#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # by wk ''' 购物车 功能要求: 要求用户输入总资产,例如:2000 显示商品列表,让用户根据序号选择商品,加入购物车 购买,如果商品总额大于总资产,提示账户余额不足,否则,购买成功。 附加:可充值、某商品移除购物车 goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] ''' # 充值模块 def recharge(userlist): flag1 = True # 循环标记 while flag1: flag2 = True # 循环标记 add_money = input('请输入充值金额(数字): ') if add_money.isdigit(): old_money = int(userlist[0]['money']) new_money = old_money + int(add_money) users[0]['money'] = new_money print('您现在的余额是 %s元' % userlist[0]['money']) while flag2: readd = input('是否继续充值,(Y or y)继续,(N or n)返回上一级: ') if readd == 'Y' or readd == 'y': flag2 = False elif readd == 'N' or readd == 'n': flag1 = False flag2 = False else: print('输入有误,请重新输入 ') flag2 = True else: print('输入的不是数字请重新输入 ') def usercenter(userlist): users = userlist print('=======用户中心======= 用户名: %s 余额: %s' % (users[0]['name'], users[0]['money'])) # 商品列表 def goods_list(goodslists): my_goods_list = goodslists print('请选择商品') for k, goods in enumerate(my_goods_list): print('产品编号:%s 名称: %s 价格: %s元, 剩余: %s' % (k, goods['name'], goods['price'], goods['nums'])) while True: my_goods_id = input('请输入要买商品的编号: ') if my_goods_id.isdigit(): return my_goods_id print('输入的不是数字请重新输入 ') # 购物车模块 def cartlists(goodsid, cart_id): flag1 = True flag_list = True while flag1: # 循环标记 cart_id = cart_id + 1 # 为了给购物车里的商品编号,便于移除商品 flag2 = True # goods_id = input('请输入要买商品的编号: ') goods_id = int(goodsid) print('您选择了 %s' % (goodslist[goods_id]['name'])) goods_num = input('请输入购买数量: ') if goods_num.isdigit(): print('您购买的数量是 %s 件' % (goods_num)) goods_name = goodslist[goods_id]['name'] goods_price = int(goodslist[goods_id]['price']) oldnum = int(goodslist[goods_id]['nums']) newnum = oldnum - int(goods_num) if newnum > 0: # 判断产品数量够不够 # goodslist[goods_id]['nums'] = newnum car_dict = {} # 创建购物车字典 car_dict['id'] = cart_id # 编号 car_dict['name'] = goods_name # 商品名称 car_dict['nums'] = goods_num # 购买数量 car_dict['price'] = goods_price * int(goods_num) # 价格 carlist.append(car_dict) while flag2: # 循环标记 buy_again = input('是否继续购买请按(Y or y),去结账请按(N or n): ') if buy_again == 'Y' or buy_again == 'y': flag2 = False flag1 = False flag_list = True elif buy_again == 'N' or buy_again == 'n': flag1 = False flag2 = False flag_list = False else: print('输入有误,请重新输入 ') flag2 = True else: print('没那么多了,看看还有没有别的想买的 ') break else: print('输入的不是数字请重新输入 ') # print('this is goods_num ', goods_num) return carlist, flag_list, goods_id, newnum, cart_id # 购买模块 def my_buy(cart_list, goods_id, goods_num): goods_total_money = 0 if not cart_list: pass else: while True: print('购物车信息:') for buy_car in cart_list: print('购买编号: %s 产品名称: %s 价格: %s元 数量: %s个' % ( buy_car['id'], buy_car['name'], buy_car['price'], buy_car['nums'])) my_confirm = input('订单确认请按(Y or y),移除请输入编号(数字),取消订单请按(N or n): ') if my_confirm == 'Y' or my_confirm == 'y': for cart in cart_list: goods_total_money += cart['price'] myoldmoney = int(users[0]['money']) # goodsmoney = carlist[goods_id]['price'] * int(goods_num) my_new_money = myoldmoney - goods_total_money if my_new_money >= 0: # 判断钱够不够 users[0]['money'] = my_new_money goodslist[goods_id]['nums'] = goods_num print('提交成功!') print('当前您的订单信息:') for buy_car in car: print('产品名称: %s 价格: %s元 数量: %s个' % ( buy_car['name'], buy_car['price'], buy_car['nums'])) # print('当前您的账户信息: ', users) for buy_users in users: print('我的账户信息: 账户名: %s 余额: %s元' % (buy_users['name'], buy_users['money'])) break else: print('钱不够了请去充值,提交失败 ') break elif my_confirm == 'N' or my_confirm == 'n': print('您已取消 ') break else: no_this_id = 0 if my_confirm.isdigit(): # print(type(len(cart_list))) for my_cart in cart_list: if my_cart['id'] == int(my_confirm): cart_list.remove(my_cart) print('移除成功!') no_this_id = 1 break elif no_this_id == 0: print('没有这个编号,请重新输入 ') else: print('输入有误,请重新输入 ') if __name__ == '__main__': users = [ {'name': 'wukun', 'money': 1000} ] goodslist = [ {'name': '电脑', 'price': 1999, 'nums': 10}, {'name': '鼠标', 'price': 10, 'nums': 10}, {'name': '游艇', 'price': 20, 'nums': 10}, {'name': '美女', 'price': 998, 'nums': 10} ] flag = True # 最外层循环标记 while flag: my_cart_id = -1 flag_list = True carlist = [] mainlist = '========我的网上商城======= 1.进入商城 2.账户充值' print(mainlist) choose = input('请选择编号(1 or 2),退出请按(E or e): ') if choose == 'E' or choose == 'e': break else: if choose.isdigit() and choose == '1': while flag_list: goodsid = goods_list(goodslist) car, flag_list, goods_id, goods_new_num, my_cart_id = cartlists(goodsid, my_cart_id) my_buy(car, goods_id, goods_new_num) while True: my_choose = input('是否继续购物,确认请按(Y or y),退出请按(B or b): ') if my_choose == 'Y' or my_choose == 'y': flag = True break elif my_choose == 'B' or my_choose == 'b': flag = False break else: print('输入的信息不正确请重新输入') continue elif choose.isdigit() and choose == '2': usercenter(users) recharge(users) print('this is users', users) else: print('输入的选项错误,请重新输入 ')