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  • [js高手之路]this知多少



    console.log( this ); //window
    注:当前的执行环境是window, 所以this指向了window
    1         function show(){
    2             alert( this ); //window
    3         }
    4         show();



    1     function show(){
    2             alert( this ); //object
    3         }
    4         new show();

    new show这样调用,函数中的this指向的是object


    • 一般情况下,call与apply后面的第一个参数, 该参数是什么, this就指向什么
    • call与apply后面如果是undefined和null,this指向的是window
    1         function show(){
    2             alert( this ); //abc
    3         }
    4         show.call('abc'); //abc
    1          function show(){
    2             alert( this );
    3         }
    4         show.call( null ); //window
    5         show.call( undefined ); //window
    6         show.call( '' ); //''
    1         function show( a, b ){
    2             alert( this + '
    ' + a + ',' + b ); //abc, ghostwu, 22
    3         }
    4         show.call( "abc", 'ghostwu', 22 );
    5         show.apply( "abc", ['ghostwu', 22] );
    1 function show( a, b ){
    2             alert( this + '
    ' + a + ',' + b );
    3         }
    4         show.call( "abc", 'ghostwu', 22 ); //abc, ghostwu, 22
    5         show.apply( null, ['ghostwu', 22] ); //window, ghostwu, 22
    6         show.apply( undefined, ['ghostwu', 22] );// window, ghostwu, 22

    这里要稍微注意一下, call与apply后面的参数传递的区别: call是一个个把参数传递给函数的参数,而apply是把参数当做数组传递给函数的参数,数组第一项传递给函数的第一个参数,第二项传递给函数的第二个参数。。。以此类推


    1      setTimeout( function(){
    2             alert( this ); //window
    3         }, 500 );

    第六种、元素绑定事件,事件触发后 执行的函数中的this 指向的是当前的元素

    1 <input type="button" value="点我">
    2 <script>
    3 document.querySelector("input").onclick = function(){
    4 alert(this); //指向当前按钮
    5 };
    6 </script>

    第七种、函数调用时如果绑定了bind, 那么函数中的this就指向了bind中绑定的东西

    1 <input type="button" value="点我">
    2 document.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click", function(){
    3 alert(this); //window
    4 }.bind(window));



            var obj = {
                userName : "ghostwu",
                show : function(){
                    return this.userName;
            alert( obj.show() ); //ghostwu


    1         var obj = {
    2             userName : "ghostwu",
    3             show : function(){
    4                 return this.userName;
    5             }
    6         };
    7         var fn = obj.show;
    8         var userName = 'hello';
    9         alert( fn() );// hello, this指向window


     1         var x = 20;
     2         var a = {
     3             x: 15,
     4             fn: function () {
     5                 var x = 30;
     6                 return function () {
     7                     return this.x;
     8                 };
     9             }
    10         };
    11         console.log(a.fn()); //function(){return this.x}
    12         console.log((a.fn())()); //20
    13         console.log(a.fn()()); //20
    14         console.log(a.fn()() == (a.fn())()); //true
    15         console.log(a.fn().call(this)); // 20
    16         console.log(a.fn().call(a)); // 15



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ghostwu/p/7464030.html
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