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  • python车牌精确定位

    import cv2
    # 使用的是HyperLPR已经训练好了的分类器
    watch_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('model/cascade.xml')
    # 先读取图片
    image = cv2.imread("D:\Downloads\License-Plate-Recognition-master\test\car5.jpg")
    def detectPlateRough(image_gray,resize_h = 720,en_scale =1.08 ,top_bottom_padding_rate = 0.05):
            if top_bottom_padding_rate>0.2:
                print("error:top_bottom_padding_rate > 0.2:",top_bottom_padding_rate)
            height = image_gray.shape[0]
            padding = int(height*top_bottom_padding_rate)
            scale = image_gray.shape[1]/float(image_gray.shape[0])
            image = cv2.resize(image_gray, (int(scale*resize_h), resize_h))
            image_color_cropped = image[padding:resize_h-padding,0:image_gray.shape[1]]
            image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image_color_cropped,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            watches = watch_cascade.detectMultiScale(image_gray, en_scale, 2, minSize=(36, 9),maxSize=(36*40, 9*40))
            cropped_images = []
            for (x, y, w, h) in watches:
                #cv2.rectangle(image_color_cropped, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 1)
                x -= w * 0.14
                w += w * 0.28
                y -= h * 0.15
                h += h * 0.3
                #cv2.rectangle(image_color_cropped, (int(x), int(y)), (int(x + w), int(y + h)), (0, 0, 255), 1)
                cropped = cropImage(image_color_cropped, (int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)))
                cropped_images.append([cropped,[x, y+padding, w, h]])
                #cv2.imshow("imageShow", cropped)
            return cropped_images
    def cropImage(image,rect):
            cv2.imshow("imageShow", image)
            x, y, w, h = computeSafeRegion(image.shape,rect)
            cv2.imshow("imageShow", image[y:y+h,x:x+w])
            return image[y:y+h,x:x+w]
    def computeSafeRegion(shape,bounding_rect):
            top = bounding_rect[1] # y
            bottom  = bounding_rect[1] + bounding_rect[3] # y +  h
            left = bounding_rect[0] # x
            right =   bounding_rect[0] + bounding_rect[2] # x +  w
            min_top = 0
            max_bottom = shape[0]
            min_left = 0
            max_right = shape[1]
            if top < min_top:
                top = min_top
            if left < min_left:
                left = min_left
            if bottom > max_bottom:
                bottom = max_bottom
            if right > max_right:
                right = max_right
            return [left,top,right-left,bottom-top]   
    images = detectPlateRough(image,image.shape[0],top_bottom_padding_rate=0.1)
    print("检测到车牌数", len(images))


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