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  • Maya API Test

    import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
    import maya.OpenMayaMPx as OpenMayaMPx
    sl = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
    itersl = OpenMaya.MItSelectionList(sl, OpenMaya.MFn.kDagNode)
    dagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
    dagFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode()
    while (not itersl.isDone()):
            dagPath.extendToShape()  # get shaper node
        dagObject = dagPath.node()
        name = dagFn.name()
        print 'Get the Dag Node Name Is :', name
    # create MFnMeshVertex
    object = OpenMaya.MItMeshVertex(dagPath)
    while (not object.isDone()):
        print object.position().x
    View Code




    Python PIP升级:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip

    Event in Maya Api to capture currentTime / frame change


        // ...
        // Our callback Id array to 
        // store the Ids of all our callbacks
        // for later removal    
        MCallbackIdArray myCallbackIds;
        // This is where the actual adding callback happens
        // We register our callback to the "timeChanged" event
        MCallbackId callbackId = MEventMessage::addEventCallback("timeChanged",  (MMessage::MBasicFunction) MySampleCmd::userCB);
        // ...
        if(myCallbackIds.length() != 0)
            // Make sure we remove all the callbacks we added
            stat = MEventMessage::removeCallbacks(myCallbackIds);
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    class MySampleCmd : public MPxCommand {
        virtual     ~MySampleCmd();
        // Our callback - implemented as a static method
        static      void userCB(void* clientData);
        MStatus     doIt( const MArgList& );
        MStatus     redoIt();
        MStatus     undoIt();   
        bool        isUndoable() const;
        static      void* creator();
        // Our callback Id array to 
        // store the Ids of all our callbacks
        // for later removal
        MCallbackIdArray myCallbackIds;
        // Clearing our callback Id array
        // for housekeeping    
    // Destructor
    MySampleCmd::~MySampleCmd() {
        // Make sure we remove all the callbacks we added
        // Failing to do so will result in fatal error    
        if(myCallbackIds.length() != 0)
            // Remove the MEventMessage callback
    MStatus MySampleCmd::redoIt() {
        // This is where the actual adding callback happens
        // We register our callback to the "timeChanged" event
        MCallbackId callbackId = MEventMessage::addEventCallback("timeChanged",  (MMessage::MBasicFunction) MySampleCmd::userCB);
        // Append the newly added callback's ID to our list of callback ids
        // for future removal
        return MS::kSuccess;
    MStatus MySampleCmd::undoIt() {
        MStatus stat;
        if(myCallbackIds.length() != 0)
            // Make sure we remove all the callbacks we added
            stat = MEventMessage::removeCallbacks(myCallbackIds);
        return stat;
    // Our callback function
    void SafeSelect::userCB(void* clientData) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo( "Callback userCB called!
    " );

    Get Points At Time

    MStatus myPlugIn::GetPointsAtTime(
        const MDagPath& dagPath,
        const MTime& mayaTime,
        MPointArray& points )
      MStatus                               status = MS::kSuccess;
      MFnMesh                               fnMesh;
      // Move Maya to current frame
      MGlobal::viewFrame( mayaTime );
      // You MUST reinitialize the function set after changing time!
      fnMesh.setObject( dagPath );
      // Get vertices at this time
      status = fnMesh.getPoints( points );
      return status;
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    MStatus myPlugIn::doIt( const MArgList& args )
      MStatus                               status = MS::kSuccess;
      MDagPath                              dagPath;
      // .. determing dagPath from current selection, or whatever .. //
      MPointArray                           points;
      MTime                                 currentTime, maxTime;
      // Get start- and end-frame from Maya
      currentTime = MAnimControl::minTime();
      maxTime = MAnimControl::maxTime();
      // Iterate through time
      while ( currentTime <= maxTime )
        // Get vertices at this time
        status = GetPointsAtTime( dagPath, currentTime, points );
        // .. do something with the points here .. //
        // Advance by one frame
      return status;
    Use the Get points at time

