On an 8x8 chessboard, there can be multiple Black Queens and one White King.
Given an array of integer coordinates queens
that represents the positions of the Black Queens, and a pair of coordinates king
that represent the position of the White King, return the coordinates of all the queens (in any order) that can attack the King.
Example 1:
Input: queens = [[0,1],[1,0],[4,0],[0,4],[3,3],[2,4]], king = [0,0]
Output: [[0,1],[1,0],[3,3]]
The queen at [0,1] can attack the king cause they're in the same row.
The queen at [1,0] can attack the king cause they're in the same column.
The queen at [3,3] can attack the king cause they're in the same diagnal.
The queen at [0,4] can't attack the king cause it's blocked by the queen at [0,1].
The queen at [4,0] can't attack the king cause it's blocked by the queen at [1,0].
The queen at [2,4] can't attack the king cause it's not in the same row/column/diagnal as the king.
Example 2:
Input: queens = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,2],[3,4],[3,5],[4,4],[4,5]], king = [3,3]
Output: [[2,2],[3,4],[4,4]]
Example 3:
Input: queens = [[5,6],[7,7],[2,1],[0,7],[1,6],[5,1],[3,7],[0,3],[4,0],[1,2],[6,3],[5,0],[0,4],[2,2],[1,1],[6,4],[5,4],[0,0],[2,6],[4,5],[5,2],[1,4],[7,5],[2,3],[0,5],[4,2],[1,0],[2,7],[0,1],[4,6],[6,1],[0,6],[4,3],[1,7]], king = [3,4]
Output: [[2,3],[1,4],[1,6],[3,7],[4,3],[5,4],[4,5]]
1 <= queens.length <= 63
queens[i].length == 2
0 <= queens[i][j] < 8
king.length == 2
0 <= king[0], king[1] < 8
- At most one piece is allowed in a cell.
这道题说是在一个 8 by 8 大小的国际象棋的棋盘上,放了多个黑色皇后和一个白色的国王,国际象棋的中的皇后就相当于中国象棋中的车,不过比车更叼,不但能横竖走,还能斜着走,国王就相当于将和帅,现在问有多少个皇后能攻击到国王。题目中的每个例子都十分贴心的配了图,可以更好的帮助我们理解。博主最开始没看清楚题目,认为直接判断每个皇后是否跟国王共线就可以了,但是即便是共线,也不代表皇后就可以攻击到国王,若中间还有其他皇后就不行,就像例子1中的那样。所以视角就应该转移到国王本身,对于棋盘上任意一个非边缘位置,共有八个方向可以去,而每个方向都可能遇到皇后,一旦遇到皇后了,这个方向就不会再遇到其他的皇后了。所以就应该以国王为起点,分别朝八个方向前进,看是否可以遇到皇后。
博主之前写出的解法有点复杂,是分别遍历八个方向的情况,但实际上可以写的更加简洁一些,利用方向变量的 offset,就像在迷宫遍历时,写出四个方向的变量一样,这里八个方向其实就是 [-1, 0, 1] 中任取两个数字分别加上当前的横纵坐标,注意要去掉 (0, 0) 这种情况,因为并不会发生位置的变化。所以当拿到一组偏移量时,就可以进行 while 循环,条件时不越界,当新位置上有皇后时,将该位置加入结果 res,并 break 掉循环,否则再次加上偏移量继续循环。如何快速的知道某个位置上是否有皇后呢,当然不能每次遍历一次所有皇后的位置,太不高效,这里可以建立另一个 8 by 8 大小的二维数组 seen,当 seen[i][j] 为1时,就表示 (i, j) 位置是皇后,参见代码如下:
class Solution {
vector<vector<int>> queensAttacktheKing(vector<vector<int>>& queens, vector<int>& king) {
vector<vector<int>> res, seen(8, vector<int>(8));
for (auto queen : queens) {
seen[queen[0]][queen[1]] = 1;
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
if (i == 0 && j == 0) continue;
int x = king[0] + i, y = king[1] + j;
while (min(x, y) >= 0 && max(x, y) < 8) {
if (seen[x][y] == 1) {
res.push_back({x, y});
x += i, y += j;
return res;
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