typedef struct test { int a; double b; char *p; };
char a[] = "hello world"; struct test *stpTest = (struct test *)malloc(sizeof(struct test)+strlen(a)+1 ); strcpy(stpTest + 1, a );
这样,(char*)(stpTest + 1)就是字符串"hello world"的地址了。但是,使用(char*)((stpTest + 1)不方便。
因此,C99中引入了柔性数组成员的概念。C99 中,结构体中的最后一个元素允许是未知大小的数组,称为柔性数组成员(flexible array member),柔性数组成员前面必须至少还有一个其他成员,而且柔性数组成员必须是结构体的最后一个成员。一个包含柔性数组成员的结构体或(递归的)包含这样结构体的联合体,不能成为一个结构体的成员或数组的元素。
柔性数组成员只作为一个符号地址存在,对包含柔性数组成员的结构体执行sizeof操作, 返回的结构大小不包括柔性数组的内存。包含柔性数组成员的结构用malloc()函数进行内存的动态分配时,通常分配的内存应该大于结构的大小,以适应柔性数组的预期大小。
typedef struct { int len; char buf[]; }testflex; int main() { testflex *tf = NULL; tf = malloc(sizeof(testflex) + 100 * sizeof(char)); strcpy(tf->buf, "hello, world"); printf("sizeof testflex is %d ", sizeof(testflex)); printf("tf->buf is %s ", tf->buf); free(tf); }
sizeof testflex is 4 tf->buf is hello, world
结构体testflex中的buf就是一个柔性数组成员。sizeof(testflex)结果为4,也就是int类型变量len的长度,可见柔性数组成员不占用结构体的空间。同时tf->buf就是”hello world”的首地址,不需要再使用(char *)(tf + 1)这么丑陋的代码了。因buf是不完整类型,所以不能执行sizeof操作,比如下面的代码:
testflex tf; printf("sizeof testflex is %d, sizeof buf is %d ", sizeof(tf), sizeof(tf.buf));
error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'char[]'
其实,GCC在C99之前,就已经支持类似的语法了, GCC支持零长数组成员,比如上面的结构体,在GCC中, 还可以这样写:
typedef struct { int len; char buf[0]; }testflex;
typedef struct { int len; char buf[0]; }testflex; int main() { testflex tf; printf("sizeof testflex is %d, sizeof buf is %d ", sizeof(tf), sizeof(tf.buf)); }
sizeof testflex is 4, sizeof buf is 0
应当尽量使用标准形式。注意C89不支持这种东西,C99把它作为一种特例加入了标准。但是C99所支持的是柔性数组成员( int a[] ),而不是零长数组成员( int a[0] )。GCC支持零长数组成员。
the last member of a structure with more than one named member may have incomplete array type; such a structure (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a member that is such a structure) shall not be a member of a structure or an element of an array.
The last element of a structure with more than one named member may have an incomplete array type; this is called a flexible array member. In most situations, the flexible array member is ignored. In particular, the size of the structure is as if the flexible array member were omitted except that it may have more trailing padding(为保证内存对齐而加上的填充字节)than the omission would imply.
However, when a . (or ->)operator has a left operand that is (a pointer to) a structure with a flexible array member and the right operand names that member, it behaves as if that member were replaced with the longest array (with the same element type) that would not make the structure larger than the object being accessed; the offset of the array shall remain that of the flexible array member, even if this would differ from that of the replacement array. If this array would have no elements, it behaves as if it had one element but the behavior is undefined if any attempt is made to access that element or to generate a pointer one past it.
C99中支持结构体的最后一个元素可以是不完整数组类型(incomplete array type, 未知大小的数组,An array type of unknown size is an incomplete type)。这种结构体,以及(递归地)以这种结构体为成员的联合体,不能是其他结构体的成员,也不能是数组中的元素。
包含多个命名成员的结构体,其最后一个成员可以是不完整数组类型,这被称为柔性数组成员(flexible array member)。该成员在计算结构体大小(sizeof)时被忽略。
struct s { int n; double d[]; }; struct ss { int n; double d[1]; };
sizeof (struct s) offsetof(struct s, d) offsetof(struct ss, d)
struct s *s1; struct s *s2; s1 = malloc(sizeof (struct s) + 64); s2 = malloc(sizeof (struct s) + 46);
struct { int n; double d[8]; } *s1; struct { int n; double d[5]; } *s2;
s1 = malloc(sizeof (struct s) + 10); s2 = malloc(sizeof (struct s) + 6);
struct { int n; double d[1]; } *s1, *s2;
double *dp; dp = &(s1->d[0]); // Permitted *dp = 42; // Permitted dp = &(s2->d[0]); // Permitted *dp = 42; // Undefined behavior
struct f1 { int x; int y[]; } f1 = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } }; struct f2 { struct f1 f1; int data[3]; } f2 = { { 1 }, { 2, 3, 4 } };
struct foo { int x; int y[]; }; struct bar { struct foo z; }; struct foo a = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } }; // Valid. struct bar b = { { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } } }; // Invalid. struct bar c = { { 1, { } } }; // Valid. struct foo d[1] = { { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } } }; // Invalid.