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  • pyspark学习笔记

    spark 分布式存储

    # Don't change this query
    query = "FROM flights SELECT * LIMIT 10"
    # Get the first 10 rows of flights
    flights10 = spark.sql(query)
    # Show the results

    Pandafy a Spark DataFrame


    <script.py> output:
          origin  ...    N
        0    SEA  ...    8
        1    SEA  ...   98
        2    SEA  ...    2
        3    SEA  ...  450
        4    PDX  ...  144
        [5 rows x 3 columns]
    # Don't change this query
    query = "SELECT origin, dest, COUNT(*) as N FROM flights GROUP BY origin, dest"
    # Run the query
    flight_counts = spark.sql(query)
    # Convert the results to a pandas DataFrame
    pd_counts = flight_counts.toPandas()
    # Print the head of pd_counts


    # Don't change this file path
    file_path = "/usr/local/share/datasets/airports.csv"
    # Read in the airports data
    airports = spark.read.csv(file_path, header=True)
    # Show the data

    Use the spark.table() method with the argument "flights" to create a DataFrame containing the values of the flights table in the .catalog. Save it as flights.
    Show the head of flights using flights.show(). The column air_time contains the duration of the flight in minutes.
    Update flights to include a new column called duration_hrs, that contains the duration of each flight in hours.


    # Create the DataFrame flights
    flights = spark.table("flights")
    # Show the head
    # Add duration_hrs
    flights = flights.withColumn("duration_hrs", flights.air_time/60)

    Filtering Data


    # Filter flights by passing a string
    long_flights1 = flights.filter("distance > 1000")
    # Filter flights by passing a column of boolean values
    long_flights2 = flights.filter(flights.distance > 1000)
    # Print the data to check they're equal



    # Select the first set of columns
    selected1 = flights.select("tailnum", "origin", "dest")
    # Select the second set of columns
    temp = flights.select(flights.origin, flights.dest, flights.carrier)
    # Define first filter
    filterA = flights.origin == "SEA"
    # Define second filter
    filterB = flights.dest == "PDX"
    # Filter the data, first by filterA then by filterB
    selected2 = temp.filter(filterA).filter(filterB)





    df.selectExpr("appid as newappid").show()


    df.selectExpr("count(distinct(appid)) as count1", "count(distinct(brand)) as count2").show()



    # Find the shortest flight from PDX in terms of distance
    flights.filter(flights.origin == "PDX").groupBy().min("distance").show()
    # Find the longest flight from SEA in terms of air time
    flights.filter(flights.origin == "SEA").groupBy().max("air_time").show()
    # Find the shortest flight from PDX in terms of distance
    flights.filter(flights.origin == "PDX").groupBy().min("distance").show()
    # Find the longest flight from SEA in terms of air time
    flights.filter(flights.origin == "SEA").groupBy().max("air_time").show()
    <script.py> output:
        |          106|
        |          409|
    # Average duration of Delta flights
    flights.filter(flights.carrier == "DL").filter(flights.origin == "SEA").groupBy().avg("air_time").show()
    # Total hours in the air
    flights.withColumn("duration_hrs", flights.air_time/60).groupBy().sum("duration_hrs").show()


    Create a DataFrame called by_plane that is grouped by the column tailnum.
    Use the .count() method with no arguments to count the number of flights each plane made.
    Create a DataFrame called by_origin that is grouped by the column origin.
    Find the .avg() of the air_time column to find average duration of flights from PDX and SEA.

    # Group by tailnum
    by_plane = flights.groupBy("tailnum")
    # Number of flights each plane made
    # Group by origin
    by_origin = flights.groupBy("origin")
    # Average duration of flights from PDX and SEA


    # Import pyspark.sql.functions as F
    import pyspark.sql.functions as F
    # Group by month and dest
    by_month_dest = flights.groupBy("month", "dest")
    # Average departure delay by month and destination
    # Standard deviation of departure delay
        |   11| TUS|    3.0550504633038935|
        |   11| ANC|    18.604716401245316|
        |    1| BUR|     15.22627576540667|
        |    1| PDX|     5.677214918493858|
        |    6| SBA|     2.380476142847617|
        |    5| LAX|     13.36268698685904|
        |   10| DTW|     5.639148871948674|
        |    6| SIT|                   NaN|
        |   10| DFW|     45.53019017606675|
        |    3| FAI|    3.1144823004794873|
        |   10| SEA|     18.70523227029577|
        |    2| TUS|    14.468356276140469|
        |   12| OGG|     82.64480404939947|
        |    9| DFW|    21.728629347782924|
        |    5| EWR|     42.41595968929191|
        |    3| RDM|      2.16794833886788|
        |    8| DCA|     9.946523680831074|
        |    7| ATL|    22.767001039582183|
        |    4| JFK|     8.156774303176903|
        |   10| SNA|    13.726234873756304|
        only showing top 20 rows

    join 链接表

    # Examine the data
    # Rename the faa column
    airports = airports.withColumnRenamed("faa", "dest")
    # Join the DataFrames
    flights_with_airports = flights.join(airports, on="dest", how="leftouter")
    # Examine the new DataFrame

