postgres=# CREATE or replace FUNCTION gao_concat(VARIADIC param_args text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT array_to_string($1,'*'); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE FUNCTION postgres=# postgres=# SELECT gao_concat('My', 'dog', 'likes', 'chocolate') As result; result ------------------------ My*dog*likes*chocolate (1 row) postgres=#
再看PostgreSQL 的官方例子:
CREATE FUNCTION mleast(VARIADIC numeric[]) RETURNS numeric AS $$ SELECT min($1[i]) FROM generate_subscripts($1, 1) g(i); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT mleast(10, -1, 5, 4.4); mleast -------- -1 (1 row)
变参数对数组是不适用的,需要把数组也声明为 variadic:
[作者:技术者高健@博客园 mail: luckyjackgao@gmail.com ]
postgres=# select mleast(array[10.1,3,4,1.5,6.2]); ERROR: function mleast(numeric[]) does not exist LINE 1: select mleast(array[10.1,3,4,1.5,6.2]); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. postgres=# select mleast( variadic array[10.1,3,4,1.5,6.2]); mleast -------- 1.5 (1 row) postgres=#