb_cfg "" pos:[8,264] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 143) toolTip:"3DGallery..."
     checkbutton ckb_multi_plant "" pos:[32,208] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 163) toolTip:"Multiplanting"
     checkbutton ckb_plant_dialog "" pos:[32,184] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 164) toolTip:"Plant Customize..."
     button btnHlp "" pos:[32,264] 24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 162) toolTip:"Help..."
     label lbl4 "Main class:" pos:[72,4] 180 height:16
     label lbl5 "Sub class:" pos:[348,4] 180 height:16
     dotNetControl flp_cat "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[66,86] 548 height:332 
     dotNetControl tb "System.Windows.Forms.Tabcontrol" pos:[72,56] 160 height:20
     dotNetControl edt_search "textbox" pos:[348,56] 267 height:20
     GroupBox grp8 "Catalog:" pos:[4,4] 56 height:76
     GroupBox grp11 "Models:" pos:[4,84] 56 height:76
     GroupBox grp12 "Paint:" pos:[4,164] 56 height:76
     GroupBox grp13 "SetUp:" pos:[4,244] 56 height:52
     button btn_search "Search" pos:[296,56] 48 height:20
     button btn_rename "Rename" pos:[244,56] 48 height:20
     fn getLastDirFrom path =
      local arr = ( filterString path "\\" )
      return arr[arr.count]
     fn resizeBitmapNET srcBitmap width height useHighQuality:false=
      local destBitmap = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" width height) --Create new bitmap object
      destBitmap.SetResolution srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution srcBitmap.VerticalResolution
      local theGraphics = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Graphics").fromImage destBitmap --Create new Graphics object
      local destRec = (dotnetObject "System.Drawing.rectangle" 0 0 width height) --Set destination image size
      IF useHighQuality DO theGraphics.InterpolationMode = theGraphics.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
      theGraphics.drawImage srcBitmap destRec --Resize the image
      theGraphics.dispose() --gc
      return destBitmap
     fn resizeInterface size =
      --local h = cat_size.x + (size.x - cat_size.x)
      --local v = cat_size.y + (size.y - cat_size.y)
      flp_cat.width  += size.x - flp_cat.width  - cat_offset.x
      flp_cat.height += size.y - flp_cat.height - cat_offset.y
      grp_cat.width  += size.x - grp_cat.width  - grp_offset.x
      grp_cat.height += size.y - grp_cat.height - grp_offset.y
      progbar.width  += size.x - progbar.width  - grp_offset.x
      progbar.pos.y  += size.y - progbar.pos.y  - prg_offset.y
     fn textBox =
      rollout mc2TextBoxDialog " Command Box v0.1" 444 height:40
       local dir = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Current_Dir"
       edittext edtBox "New Name:" pos:[12,12] 312 height:16 bold:true
       button btnAcpt "Accept" pos:[332,12] 48 height:16
       button btnCncl "Cancel" pos:[384,12] 48 height:16
       groupBox grpTx "" pos:[4,0] 436 height:36
       fn correctSymbolCheck text =
        if text.count == 0 do return false
        local badSymbols = "\/*?"
        for t=1 to text.count do
         for s=1 to badSymbols.count do
          if text[t] == badSymbols[s] do
           messagebox "Incorrect Name.\nSymbols \ / ?* are not allowed." title:"3DGallery!"