    Machine Learning Pipelines


    # Rename year column
    planes = planes.withColumnRenamed("year", "plane_year")
    # Join the DataFrames
    model_data = flights.join(planes, on="tailnum", how="leftouter")



    result = table1.join(table1,['字段'],"full").withColumn("名称",col("字段")/col("字段"))


    # To convert the type of a column using the .cast() method, you can write code like this:
    dataframe = dataframe.withColumn("col", dataframe.col.cast("new_type"))
    # Cast the columns to integers
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("arr_delay", model_data.arr_delay.cast("integer"))
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("air_time", model_data.air_time.cast("integer"))
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("month", model_data.month.cast("integer"))
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("plane_year", model_data.plane_year.cast("integer"))
    # Create is_late
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("is_late", model_data.arr_delay > 0)
    # Convert to an integer
    model_data = model_data.withColumn("label", model_data.is_late.cast("integer"))
    # Remove missing values
    model_data = model_data.filter("arr_delay is not NULL and dep_delay is not NULL and air_time is not NULL and plane_year is not NULL")
    # Create a StringIndexer 字符型
    carr_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="carrier", outputCol="carrier_index")
    # Create a OneHotEncoder 独热编码
    carr_encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol="carrier_index", outputCol="carrier_fact")


    # Import Pipeline
    from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
    # Make the pipeline
    flights_pipe = Pipeline(stages=[dest_indexer, dest_encoder, carr_indexer, carr_encoder, vec_assembler])


    # Fit and transform the data
    piped_data = flights_pipe.fit(model_data).transform(model_data)


    # Split the data into training and test sets 类似于train_test_split
    training, test = piped_data.randomSplit([.6, .4])


    # Import LogisticRegression
    from pyspark.ml.classification import LogisticRegression
    # Create a LogisticRegression Estimator
    lr = LogisticRegression()


    # Import the evaluation submodule
    import pyspark.ml.evaluation as evals
    # Create a BinaryClassificationEvaluator
    evaluator = evals.BinaryClassificationEvaluator(metricName="areaUnderROC")

    Make a grid


    # Import the tuning submodule
    import pyspark.ml.tuning as tune
    # Create the parameter grid
    grid = tune.ParamGridBuilder()
    # Add the hyperparameter
    grid = grid.addGrid(lr.regParam, np.arange(0, .1, .01))
    grid = grid.addGrid(lr.elasticNetParam, [0, 1])
    # Build the grid
    grid = grid.build()


    # Create the CrossValidator
    cv = tune.CrossValidator(estimator=lr,


    # Use the model to predict the test set
    test_results = best_lr.transform(test)
    # Evaluate the predictions


    # Load the CSV file
    aa_dfw_df = spark.read.format('csv').options(Header=True).load('AA_DFW_2018.csv.gz')
    # Add the airport column using the F.lower() method
    aa_dfw_df = aa_dfw_df.withColumn('airport', F.lower(aa_dfw_df['Destination Airport']))
    # Drop the Destination Airport column
    aa_dfw_df = aa_dfw_df.drop(aa_dfw_df['Destination Airport'])
    # Show the DataFrame
    <script.py> output:
        |Date (MM/DD/YYYY)|Flight Number|Actual elapsed time (Minutes)|airport|
        |       01/01/2018|         0005|                          498|    hnl|
        |       01/01/2018|         0007|                          501|    ogg|
        |       01/01/2018|         0043|                            0|    dtw|
        |       01/01/2018|         0051|                          100|    stl|
        |       01/01/2018|         0075|                          147|    dca|
        |       01/01/2018|         0096|                           92|    stl|
        |       01/01/2018|         0103|                          227|    sjc|
        |       01/01/2018|         0119|                          517|    ogg|
        |       01/01/2018|         0123|                          489|    hnl|
        |       01/01/2018|         0128|                          141|    mco|
        |       01/01/2018|         0132|                          201|    ewr|
        |       01/01/2018|         0140|                          215|    sjc|
        |       01/01/2018|         0174|                          140|    rdu|
        |       01/01/2018|         0190|                           68|    sat|
        |       01/01/2018|         0200|                          215|    sfo|
        |       01/01/2018|         0209|                          169|    mia|
        |       01/01/2018|         0217|                          178|    las|
        |       01/01/2018|         0229|                          534|    koa|
        |       01/01/2018|         0244|                          115|    cvg|
        |       01/01/2018|         0262|                          159|    mia|
        only showing top 20 rows

