昨天遇到的Visual Jtag调试GUI界面化的问题终于解决了,riple的方向是正确的,tcl script开始要加init_tk,结束要加退出前等待,但是对于该等待命令我从Altera的AE得到了一个跟riple不同的命令,即tkwait,不管了只要能达到目的就行。
1), Add the "init_tk" in the vjgui.tcl file;
2), I added the " tkwait window .top" at the end of vjgui.tcl file;
3), I created a BAT file named vj_gui.bat, which include these two command "quartus_stp -t vjgui.tcl" and "quartus_stp -s" ;
4), I excuted vj_gui.bat
5)、Enjoy your debugging,哈哈。
PS:附上Altera AE提供一个超级简单的例子
# Initialize the Tk library
# Create a top level and add a title
toplevel .top
wm title .top "Hello World"
# Add widgets
button .top.hello -text Hello -command {puts stdout "Hello, World!"}
pack .top.hello -padx 20 -pady 10
# Without "tkwait", the script finishes at this point and the
# window is destroyed. The "tkwait" command prevents the
# script from finishing until the you close the window.
tkwait window .top