           return false
        return true
       on mc2TextBoxDialog open do (setFocus edtBox)
       on mc2TextBoxDialog rbuttonup pos do(edtBox.text = "" ;destroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
       on btnAcpt pressed do
        local theName = edtBox.text
        if correctSymbolCheck theName then
        local existingNames = (for i in (getFiles (dir+"*.*")) collect (getFilenameFile i)) --check for duplicate names
         if   (findItem existingNames theName) == 0 --check for duplicate names
         then (DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
        else (messagebox ("The name:<"+edtBox.text+"> is allready exist.") title:" 3D Gallery:" ; setFocus edtBox)
        else (setFocus edtBox)
       on btnCncl pressed do (edtBox.text = "" ; DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
      --center to main dialog
      local dPos  = getDialogPos mc3DgalleryDialog
      local dSize = getDialogSize mc3DgalleryDialog
      local inPos =[dPos.x + (dSize.x/2) - 222, dPos.y + (dSize.y/2)]
      CreateDialog mc2TextBoxDialog pos:inPos style:#(#style_border)  modal:true
      return mc2TextBoxDialog.edtBox.text
     fn renderModel img_path =
      --get ini setting for render
      local anti    = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "AntiAliasing" )
      local samp    = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "PixelSampler" )
      local shad    = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Shadows"  )
      local quei    = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Quiet"  )
      --Render to vbf
      local oldBgColor = backgroundColor
      backgroundColor  = execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Color")
      local imgSize = execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Render_Size")
      local img  = bitmap imgSize.x imgSize.y color:backgroundColor
      --render phase
      render outputsize:imgSize antiAliasing:anti enablePixelSampler:samp shadows:shad \
          quiet:quei renderType:#selection to:img vfb:off -- outputFile:(img_path+".jpg")
      --if path is undefined make render with prewiew
      img.filename = img_path
      save img quiet:on
      backgroundColor  = oldBgColor -- return old bg color
      return img
     fn deleteFromGallery =
      if selected_items.count == 0 do return false
      if not (queryBox "You are sure to delete selected models?" title:" Deleting Models:?") do return false
      local cat_IniFile   = (Root_Dir+"User_"+lastMainCat+".ini")
      progbar.foreColor = colorclass.red
      for i=1 to selected_items.count do
       try flp_cat.controls.RemoveByKey selected_items[i] catch ()
       --.IsReadOnly = false
      try deleteFile (Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".jpg") catch (print ("deleting: "+Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".jpg failed"))
      try deleteFile (Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max") catch (print ("deleting: "+Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max failed"))
       try delINISetting cat_IniFile lastSubCat selected_items[i]  catch ()
       progbar.value = 100.*i/selected_items.count
      progbar.value = 0
      --flp_cat.Refresh() --flp_cat.update() --.SuspendLayout() --.ResetBindings()-- .ResetImeMode()
     fn mergeModels =
      if selected_items.count == 0 do return false
      progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
      for i=1 to selected_items.count do
       local f = Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max"
       if doesFileExist f do
        try   (mergeMAXFile f #useSceneMtlDups #mergeDups #select )
       catch (messagebox ( "Merging model:<" + selected_items[i] + "> is failed.\nFile is mising or is corupted." ) title: " Warning!")
        --prevent dupplicate names in scene
        if not keyboard.controlPressed then (for o in selection do o.name = uniqueName (o.name))
       progbar.value = 100.*i/selected_items.count
      progbar.value = 0
      --setfocus mc3DgalleryDialog.flp_cat
     fn onMouseDown ctrl evnt =
      --format "MouseDown: % [%]\n" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
      local RButton = (evnt.button == (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons").Right)
      local itmName = ctrl.text
      if RButton then --"Show RC Menu"
       rcMenu thumbMenu
        menuItem new_1 "Add To Scene..."
        separator file_menu_1
        menuItem new_2 "Rename ..."
        menuItem new_3 "Delete..."