    Saving a DataFrame in Parquet format


    # Combine the DataFrames into one 
    df3 = df1.union(df2)
    # Save the df3 DataFrame in Parquet format
    df3.write.parquet('AA_DFW_ALL.parquet', mode='overwrite')
    # Read the Parquet file into a new DataFrame and run a count
    <script.py> output:
        df1 Count: 139359
        df2 Count: 119911


    createOrReplaceTempView 的作用是创建一个临时的表 , 一旦创建这个表的会话关闭 , 这个表>也会立马消失 其他的SparkSession 不能共享应已经创建的临时表

    createGlobalTempView 创建一个全局的临时表 , 这个表的生命周期是 整个Spark应用程序 ,
    只要Spark 应用程序不关闭 , 那么. 这个临时表依然是可以使用的 ,并且这个表对其他的SparkSession共享


    Show the distinct VOTER_NAME entries

    voter_df.select(voter_df['VOTER_NAME']).distinct().show(40, truncate=False)

    Filter voter_df where the VOTER_NAME is 1-20 characters in length

    voter_df = voter_df.filter('length(VOTER_NAME) > 0 and length(VOTER_NAME) < 20')

    Filter out voter_df where the VOTER_NAME contains an underscore

    voter_df = voter_df.filter(~ F.col('VOTER_NAME').contains('_'))

    Show the distinct VOTER_NAME entries again

    voter_df.select('VOTER_NAME').distinct().show(40, truncate=False)







    # Add a column to voter_df for any voter with the title **Councilmember**
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('random_val',
                                   when(voter_df.TITLE == 'Councilmember', F.rand()))
    # Show some of the DataFrame rows, noting whether the when clause worked
    <script.py> output:
        |      DATE|        TITLE|         VOTER_NAME|         random_val|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|  0.272243504035671|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|  0.583853158237357|
        |02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|               null|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Adam Medrano|0.14137215411622484|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Casey Thomas| 0.9411379198657572|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|Carolyn King Arnold| 0.8379601212162058|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Scott Griggs|0.18946575456658876|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|   B. Adam  McGough| 0.4952465558048347|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Lee Kleinman| 0.8047711324429991|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|      Sandy Greyson|  0.719737910435363|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates| 0.7558084225784659|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston| 0.7274572656632454|
        |02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|               null|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Adam Medrano|   0.68576094369742|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Casey Thomas|0.32803656527818037|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember|Carolyn King Arnold|0.24756136511724325|
        |02/08/2017|Councilmember| Rickey D. Callahan| 0.8197696131561757|
        |01/11/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates| 0.2346485886453783|
        |04/25/2018|Councilmember|     Sandy  Greyson| 0.4073895538345208|
        |04/25/2018|Councilmember| Jennifer S.  Gates| 0.1938743267054036|
        only showing top 20 rows


    # Add a column to voter_df for a voter based on their position
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('random_val',
                                   when(voter_df.TITLE == 'Councilmember', F.rand())
                                   .when(voter_df.TITLE == 'Mayor', 2)
    # Show some of the DataFrame rows
    # Use the .filter() clause with random_val
    voter_df.filter(voter_df.random_val == 0).show()

    when。。otherwise就类似于按照条件查找if else的形式

    # Add a column to voter_df for a voter based on their position
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('random_val',
                                   when(voter_df.TITLE == 'Councilmember', F.rand())
                                   .when(voter_df.TITLE == 'Mayor', 2)
    # Show some of the DataFrame rows
    # Use the .filter() clause with random_val
    voter_df.filter(voter_df.random_val == 0).show()


