package; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; public class StoredProcedureMySQLSample { private String dbName; private Connection con; private String dbms; public StoredProcedureMySQLSample(Connection connArg, String dbName, String dbmsArg) { super(); this.con = connArg; this.dbName = dbName; this.dbms = dbmsArg; } public void createProcedureRaisePrice() throws SQLException {//新建存储过程 String createProcedure = null; String queryDrop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS RAISE_PRICE"; createProcedure = "create procedure RAISE_PRICE(IN coffeeName varchar(32), IN maximumPercentage float, INOUT newPrice numeric(10,2)) " + "begin " + "main: BEGIN " + "declare maximumNewPrice numeric(10,2); " + "declare oldPrice numeric(10,2); " + "select COFFEES.PRICE into oldPrice " +//读取原价格 "from COFFEES " + "where COFFEES.COF_NAME = coffeeName; " + "set maximumNewPrice = oldPrice * (1 + maximumPercentage); " + "if (newPrice > maximumNewPrice) " + "then set newPrice = maximumNewPrice; " + "end if; " + "if (newPrice <= oldPrice) " + "then set newPrice = oldPrice;" + "leave main; " + "end if; " + "update COFFEES " + "set COFFEES.PRICE = newPrice " +//写入新价格 "where COFFEES.COF_NAME = coffeeName; " + "select newPrice; " + "END main; " + "end"; Statement stmt = null; Statement stmtDrop = null; try { System.out.println("Calling DROP PROCEDURE"); stmtDrop = con.createStatement(); stmtDrop.execute(queryDrop); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmtDrop != null) { stmtDrop.close(); } } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(createProcedure); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } } public void createProcedureGetSupplierOfCoffee() throws SQLException { String createProcedure = null; String queryDrop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GET_SUPPLIER_OF_COFFEE"; createProcedure = "create procedure GET_SUPPLIER_OF_COFFEE(IN coffeeName varchar(32), OUT supplierName varchar(40)) " + "begin " + "select SUPPLIERS.SUP_NAME into supplierName " + "from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES " + "where SUPPLIERS.SUP_ID = COFFEES.SUP_ID " + "and coffeeName = COFFEES.COF_NAME; " + "select supplierName; " + "end"; Statement stmt = null; Statement stmtDrop = null; try { System.out.println("Calling DROP PROCEDURE"); stmtDrop = con.createStatement(); stmtDrop.execute(queryDrop); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmtDrop != null) { stmtDrop.close(); } } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(createProcedure); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } } public void createProcedureShowSuppliers() throws SQLException { String createProcedure = null; String queryDrop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS SHOW_SUPPLIERS"; createProcedure = "create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS() " + "begin " + "select SUPPLIERS.SUP_NAME, COFFEES.COF_NAME " + "from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES " + "where SUPPLIERS.SUP_ID = COFFEES.SUP_ID " + "order by SUP_NAME; " + "end"; Statement stmt = null; Statement stmtDrop = null; try { System.out.println("Calling DROP PROCEDURE"); stmtDrop = con.createStatement(); stmtDrop.execute(queryDrop); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmtDrop != null) { stmtDrop.close(); } } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(createProcedure); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } } public void runStoredProcedures(String coffeeNameArg, float maximumPercentageArg, float newPriceArg) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = null; try { System.out.println(" Calling the procedure GET_SUPPLIER_OF_COFFEE"); cs = this.con.prepareCall("{call GET_SUPPLIER_OF_COFFEE(?, ?)}");//存储过程语句 cs.setString(1, coffeeNameArg);//in的跟以前一样赋值 cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);//执行前先注册out参数 cs.executeQuery();//执行 String supplierName = cs.getString(2);//获取结果,out参数为第二个 if (supplierName != null) { System.out.println(" Supplier of the coffee " + coffeeNameArg + ": " + supplierName); } else { System.out.println(" Unable to find the coffee " + coffeeNameArg); } System.out.println(" Calling the procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS"); cs = this.con.prepareCall("{call SHOW_SUPPLIERS}"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); while ( { String supplier = rs.getString("SUP_NAME"); String coffee = rs.getString("COF_NAME"); System.out.println(supplier + ": " + coffee); } System.out.println(" Contents of COFFEES table before calling RAISE_PRICE:"); CoffeesTable.viewTable(this.con); System.out.println(" Calling the procedure RAISE_PRICE"); cs = this.con.prepareCall("{call RAISE_PRICE(?,?,?)}"); cs.setString(1, coffeeNameArg); cs.setFloat(2, maximumPercentageArg); cs.registerOutParameter(3, Types.NUMERIC);//inout类型的也要注册 cs.setFloat(3, newPriceArg); cs.execute();//如果不确定会返回几个ResultSet就用这个 System.out.println(" Value of newPrice after calling RAISE_PRICE: " + cs.getFloat(3)); System.out.println(" Contents of COFFEES table after calling RAISE_PRICE:"); CoffeesTable.viewTable(this.con); } catch (SQLException e) { JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException(e); } finally { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } }
关于RowSet和几个不常见类型(略) (mysql没有,oracle有)