        on new_1 picked do mergeModels()
        on new_2 picked do format " Rename... %\n" selected_items
        on new_3 picked do deleteFromGallery()
       PopupMenu thumbMenu
      --if System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left
      else if ctrl.forecolor == colorclass.red
       deleteItem selected_items (findItem selected_items itmName)
       ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
       append selected_items itmName
       ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.red
       edt_search.text = ctrl.text
      ctrl.Cursor = cursor_hmove
     fn onMouseUp ctrl evnt =
        ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
        -- format "MouseUp: % [%]\n" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
     fn onMouseEnter ctrl evnt =
      --format "MouseEnter % [%]\n" ctrl evnt
      if ctrl.forecolor != colorclass.red do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
      ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
     fn onMouseLeave ctrl evnt = --drag and drop
      --format "MouseLeave % [%]\n" ctrl evnt
      if ctrl.forecolor != colorclass.red do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
      --edt_search.text = "MouseLeave: " + ctrl.text
     fn onMouseMove ctrl evnt =
      --format "Move!\n\tSender : %\n\tMouse Pos : %\n" ctrl.Text [evnt.X, evnt.Y]
     fn getRootDir =
      if mc2UserINI == undefined or not doesFileExist mc2UserINI do return false
      local Root_Dir = (getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Root_Dir")
      if doesFileExist Root_Dir do return Root_Dir
      if mc2GallerySetupDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
      rollout mc2GallerySetupDialog " Inicialize 3DGallery Database:" 332 height:148
       local Root_Dir = ""
       GroupBox grpDir "Please put you 3DGallery directory..." pos:[8,4] 316 height:136
       button btnSetDir "Set Dir" pos:[16,108] 164 height:24
       bitmap bmpPop1 "Bitmap" pos:[16,24] 300 height:80 --fileName:Img_Logo
       button BtnCancel "Cancel" pos:[252,108] 64 height:24
       on btnCancel pressed  do (destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog)
       on btnSetDir pressed  do
        local p = (getSavePath caption:"Chose Catalog Directory.")
        if p != undefined do
         Root_Dir = p+"\\"
         setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Root_Dir" Root_Dir
         destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
      createDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog style:#(#style_toolwindow) modal:true
      return mc2GallerySetupDialog.Root_Dir
     fn addImageToButton img_path =
      local img_btn = dotnetobject "button"
      img_btn.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" thumb_size.x thumb_size.y --160 120
      --img_btn.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
      img_btn.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue --text color
      img_btn.margin =  dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.padding" 2 -- thumbs distance
      img_btn.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
      img_btn.font= dnfont
      img_btn.text = getFilenameFile img_path 
      img_btn.name = img_btn.text
      img_btn.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
      local img_path = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" img_path
      local img_copy = resizeBitmapNET img_path thumb_size.x thumb_size.y
      img_btn.Image = img_copy
      img_btn.AllowDrop = true
      --img_btn.showTooltip -- WIP 
      -- Setup an event handlers for both buttons
      dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseDown" onMouseDown
      dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseUp" onMouseUp
      dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
      dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave
      dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseMove" onMouseMove
      --mc2system.show img_path
      return img_btn
     fn loadGallery type:1 = --type = tab controll state
      selected_items = #()
      Current_Dir = Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\" + lastSubCat + "\\"
      setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Current_Dir" Current_Dir
      --format "Current_Dir:%\n" Current_Dir
      if not doesFileExist Current_Dir do return false
      local Images_Array = getFiles (Current_Dir + "*.jpg")
      --change cursor to wait
      local cursors = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursors"
      local cursor = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
      cursor.current = cursors.WaitCursor
      case type of -- WIP
       0:(print "Loading... Models")
       1:(print "Loading... Materials" )
       2:(print "Loading...  Textures")
      progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
      local dnobjarray = #()
      for i=1 to Images_Array.count do
       flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
       --append dnobjarray (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
       progbar.value = 100.*i/Images_Array.count
      --flp_cat.controls.addrange dnobjarray
      cursor.current = cursors.Arrow
      progbar.value = 0
     fn addTogallery =
      if selection.count == 0 do (messageBox "Select some object to add." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
      if lastSubCat == undefined do (messageBox "Create <Sub clas> catalog." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