    除了可以调内置函数之外,还可以自定义函数,这个其实在任何语言里都是一样的,函数嘛,就是实现功能 的

    def getFirstAndMiddle(names):
      # Return a space separated string of names
      return ' '.join(names[:-1])
    # Define the method as a UDF
    udfFirstAndMiddle = F.udf(getFirstAndMiddle, StringType())
    # Create a new column using your UDF
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('first_and_middle_name', udfFirstAndMiddle(voter_df.splits))
    # Show the DataFrame

    Partitioning and lazy processing

    # Select all the unique council voters
    voter_df = df.select(df["VOTER NAME"]).distinct() #这个是去重的
    # Count the rows in voter_df
    There are %d rows in the voter_df DataFrame.
    " % voter_df.count())
    # Add a ROW_ID
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
    # Show the rows with 10 highest IDs in the set
    <script.py> output:
        There are 36 rows in the voter_df DataFrame.
        |          VOTER NAME|       ROW_ID|
        |        Lee Kleinman|1709396983808|
        |  the  final  201...|1700807049217|
        |         Erik Wilson|1700807049216|
        |  the  final   20...|1683627180032|
        | Carolyn King Arnold|1632087572480|
        | Rickey D.  Callahan|1597727834112|
        |   the   final  2...|1443109011456|
        |    Monica R. Alonzo|1382979469312|
        |     Lee M. Kleinman|1228360646656|
        |   Jennifer S. Gates|1194000908288|
        only showing top 10 rows


    # Print the number of partitions in each DataFrame
    There are %d partitions in the voter_df DataFrame.
    " % voter_df.rdd.getNumPartitions()) # 展示分区数量的
    There are %d partitions in the voter_df_single DataFrame.
    " % voter_df_single.rdd.getNumPartitions())
    # Add a ROW_ID field to each DataFrame
    voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
    voter_df_single = voter_df_single.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
    # Show the top 10 IDs in each DataFrame 
    <script.py> output:
        There are 200 partitions in the voter_df DataFrame.
        There are 1 partitions in the voter_df_single DataFrame.
        |          VOTER NAME|       ROW_ID|
        |        Lee Kleinman|1709396983808|
        |  the  final  201...|1700807049217|
        |         Erik Wilson|1700807049216|
        |  the  final   20...|1683627180032|
        | Carolyn King Arnold|1632087572480|
        | Rickey D.  Callahan|1597727834112|
        |   the   final  2...|1443109011456|
        |    Monica R. Alonzo|1382979469312|
        |     Lee M. Kleinman|1228360646656|
        |   Jennifer S. Gates|1194000908288|
        only showing top 10 rows
        |          VOTER NAME|ROW_ID|
        |        Lee Kleinman|    35|
        |  the  final  201...|    34|
        |         Erik Wilson|    33|
        |  the  final   20...|    32|
        | Carolyn King Arnold|    31|
        | Rickey D.  Callahan|    30|
        |   the   final  2...|    29|
        |    Monica R. Alonzo|    28|
        |     Lee M. Kleinman|    27|
        |   Jennifer S. Gates|    26|
        only showing top 10 rows


    RDD 是 Spark 提供的最重要的抽象概念,它是一种有容错机制的特殊数据集合,可以分布在集群的结点上,以函数式操作集合的方式进行各种并行操作。



    start_time = time.time()
    # Add caching to the unique rows in departures_df
    departures_df = departures_df.distinct().cache() 
    # Count the unique rows in departures_df, noting how long the operation takes
    print("Counting %d rows took %f seconds" % (departures_df.count(), time.time() - start_time))  #计算加载的时间
    # Count the rows again, noting the variance in time of a cached DataFrame
    start_time = time.time()
    print("Counting %d rows again took %f seconds" % (departures_df.count(), time.time() - start_time))



    # Determine if departures_df is in the cache
    print("Is departures_df cached?: %s" % departures_df.is_cached)
    print("Removing departures_df from cache")
    # Remove departures_df from the cache
    # Check the cache status again
    print("Is departures_df cached?: %s" % departures_df.is_cached)

    read config

    # Name of the Spark application instance
    app_name = spark.conf.get('spark.app.name')
    # Driver TCP port
    driver_tcp_port = spark.conf.get('spark.driver.port')
    # Number of join partitions
    num_partitions = spark.conf.get('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions')
    # Show the results
    print("Name: %s" % app_name)
    print("Driver TCP port: %s" % driver_tcp_port)
    print("Number of partitions: %s" % num_partitions)
    <script.py> output:
        Name: pyspark-shell
        Driver TCP port: 45583
        Number of partitions: 200

