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  • 【转】Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条


    < xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 


    1.       滚动条在上方时,点击submit用户,提示:please view top new terms

    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹

    2.       滚动条在最下方,点击submit用户,提示:Thanks

    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹




    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹



    <body   onload= "document.body.scrollTop=0 ">

    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹

    也就是说如果scrollTop=0 时,滚动条就会默认在最上方


    <body   onload= "document.body.scrollTop=100000 ">

    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹

    也就是说如果scrollTop=100000 时,滚动条就会默认在最下方










    Selenium 利用javascript 控制滚动条 - 流口水的小猪 - 轨迹
    以下备注所用test.html 的代码(我也是在网上找的,简单的修改显示文字而已),供大家使用:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    <title>Selenium Study</title>

    <script language="JavaScript">

             function check(){

                       var clientHeight = document.getElementById('text').clientHeight;

                       var scrollTop    = document.getElementById('text').scrollTop;

                       var scrollHeight = document.getElementById('text').scrollHeight;


                       if(clientHeight + scrollTop < scrollHeight){

                                alert("Please view top news terms !"); return false;


                                alert("Thanks !");




             function set()










    <form id="form1" method="post" onsubmit="return check();">

        <textarea id="text" name="text" cols="70"  rows="14">

            Selenium IDE is the a Firefox plugin that does record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts, assist in exploratory testing. It can also export Remote Control or WebDriver scripts, though they tend to be somewhat brittle and should be overhauled into some sort of Page Object-y structure for any kind of resiliency.


            Selenium IDE is the a Firefox plugin that does record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts, assist in exploratory testing. It can also export Remote Control or WebDriver scripts, though they tend to be somewhat brittle and should be overhauled into some sort of Page Object-y structure for any kind of resiliency.


            Selenium IDE is the a Firefox plugin that does record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts, assist in exploratory testing. It can also export Remote Control or WebDriver scripts, though they tend to be somewhat brittle and should be overhauled into some sort of Page Object-y structure for any kind of resiliency.


            Selenium IDE is the a Firefox plugin that does record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts, assist in exploratory testing. It can also export Remote Control or WebDriver scripts, though they tend to be somewhat brittle and should be overhauled into some sort of Page Object-y structure for any kind of resiliency.

                </textarea><br /><br />

        <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/glre09/p/3286724.html
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