      local name_from_box = textBox()
      if name_from_box == "" do return false
      --render selection
      local img_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".jpg"
      local max_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".max"
      local useIniFile   = (Root_Dir+"User_"+lastMainCat+".ini")
      renderModel img_path
      --save selection
      saveNodes selection max_path
      --security lock and user data
      if not doesFileExist useIniFile do
       local f = createFile useIniFile
       close f
      --reload , resort gallery
      loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
      --mc2system.show flp_cat
      --create a button and load thummbnail
      --flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton img_path)
      --flp_cat.Refresh().flp_cat.update().SuspendLayout()  .ResetBindings().ResetImeMode().Invalidate()
     fn loadMainCat = --remember main dir where you browse last time
      --collect folders for main cat
      local mainDirs = sort(getDirectories (Root_Dir+"*.*"))
      if mainDirs.count == 0 do return false
      ddlMainClass.items = for i in mainDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
      --last main cat
      lastMainCat = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastMainCat"
      if (local num = findItem ddlMainClass.items lastMainCat) != 0
      then (ddlMainClass.selection = num)
      else (ddlMainClass.selection = 1 ; lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[1])
      return true
     fn loadSubCat = --remember sub dir where you browse last time
      --collect folders for sub cat
      local subDirs = sort( getDirectories (Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\*.*") )
      if subDirs.count == 0 do return false
      ddlSubCalss.items = for i in subDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
      --last sub cat
      lastSubCat = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastSubCat"
      if (local num = findItem ddlSubCalss.items lastSubCat) != 0
      then (ddlSubCalss.selection = num)
      else (ddlSubCalss.selection = 1 ; lastSubCat = ddlSubCalss.items[1])
      loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
      return true
     fn tabControll iobj lvl =
      case lvl of
       0:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Models")
       1:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Materials")
       2:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Textures")
     fn inicializeInterface =
      -->check gallery root dir
      Root_Dir = getRootDir()
      if not doesFileExist Root_Dir do return false
      --format "Root_Dir:%\n" Root_Dir
      -->collect params for resizing interface
      local cat_size = [flp_cat.width    , flp_cat.height    ]
      local grp_size = [grp_cat.width    , grp_cat.height    ]
      local dia_size = [mc3DgalleryDialog.width, mc3DgalleryDialog.height]
      cat_offset = dia_size - cat_size
      grp_offset = dia_size - grp_size
      prg_offset = dia_size - progbar.pos
      --<collect params for resizing interface
      local Tabs_Array = #("Models", "Materials", "Textures")
      for i in Tabs_Array do
        tb.TabPages.add i
      -->Progress Bar
      --progbar.style = progbar.style.continuous
      progbar.backColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
      --<Progress Bar
      flp_cat.AutoSize = true
      flp_cat.autoscroll = true
      flp_cat.padding = dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.padding" 2
      flp_cat.BackColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
      -->load dropDown lists Main & Sub
      local sub_cat_found = if loadMainCat() then loadSubCat() else false
      --mc2System.show flp_cat
      return true

     on mc3DgalleryDialog open   do (if not inicializeInterface() do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog)
     on tb Selected itm    do (tabControll mc3DgalleryDialog itm.TabPageIndex )
     on mc3DgalleryDialog resized size do (resizeInterface size)
     on mc3DgalleryDialog lbuttondblclk pos do (loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex)
     on ddlMainClass selected sel do
      if sel != 0 do
       setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastMainCat" ddlMainClass.items[sel]
       lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[sel]
     on ddlSubCalss  selected sel do
      if sel != 0 do
       setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastSubCat" ddlSubCalss.items[sel]
       lastSubCat = ddlSubCalss.items[sel]
       loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
     --on btnCreMainCls pressed  do (fun.createMainClass() )
     --on btnDelMainCls pressed  do (fun.deleteMainClass() )
     --on btnCreSubCls pressed   do (fun.createSubClass () )
     --on btnDelSubCls pressed   do (fun.deleteSubClass () )
     on btnAddModel pressed do (addToGallery())
     on btnMergeModel pressed  do (mergeModels ())
     --on btnRenModel pressed do (fun.renameModel () ) 
     --on btnDelModel pressed do (fun.deleteModel () )
     --on btnHlp pressed   do (ShellLaunch helpFile "")
    )-- end rollout
    createDialog mc3DgalleryDialog  style:#(#style_titlebar,
     #style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)

    [628,420] - [544,324]
    [628,420] - [560,340]
      setINISetting useIniFile lastSubCat name_from_box (#(sysInfo.username,localTime) as string) --save thumb info to ini

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaitian00/p/2181021.html
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