    M3dView Capture


    #Import api modules
    import maya.OpenMaya as api
    import maya.OpenMayaUI as apiUI
    #Grab the last active 3d viewport
    view = apiUI.M3dView.active3dView()
    print view
    #read the color buffer from the view, and save the MImage to disk
    image = api.MImage()
    view.readColorBuffer(image, True)
    image.writeToFile('C:/test.jpg', 'jpg')
    View Code


    import os
    import maya.OpenMaya as mod_om
    import maya.OpenMayaUI as mod_om_ui
    import maya.cmds as mod_mc
    import maya.mel as mel
    view = mod_om_ui.M3dView.active3dView()
    image_ = mod_om.MImage()
    for frame in range(1,11):
            # Change the frame number
            for obj in ['headMouthScp_geo', 'pSphere1']:
                    # Isolate the object, so that only that particular object is seen
                    # Also Tried with turning off/on the visibility
                    mod_mc.isolateSelect( 'modelPanel4', addSelected=True )
                    #mod_mc.isolateSelect( 'modelPanel4', addSelected=True )
                    mod_mc.setAttr(obj + '.visibility', 0)
                    mod_mc.setAttr(obj + '.visibility', 1)
                    # Refresh the scene
                    # Read Color Buffer
                    view.readColorBuffer(image_, True)
                    # Write The Color Buffer
                    image_.resize(640, 480)
                    image_.writeToFile('C:/Temp/Frame_Buffer_%s_%d.bmp' % (obj, frame), 'bmp')
                    mod_mc.isolateSelect( 'modelPanel4', state=0 )
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    (3)cmds context

    import contextlib
    def solo_renderable(solo_cam):
        # Disable all cameras as renderable
        # and store the original states
        cams = cmds.ls(type='camera')
        states = {}
        for cam in cams:
            states[cam] = mc.getAttr(cam + '.rnd')
            cmds.setAttr(cam + '.rnd', 0)
        # Change the solo cam to renderable
        cmds.setAttr(solo_cam + '.rnd', 1)
            # Revert to original state
            for cam, state in states.items():
                cmds.setAttr(cam + '.rnd', state)
    with solo_cam('myCamShape'):
    View Code

    OGL Render in backend:

    import sys
    import os
    import contextlib
        import maya.cmds as cmds
        import maya.standalone as standalone
        raise ImportError
    def openScene(openPath):
            sceneName = os.path.basename(openPath[:-3])
            print "opening path.................
            cmds.file(openPath, open=True)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        for x in xrange(1,68,1):
            print cmds.ogsRender(width=1280,height=720,cam='camera1',frame = x)
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    (4)code snipts


    import maya.cmds as cmds

    cmds.ls(*cmds.listHistory (mynode), type = 'animCurve' )

    <2> iter by type

    import maya.OpenMaya as om
    import maya.OpenMayaMPx as omp
    import maya.OpenMayaAnim  as oma
    # just loop the animation curve
    it = om.MItDependencyNodes(om.MFn.kMesh) 
    while not it.isDone():
        aobj =  it.item()
        print aobj
        #aniCur = oma.MFnAnimCurve(aobj)
        #print aniCur.name()
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    (5) save two matrixs into a float* array

     // MMatrix stores double values, but I want floating point values on the GPU so convert them here.
        unsigned int numFloat = 32;
        float* temp = new float[numFloat];
        unsigned int curr = 0;
        for(unsigned int row = 0; row<4; row++)
            for(unsigned int column = 0; column<4; column++)
                temp[curr++] = (float)omat(row, column);
        for(unsigned int row = 0; row<4; row++)
            for(unsigned int column = 0; column<4; column++)
                temp[curr++] = (float)omatinv(row, column);
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     in opencl use pointer offset

    __global const float4* matrices,                    //first matrix is offset matrix, second matrix is offset matrix inverse
    __global const float4* matrixInverse = &(matrices[4]);
    __global const float4* matrix = matrices;

    (6) command port eval scripts:


    commandPort -stp "python" -n ":5055" ;
    cmds.commandPort (n=':6328', stp='python')

    other Python version:

    import socket
    maya = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    maya.connect(("", 5055))
    maya.send("""maya.cmds.polySphere( radius=4 )""")
    The above code will create a new sphere in your currently running Maya. You can use any python terminal (doesn't have to be mayapy).
    (If you're running python3, the last command will produce an error until you change it to:
    maya.send(bytes("""maya.cmds.polySphere( radius=4 )""", 'UTF-8'))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gearslogy/p/6900272.html
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