    wirte config

    # Store the number of partitions in variable
    before = departures_df.rdd.getNumPartitions()
    # Configure Spark to use 500 partitions
    spark.conf.set('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', 500)
    # Recreate the DataFrame using the departures data file
    departures_df = spark.read.csv('departures.txt.gz').distinct()
    # Print the number of partitions for each instance
    print("Partition count before change: %d" % before)
    print("Partition count after change: %d" % departures_df.rdd.getNumPartitions())

    join data

    # Join the flights_df and aiports_df DataFrames
    normal_df = flights_df.join(airports_df, 
        flights_df["Destination Airport"] == airports_df["IATA"] )
    # Show the query plan


    using broadcasting

    # Import the broadcast method from pyspark.sql.functions
    from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
    # Join the flights_df and airports_df DataFrames using broadcasting
    broadcast_df = flights_df.join(broadcast(airports_df), 
        flights_df["Destination Airport"] == airports_df["IATA"] )
    # Show the query plan and compare against the original
    <script.py> output:
        == Physical Plan ==
        *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [Destination Airport#12], [IATA#29], Inner, BuildRight
        :- *(2) Project [Date (MM/DD/YYYY)#10, Flight Number#11, Destination Airport#12, Actual elapsed time (Minutes)#13]
        :  +- *(2) Filter isnotnull(Destination Airport#12)
        :     +- *(2) FileScan csv [Date (MM/DD/YYYY)#10,Flight Number#11,Destination Airport#12,Actual elapsed time (Minutes)#13] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/tmp/tmpvcaouj4c/AA_DFW_2018_Departures_Short.csv.gz], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(Destination Airport)], ReadSchema: struct<Date (MM/DD/YYYY):string,Flight Number:string,Destination Airport:string,Actual elapsed ti...
        +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[1, string, true]))
           +- *(1) Project [AIRPORTNAME#28, IATA#29]
              +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(IATA#29)
                 +- *(1) FileScan csv [AIRPORTNAME#28,IATA#29] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/tmp/tmpvcaouj4c/airportnames.txt.gz], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(IATA)], ReadSchema: struct<AIRPORTNAME:string,IATA:string>


    # Import the data to a DataFrame
    departures_df = spark.read.csv('2015-departures.csv.gz', header=True)
    # Remove any duration of 0
    departures_df = departures_df.filter(departures_df[3] > 0)
    # Add an ID column
    departures_df = departures_df.withColumn('id', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
    # Write the file out to JSON format
    departures_df.write.json('output.json', mode='overwrite')
    ## 一些数据处理得技巧
    # Import the file to a DataFrame and perform a row count
    annotations_df = spark.read.csv('annotations.csv.gz', sep='|')
    full_count = annotations_df.count()
    # Count the number of rows beginning with '#'
    comment_count = annotations_df.where(col('_c0').startswith('#')).count()
    # Import the file to a new DataFrame, without commented rows
    no_comments_df = spark.read.csv('annotations.csv.gz', sep='|', comment='#')
    # Count the new DataFrame and verify the difference is as expected
    no_comments_count = no_comments_df.count()
    print("Full count: %d
    Comment count: %d
    Remaining count: %d" % (full_count, comment_count, no_comments_count))
    <script.py> output:
        Full count: 32794
        Comment count: 1416
        Remaining count: 31378


    Removing invalid rows

    # Split _c0 on the tab character and store the list in a variable
    tmp_fields = F.split(annotations_df['_c0'], '	')
    # Create the colcount column on the DataFrame
    annotations_df = annotations_df.withColumn('colcount', F.size(tmp_fields))
    # Remove any rows containing fewer than 5 fields
    annotations_df_filtered = annotations_df.filter(~ (annotations_df["colcount"] < 5))
    # Count the number of rows
    final_count = annotations_df_filtered.count()
    print("Initial count: %d
    Final count: %d" % (initial_count, final_count))


    Split the content of _c0 on the tab character (aka, ' ')

    split_cols = F.split(annotations_df["_c0"], ' ')

    Add the columns folder, filename, width, and height

    split_df = annotations_df.withColumn('folder', split_cols.getItem(0))
    split_df = split_df.withColumn('filename', split_cols.getItem(1))
    split_df = split_df.withColumn('width', split_cols.getItem(2))
    split_df = split_df.withColumn('height', split_cols.getItem(3))

    Add split_cols as a column

    split_df = split_df.withColumn('split_cols', split_cols)

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    C#重点知识详解(二) 选择自 masterall 的 Blog
    c#重点知识详解(六) 选择自 masterall 的 Blog
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