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  • 无所不能的Embedding 1

    word2vec是google 2013年提出的,从大规模语料中训练词向量的模型,在许多场景中都有应用,信息提取相似度计算等等。也是从word2vec开始,embedding在各个领域的应用开始流行,所以拿word2vec来作为开篇再合适不过了。本文希望可以较全面的给出Word2vec从模型结构概述,推导,训练,和基于tf.estimator实现的具体细节。完整代码戳这里 https://github.com/DSXiangLi/Embedding



    让我们先把问题简化成1v1的bigram问题,单词i作为context,单词j是target。V是单词总数,N是词向量长度,D是训练词对,输入(x_i in R ^{1*V})是one-hot向量。

    模型训练两个权重矩阵,(W in R ^{V*N})是输入矩阵,每一行对应输入单词的词向量,(W^{'} in R ^{V*N})是输出矩阵,每一行对应输出单词的词向量。词i和词j的共现信息用词向量的内积来表达,通过softmax得到每个单词的概率如下

    [egin{align} h =v_{wI} &= W^T x_i \ v_{w^{'}j} &= W^{'T} x_j \ u_j &= v_{w^{'}j}^T h \ y_j = p(w_j|w_I) &= frac{exp(u_j)}{sum_{j^{'}=1}^Vexp(u_{j^{'}})}\ end{align} ]

    对每个训练样本,模型的目标是最大化条件概率(p(w_j|w_I)), 因此我们的对数损失函数如下

    [egin{align} E & = - logP(w_j|w_I) \ & = -u_j^* + logsum_{j^{'}=1}^Vexp(u_{j^{'}}) end{align} ]

    CBOW : Continuous bag of words


    对比bigram, CBOW只多做了一步操作,对输入的2 * Window_size个单词,在映射得到词向量后,需要做average_pooling得到1*N的输入向量, 所以差异只在h的计算。假定$C = 2 * ext{window_size}$ $$ egin{align} h & = frac{1}{C}W^T(x_1 + x_2 +... + x_C) \ & = frac{1}{C}(v_{w1} + v_{w2} + ... + v_{wc}) ^T \ E &= -log \, p(w_O|w_{I,1}...w_{I,C}) \ & = -u_j^* + logsum_{j^{'}=1}^Vexp(u_{j^{'}}) end{align} $$

    SG : Skip Gram



    [egin{align} E &= -log \, p(w_{O,1},w_{O,2},...w_{O,C}|w_I) \ & =sum_{c=1}^Cu_{j,c}^* + Ccdot logsum_{j^{'}=1}^Vexp(u_{j^{'}}) end{align} ]

    模型推导:word embedding是如何得到的?

    下面我们从back propogation推导下以上模型结构是如何学到词向量的,为简化我们还是先从bigram来看,(eta)是learning rate。

    首先是hidden->output (W^{'})的词向量的更新

    [egin{align} frac{partial E}{partial v_{w^{'}j}} &= frac{partial E}{partial u_j}frac{partial u_j}{partial v_{w^{'}j}}\ & = (p(w_j|w_i) - I(j=j^*))cdot h \ & = e_jcdot h \ v_{w^{'}j}^{(new)} &= v_{w^{'}j}^{(old)} - eta cdot e_j cdot h \ end{align} ]

    (e_j)是单词j的预测概率误差,所以(W^{'})的更新可以理解为如果单词j被高估就从(v_{w^{'}j})中减去(eta cdot e_j cdot h),降低h和(v_{w^{'}j})的向量内积(similarity),反之被低估则在(v_{w^{'}j})上叠加(eta cdot e_j cdot h)增加内积相似度,误差越大更新的幅度越大。

    然后是input->hidden W的词向量的更新

    [egin{align} frac{partial E}{partial h} &= sum_{j=1}^Vfrac{partial E}{partial u_j}frac{partial u_j}{partial h}\ & = sum_{j=1}^V e_j cdot v_{w^{'}j}\ v_{w_I}^{(new)} &= v_{w_I}^{(old)} - eta cdot sum_{j=1}^V e_j cdot v_{w^{'}j} \ end{align} ]




    [v_{w_{I,c}}^{(new)} = v_{w_{I,c}}^{(old)} - frac{1}{C}eta cdot sum_{j=1}^V e_j cdot v_{w^{'}j} ]


