(摘自王逍同学的论文arxiv-2019+Pedestrian Attribute Recognition A Survey)
1. 数据集
Dataset | Pedestrians | Attribute | Source |
PETA Dataset | 19000 | 61 binary and 4 multi-class attributes | outdoor & indoor |
RAP Dataset | 41585 | 69 binary and 3 multi-class attributes | indoor |
RAP 2.0 Dataset | 84928 | 69 binary and 3 multi-class attributes | indoor |
PA-100K Dataset | 10w | 26 binary attributes | outdoor |
WIDER Attribute Dataset | 13789 | 14 binary attributes | WIDER images |
Market-1501_Attribute | 32668 | 26 binary and 1 multi-class attributes | outdoor |
DukeMTMC-Attribute | 34183 | 23 binary attributes | outdoor |
Parse27k Dataset | 27000 | 8 binary and 2 multi-class orientation attributes | outdoor |
APiS | 3661 | 11 binary and 2 multi-class attributes | KITTI , CBCL Street Scenes,INRIA and SVS |
Database of Human Attributes | 9344 | 27 binary attributes | image site Flickr |
CRP Dataset | 27454 | 1 binary attributes and 13 multi-class attributes | outdoor |
Clothing Attributes Dataset | 1856 | 23 binary attributes and 3 multi-class attributes | Sartorialist and Flickr |
Berkeley-Attributes of People dataset | 8035 | 9 binary attributes | H3D dataset PASCAL VOC 2010 |
备注: 加粗的数据集是已经获取到的,RAP和RAP2.0数据集需要联系作者,之后会拿到.
2. 实现方法总结及已有资源
- PANDA (CVOR-2014): <局部>
- HydraPlus-Net (ICCV-2017):<注意力>
- WPAL-network (BMVC-2014)<改进损失函数>
3.1 基于全局特征的属性检测方法
3.1.1 FT-CNN(Re-id Using CNN Features Learned from Combination of Attributes(ICPR2016))
3.2 基于局部特征的行人属性检测方法
3.2.1 Poselets (ICCV-2011)
3.2.2 PANDA(CVPR-2014)
其中关键poselet采用3.2.1《Describing people: A poselet-based
approach to attribute classification》中的划分方法。通过融合局部特征和整体特征,提高了准确率。
3.2.3 MLCNN (ICB-2015)
3.2.4 ARAP (BMVC2016)
3.2.5 PGDM (ICME-2018)
3.2.6 LGNet (BMVC-2018)
3.2.7 总结
算法结合了全局和细粒度部件的特征,其中身体部位的定位是通过分割算法得到,如:part detection, pose estimation, poselets or proposal generation algorithm.
3.3 基于注意力机制的属性检测方法
3.3.1 HydraPlus-Net (ICCV-2017)
- Main Net(M-Net):
单纯的CNN结构,论文的实现是基于inception_v2,包含三个inception block,还包含几个低层卷积层; - Attentive Feature Net(AF-Net):三个分支,每个分支有三个inception_v2 block和一个MDA
AF-Net包含三个子网络分支,并使用MDA模块增强,即F(αi)F(αi),其中αiαi是由inception块输出特征生成的注意力图,图中使用黑实线标记。随后应用到kth块的输出,图中用虚红线标示。每个MDA模块,有一条注意力生成链接,三条注意力特征构造链接。不同的MDA模块,注意力图由不同的inception模块生成,之后乘到不同层的特征图,生成不同层在注意特征。 MDA模块的一个示例如下图所示: