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  • 对PostgreSQL中 pg_各表的RelationId的认识


    /* ----------------
     *        heap_open - open a heap relation by relation OID
     *        This is essentially relation_open plus check that the relation
     *        is not an index nor a composite type.  (The caller should also
     *        check that it's not a view or foreign table before assuming it has
     *        storage.)
     * ----------------
    heap_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
        //fprintf(stderr,"++++++++++++++++++++ In heap_open start by process %d....relationId is:%d
          getpid(),relationId); Relation r; r
    = relation_open(relationId, lockmode); if (r->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg(""%s" is an index", RelationGetRelationName(r)))); else if (r->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg(""%s" is a composite type", RelationGetRelationName(r)))); //fprintf(stderr,"++++++++++++++++++++ In heap_open end by process %d ",getpid()); return r; }


    比如 pg_tablespace 的RelationId为 1213(这已经写死在PostgreSQL源代码中),
    但是其对应的文件的名称为 12587(对应global/12587文件)。


     pg_default_acl 826
    pg_pltemplate 1136
    pg_tablespace 1213
    pg_shdepend 1214
    pg_type 1247
    pg_attribute 1249
    pg_proc 1255
    pg_class 1259
    pg_authid 1260
    pg_auth_members 1261
    pg_database  1262
    pg_foreign_server 1417
    pg_user_mapping 1418
    pg_foreign_data_wrapper 2328
    pg_shdescription 2396
    pg_aggregate 2600
    pg_am 2601
    pg_amop 2602
    pg_ampro 2603
    pg_attrdef 2604
    pg_cast 2605
    pg_constraint 2606
    pg_conversion 2607
    pg_depend 2608
    pg_description 2609
    pg_index 2610
    pg_inherits 2611
    pg_language 2612
    pg_largeobject 2613
    pg_namespace 2615
    pg_opclass 2616
    pg_operator 2617
    pg_rewrite 2618
    pg_stastic 2619
    pg_trigger 2620
    pg_opfamily 2753
    pg_db_role_setting 2964
    pg_largeobject_metadata 2995
    pg_extension 3079
    pg_foreign_table 3118
    pg_collation 3456
    pg_enum 3501
    pg_seclabel 3596
    pg_ts_dict 3600
    pg_ts_parser 3601
    pg_ts_config 3602
    pg_ts_config_map 3603
    pg_ts_template 3764

     然后,我还可以进一步,观察 ,把上述表格补充完整:

    /* ----------------
     *        relation_open - open any relation by relation OID
     *        If lockmode is not "NoLock", the specified kind of lock is
     *        obtained on the relation.  (Generally, NoLock should only be
     *        used if the caller knows it has some appropriate lock on the
     *        relation already.)
     *        An error is raised if the relation does not exist.
     *        NB: a "relation" is anything with a pg_class entry.  The caller is
     *        expected to check whether the relkind is something it can handle.
     * ----------------
    relation_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
        fprintf(stderr,"___________________ In relation_open start by process %d
        Relation    r;
        Assert(lockmode >= NoLock && lockmode < MAX_LOCKMODES);
        /* Get the lock before trying to open the relcache entry */
        if (lockmode != NoLock)
            LockRelationOid(relationId, lockmode);
        /* The relcache does all the real work... */
        r = RelationIdGetRelation(relationId);
        fprintf(stderr,"In relation_open ,the relNode is:%d....
        if (!RelationIsValid(r))
            elog(ERROR, "could not open relation with OID %u", relationId);
        /* Make note that we've accessed a temporary relation */
        if (RelationUsesLocalBuffers(r))
            MyXactAccessedTempRel = true;
        fprintf(stderr,"___________________ In relation_open end by process %d
        return r;

    加入了调试代码后,我可以看到,pg_tablespace 的 RelationId是 1213,而它的对应文件名是 12587。


    system table name RelationId FileName
    pg_default_acl 826 12642
    pg_pltemplate 1136 12591
    pg_tablespace 1213 12587
    pg_shdepend 1214 12598
    pg_type 1247 12442
    pg_attribute 1249 12446
    pg_proc 1255 12458
    pg_class 1259 12465
    pg_authid 1260 12450
    pg_auth_members 1261 12594
    pg_database  1262 12692
    pg_foreign_server 1417 12635
    pg_user_mapping 1418 12454
    pg_foreign_data_wrapper 2328 12631
    pg_shdescription 2396 12602
    pg_aggregate 2600 12525
    pg_am 2601 12505
    pg_amop 2602 12509
    pg_ampro 2603 12514
    pg_attrdef 2604 12469
    pg_cast 2605 12549
    pg_constraint 2606 12476
    pg_conversion 2607 12562
    pg_depend 2608 12567
    pg_description 2609 12543
    pg_index 2610 12489
    pg_inherits 2611 12485
    pg_language 2612 12518
    pg_largeobject 2613 12571
    pg_namespace 2615 12558
    pg_opclass 2616 12501
    pg_operator 2617 12493
    pg_rewrite 2618 12528
    pg_stastic 2619 12436
    pg_trigger 2620 12535
    pg_opfamily 2753 12497
    pg_db_role_setting 2964 12581
    pg_largeobject_metadata 2995 12522
    pg_extension 3079 12627
    pg_foreign_table 3118 12639
    pg_collation 3456 12652
    pg_enum 3501 12553
    pg_seclabel 3596 12646
    pg_ts_dict 3600 12615
    pg_ts_parser 3601 12619
    pg_ts_config 3602 12608
    pg_ts_config_map 3603 12612
    pg_ts_template 3764 12623


    只有如下几个系统表的对应文件位于 global目录,其余的系统表的对应文件则是base目录下的每个子目录中都有(一个子目录对应一个数据库):

    system table name RelationId FileName
    pg_pltemplate 1136 12591
    pg_tablespace 1213 12587
    pg_shdepend 1214 12598
    pg_authid 1260 12450
    pg_auth_members 1261 12594
    pg_database  1262 12692
    pg_shdescription 2396 12602
    pg_db_role_setting 2964 12581
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