    [v_{w^{'}j}^{(new)} = v_{w^{'}j}^{(old)} - eta cdot sum_{c=1}^C e_{c,j} cdot h ]


    虽然模型结构已经做了优化,移除了非线性的隐藏层,但是模型训练起来并不高效,瓶颈在于Word2vec本质是多分类任务,类别有整个vocabulary这么多,所以(p(w_j|w_I) = frac{exp(u_j)}{sum_{j^{'}=1}^Vexp(u_{j^{'}})})每次需要计算整个vocabulary的概率(O(VN))。即便batch只有1个训练样本,也需要更新所有单词hidden->output的embedding矩阵。针对这个问题有两种解决方案

    Hierarchical Softmax

    如果把softmax看作一个1-layer tree,每个单词都是一个叶节点, 因为需要归一化所以计算每个单词的概率的复杂度是(O(V))。Hierarchical Softmax只是把1-layer变成了multi-layer,在不增加embedding大小的情况下(V个叶节点,树有V-1个inner node), 把计算每个单词概率的复杂度降低到(O(logV)),直接用从root到叶节点的路径来计算每个单词的概率。树的构造作者选用了huffman tree,优点在于高频词从root到leaf的路径会比低频词更短,这样可以进一步加速训练,具体细节可以来看这篇博客human coding


    $$ egin{align} P(Horse) &= P(0,left)cdot P(1,right)cdot P(2,left) end{align} $$


    每一个node都有自己的embedding (v_n{(w,j)}), 既单词w路径上第j个node的embedding,输入输出的单词内积,变为输入单词和node的内积, 每个单词的概率计算如下

    [p(w=w_o) = prod_{j=1}^{L(w)-1}sigma([n(w,j+1) = ch(n(w,j))] cdot {v_{n(w,j)}}^{T} h) ]


    ([n(w,j+1) = ch(n(w,j))]) 是个啥?ch是left child,([cdot])只是用来判断path是往左还是往右

    [ [cdot] = egin{cases} 1 & quad ext{if 往左} \ -1 & quad ext{if 往右} end{cases} ]


    [egin{align} p(n,left) &= sigma(v_n^Tcdot h )\ p(n, right) &= sigma(-v_n^Tcdot h )= 1- sigma(v_n^Tcdot h ) end{align} ]

    对应上面的模型推导,hidden->ouput的部分发生变化, 损失函数变为以下

    [E= -log P(w=w_j|w_I) = - sum_{j=1}^{L(w)-1}log([cdot]v_j^T h) ]


