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  • LeetCode 刷题顺序表

    Data Structures
    1 Two Sum 2 5 array + set sort + two pointers
    2 Add Two Numbers 3 4 linked list two pointers + math
    3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 3 2 string + hashtable two pointers
    4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 5 3 array binary search
    5 Longest Palindromic Substring 4 2 string  
    6 ZigZag Conversion 3 1 string  
    7 Reverse Integer 2 3   math
    8 String to Integer (atoi) 2 5 string math
    9 Palindrome Number 2 2   math
    10 Regular Expression Matching 5 3 string recursion + dp
    11 Container With Most Water 3 2 array two pointers
    12 Integer to Roman 3 4   math
    13 Roman to Integer 2 4   math
    14 Longest Common Prefix 2 1 string  
    15 3Sum 3 5 array two pointers
    16 3Sum Closest 3 1 array two pointers
    17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 3 3 string dfs
    18 4Sum 3 2 array  
    19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 2 3 linked list two pointers
    20 Valid Parentheses 2 5 string stack
    21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 2 5 linked list sort + two pointers + merge
    22 Generate Parentheses 3 4 string dfs
    23 Merge k Sorted Lists 3 4 linked list + heap sort + two pointers + merge
    24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 2 4 linked list  
    25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 4 2 linked list recursion + two pointers
    26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 1 3 array two pointers
    27 Remove Element 1 4 array two pointers
    28 Implement strStr() 4 5 string two pointers + KMP + rolling hash
    29 Divide Two Integers 4 3   binary search + math
    30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 3 1 string two pointers
    31 Next Permutation 5 2 array permutation
    32 Longest Valid Parentheses 4 1 string dp
    33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 4 3 array binary search
    34 Search for a Range 4 3 array binary search
    35 Search Insert Position 2 2 array  
    36 Valid Sudoku 2 2 array  
    37 Sudoku Solver 4 2 array dfs
    38 Count and Say 2 2 string two pointers
    39 Combination Sum 3 3 array combination
    40 Combination Sum II 4 2 array combination
    41 First Missing Positive 5 2 array sort
    42 Trapping Rain Water 4 2 array two pointers + stack
    43 Multiply Strings 4 3 string two pointers + math
    44 Wildcard Matching 5 3 string recursion + dp + greedy
    45 Jump Game II 4 2 array  
    46 Permutations 3 4 array permutation
    47 Permutations II 4 2 array permutation
    48 Rotate Image 4 2 array  
    49 Anagrams 3 4 string + hashtable  
    50 Pow(x, n) 3 5   binary search + math
    51 N-Queens 4 3 array dfs
    52 N-Queens II 4 3 array dfs
    53 Maximum Subarray 3 3 array dp
    54 Spiral Matrix 4 2 array  
    55 Jump Game 3 2 array  
    56 Merge Intervals 4 5 array + linked list + red-black tree sort + merge
    57 Insert Interval 4 5 array + linked list + red-black tree sort + merge
    58 Length of Last Word 1 1 string  
    59 Spiral Matrix II 3 2 array  
    60 Permutation Sequence 5 1   permutation + math
    61 Rotate List 3 2 linked list two pointers
    62 Unique Paths 2 3 array dp
    63 Unique Paths II 3 3 array dp
    64 Minimum Path Sum 3 3 array dp
    65 Valid Number 2 5 string math
    66 Plus One 1 2 array math
    67 Add Binary 2 4 string two pointers + math
    68 Text Justification 4 2 string  
    69 Sqrt(x) 4 4   binary search
    70 Climbing Stairs 2 5   dp
    71 Simplify Path 3 1 string stack
    72 Edit Distance 4 3 string dp
    73 Set Matrix Zeroes 3 5 array  
    74 Search a 2D Matrix 3 3 array binary search
    75 Sort Colors 4 2 array sort + two pointers
    76 Minimum Window Substring 4 2 string two pointers
    77 Combinations 3 4   combination
    78 Subsets 3 4 array recursion + combination
    79 Word Search 3 4 array dfs
    80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 2 2 array two pointers
    81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 5 3 array binary search
    82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 3 3 linked list recursion + two pointers
    83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 1 3 linked list  
    84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 5 2 array stack
    85 Maximal Rectangle 5 1 array dp + stack
    86 Partition List 3 3 linked list two pointers
    87 Scramble String 5 2 string recursion + dp
    88 Merge Sorted Array 2 5 array two pointers + merge
    89 Gray Code 4 2   combination
    90 Subsets II 4 2 array recursion + combination
    91 Decode Ways 3 4 string recursion + dp
    92 Reverse Linked List II 3 2 linked list two pointers
    93 Restore IP Addresses 3 3 string dfs
    94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 4 3 tree + hashtable recursion + morris + stack
    95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 4 1 tree dp + dfs
    96 Unique Binary Search Trees 3 1 tree dp
    97 Interleaving String 5 2 string recursion + dp
    98 Validate Binary Search Tree 3 5 tree dfs
    99 Recover Binary Search Tree 4 2 tree dfs
    100 Same Tree 1 1 tree dfs
    101 Symmetric Tree 1 2 tree dfs
    102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 3 4 tree bfs
    103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 4 3 queue + tree bfs + stack
    104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 1 1 tree dfs
    105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Tr 3 3 array + tree dfs
    106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder T 3 3 array + tree dfs
    107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 3 1 tree bfs
    108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 2 3 tree dfs
    109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 4 3 linked list recursion + two pointers
    110 Balanced Binary Tree 1 2 tree dfs
    111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 1 1 tree dfs
    112 Path Sum 1 3 tree dfs
    113 Path Sum II 2 2 tree dfs
    114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 3 3 tree recursion + stack
    115 Distinct Subsequences 4 2 string dp
    116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 3 3 tree dfs
    117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 4 2 tree dfs
    118 Pascal's Triangle 2 1 array  
    119 Pascal's Triangle II 2 1 array  
    120 Triangle 3 1 array dp
    121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 2 1 array dp
    122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 3 1 array greedy
    123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 4 1 array dp
    124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 4 2 tree dfs
    125 Valid Palindrome 2 5 string two pointers
    126 Word Ladder II 1 1    
    127 Word Ladder 3 5 graph bfs + shortest path
    128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 4 3 array  
    129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 2 4 tree dfs
    130 Surrounded Regions 4 3 array bfs + dfs
    131 Palindrome Partitioning 3 4 string dfs
    132 Palindrome Partitioning II 4 3 string dp

    LeetCode All in One 题目讲解汇总(持续更新中...)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/4025540.html
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