    简单的huffman Hierarchy softmax的实现如下

    class TreeNode(object):
        total_node = 0
        def __init__(self, frequency, char = None , word_index = None, is_leaf = False):
            self.frequency = frequency
            self.char = char # word character
            self.word_index = word_index # word look up index
            self.left = None
            self.right = None
            self.is_leaf = is_leaf
        def counter(self, is_leaf):
            # node_index will be used for embeeding_lookup
            self.node_index = TreeNode.total_node
            if not is_leaf: TreeNode.total_node += 1
        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self.frequency < other.frequency
        def __repr__(self):
            if self.is_leaf:
                return 'Leaf Node char = [{}] index = {} freq = {}'.format(self.char, self.word_index, self.frequency)
                return 'Inner Node [{}] freq = {}'.format(self.node_index, self.frequency)
    class HuffmanTree(object):
        def __init__(self, freq_dic):
            self.nodes = []
            self.root = None
            self.max_depth = None
            self.freq_dic = freq_dic
            self.all_paths = {}
            self.all_codes = {}
            self.node_index = 0
        def merge_node(left, right):
            parent = TreeNode(left.frequency + right.frequency)
            parent.left = left
            parent.right = right
            return parent
        def build_tree(self):
            Build huffman tree with word being leaves
            TreeNode.total_node = 0 # avoid train_and_evaluate has different node_index
            heap_nodes = []
            for word_index, (char, freq) in enumerate(self.freq_dic.items()):
                tmp = TreeNode( freq, char, word_index, is_leaf=True )
                heapq.heappush(heap_nodes, tmp )
            while len(heap_nodes)>1:
                node1 = heapq.heappop(heap_nodes)
                node2 = heapq.heappop(heap_nodes)
                heapq.heappush(heap_nodes, HuffmanTree.merge_node(node1, node2))
            self.root = heapq.heappop(heap_nodes)
        def num_node(self):
            return self.root.node_index + 1
        def traverse(self):
            Compute all node to leaf path and direction: list of node_id, list of 0/1
            def dfs_helper(root, path, code):
                if root.is_leaf :
                    self.all_paths[root.word_index] = path
                    self.all_codes[root.word_index] = code
                if root.left :
                    dfs_helper(root.left, path + [root.node_index], code + [0])
                if root.right :
                    dfs_helper(root.right, path + [root.node_index], code + [1])
            dfs_helper(self.root, [], [] )
            self.max_depth = max([len(i) for i in self.all_codes.values()])
    class HierarchySoftmax(HuffmanTree):
        def __init__(self, freq_dic):
            super(HierarchySoftmax, self).__init__(freq_dic)
        def convert2tensor(self):
            # padded to max_depth and convert to tensor
            with tf.name_scope('hstree_code'):
                self.code_table = tf.convert_to_tensor([ code + [INVALID_INDEX] * (self.max_depth - len(code)) for word, code
                                                         in sorted( self.all_codes.items(),  key=lambda x: x[0] )],
                                                       dtype = tf.float32)
            with tf.name_scope('hstree_path'):
                self.path_table = tf.convert_to_tensor([path + [INVALID_INDEX] * (self.max_depth - len(path)) for word, path
                                                        in sorted( self.all_paths.items(), key=lambda x: x[0] )],
                                                       dtype = tf.int32)
        def get_loss(self, input_embedding_vector, labels, output_embedding, output_bias, params):
            :param input_embedding_vector: [batch * emb_size]
            :param labels: word index [batch * 1]
            :param output_embedding: entire embedding matrix []
            loss = []
            labels = tf.unstack(labels, num = params['batch_size']) # list of [1]
            inputs = tf.unstack(input_embedding_vector, num = params['batch_size']) # list of [emb_size]
            for label, input in zip(labels, inputs):
                path = self.path_table[tf.squeeze(label)]#  (max_depth,)
                code = self.code_table[tf.squeeze(label)] # (max_depth,)
                path = tf.boolean_mask(path, tf.not_equal(path, INVALID_INDEX)) # (real_path_length,)
                code = tf.boolean_mask(code, tf.not_equal(code, INVALID_INDEX) ) # (real_path_length,)
                output_embedding_vector = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(output_embedding, path) # real_path_length * emb_size
                bias = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(output_bias, path) # (real_path_length,)
                logits = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(input, axis=0), tf.transpose(output_embedding_vector) ) + bias # (1,emb_size) *(emb_size, real_path_length)
                loss.append(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = code, logits = tf.squeeze(logits) ))
            loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat(loss, axis = 0), axis=0, name = 'hierarchy_softmax_loss') # batch -> scaler
            return loss

    Negative Sampling

    Negative Sampling理解起来更加直观,因为模型的目标是训练出高质量的word embedding,也就是input word embedding,那是否每个batch都更新全部的output word embedding并不重要,我们可以每次只sample K个embedding来做更新。原始的正样本保留,我们再采样 K组负样本来进行训练,模型只需要学习正样本vs负样本,也就绕过了用V个单词来做归一化的问题,把多分类问题成功简化为二分类问题。作者表示小样本K=5~20,大样本k=2~5。

    对应上述的模型推导,hidden->output的部分发生变化, 损失函数变为

    [E = -logsigma(v_j^Th) - sum_{w_j in neg} logsigma(-v_{w_j}^Th) ]


    [v_{w^{'}j}^{(new)} = v_{w^{'}j}^{(old)} - eta cdot e_j cdot h \,\,\,\, ext{where } j in k ]


    [v_{w_I}^{(new)} = v_{w_I}^{(old)} - eta cdot sum_{j=1}^K e_j cdot v_{w^{'}j} ]

    tensorflow有几种candidate sample的实现,两种比较常用的是nn.sampled_softmax_loss和nn.nce_loss, 它们调用了相同的采样函数。差异在于sampled_softmax_loss用的是softmax(排他单分类),而nce_loss是求logistic (不排他多分类)。这两种实现都和negative sampling有些许差异,细节可以看下Notes on Noise Contrastive Estimation and Negative Sampling。而这二者之间比较是有观点说nce更适合skip-gram, sample更适合CBOW,具体差异我也还得再多用用试试看。


    论文还有一个重点是subsampling,针对出现频率高的词,对于它们过多的训练样本不能进一步提高表现,因此可以对这些样本进行downsample。t是词频阈值, (f(w_i))是单词在corpus里的出现频率,所有出现频率高于t的单词,都会按照以下概率被降采样

    [p(w_i) = 1 - sqrt{frac{t}{f(w_i)}} ]


    手残党现实体验是word2vec比较复杂的部分不是模型。。。而是input_pipe和loss function,所以在实现的时候也希望尽可能把dataset, model_fn, 和train的部分分割开来。以下只给出model_fn的核心部分

    def avg_pooling_embedding(embedding, features, params):
        :param features: (batch, 2*window_size)
        :param embedding: (vocab_size, emb_size)
            input_embedding : average pooling of context embedding
        input_embedding= []
        samples = tf.unstack(features, params['batch_size'])
        for sample in samples:
            sample = tf.boolean_mask(sample, tf.not_equal(sample, INVALID_INDEX), axis=0) # (real_size,)
            tmp = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, sample) # (real_size, emb_size)
            input_embedding.append(tf.reduce_mean(tmp, axis=0)) # (emb_size, )
        input_embedding = tf.stack(input_embedding, name = 'input_embedding_vector') # batch * emb_size
        return input_embedding
    def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params):
        if params['train_algo'] == 'HS':
            # If Hierarchy Softmax is used, initialize a huffman tree first
            hstree = HierarchySoftmax( params['freq_dict'] )
        if params['model'] == 'CBOW':
            features = tf.reshape(features, shape = [-1, 2 * params['window_size']])
            labels = tf.reshape(labels, shape = [-1,1])
            features = tf.reshape(features, shape = [-1,])
            labels = tf.reshape(labels, shape = [-1,1])
        with tf.variable_scope( 'initialization' ):
            w0 = tf.get_variable( shape=[params['vocab_size'], params['emb_size']],
                                  initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(), name='input_word_embedding' )
            if params['train_algo'] == 'HS':
                w1 = tf.get_variable( shape=[hstree.num_node, params['emb_size']],
                                      initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(), name='hierarchy_node_embedding' )
                b1 = tf.get_variable( shape = [hstree.num_node],
                                      initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(), name = 'bias')
                w1 = tf.get_variable( shape=[params['vocab_size'], params['emb_size']],
                                      initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(), name='output_word_embedding' )
                b1 = tf.get_variable( shape=[params['vocab_size']],
                                      initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(), name='bias')
            add_layer_summary( w0.name, w0)
            add_layer_summary( w1.name, w1 )
            add_layer_summary( b1.name, b1 )
        with tf.variable_scope('input_hidden'):
            # batch_size * emb_size
            if params['model'] == 'CBOW':
                input_embedding_vector = avg_pooling_embedding(w0, features, params)
                input_embedding_vector = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(w0, features, name = 'input_embedding_vector')
            add_layer_summary(input_embedding_vector.name, input_embedding_vector)
        with tf.variable_scope('hidden_output'):
            if params['train_algo'] == 'HS':
                loss = hstree.get_loss( input_embedding_vector, labels, w1, b1, params)
                loss = negative_sampling(mode = mode,
                                         output_embedding = w1,
                                         bias = b1,
                                         labels = labels,
                                         input_embedding_vector =input_embedding_vector,
                                         params = params)
        optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate = params['learning_rate'] )
        update_ops = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS )
        with tf.control_dependencies( update_ops ):
            train_op = optimizer.minimize( loss, global_step= tf.train.get_global_step() )
        return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op )



    1. [Word2Vec A]Tomas Mikolov et al, 2013, Efficient Edtimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
    2. [Word2Vec B]Tomas Mikolow et al, 2013, Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality
    3. Yoav GoldBerg, Omer Levy, 2014, Wor2Vec Explained: Deribing Mikolow et al's Negative-Sampling Word Embedding Method
    4. Xin Rong, 2016, word2vec ParameterLearning Explained
    5. [Candidate Sampling]https://www.tensorflow.org/extras/candidate_sampling.pdf
    6. [Negative Sampling]Chris Dyer, 2014, Notes on Noise Contrastive Estimation and Negative Sampling
    7. https://github.com/chao-ji/tf-word2vec
    8. https://github.com/akb89/word2vec
    9. https://ruder.io/word-embeddings-softmax/index.html#negativesampling
    10. https://blog.csdn.net/lilong117194/article/details/82849054
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gogoSandy/p/13418257.html
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