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  • CGAL

    CGAL - user manual - Intersecting Sequences of dD Iso-oriented Boxes

    See: https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Box_intersection_d/index.html

    1 简介


    2 定义

    box有两种类型,一种是半开区间的,定义为:({[lo_i,hi_i)|0le ilt d}),一种是闭区间的({[lo_i,hi_i]|0le ilt d}).需要注意的是闭区间的box支持宽度为0,他们可以在边界上相交。

    此外,一个box有唯一的id。这样即使boxes的坐标完全相同,也能够得到一致的排序。(比如boxes A,B两个的坐标完全相同,那么在排序的时候,有可能第一次A在B的前面,打乱顺序第二次排序的时候有可能B在A的前面,而通过id,那么能够保证这个顺序一定是不变的。)同时也能够保证,相同的相交对只会出现一次。


    3 软件设计


    #include <CGAL/box_intersection_d.h>
    template< class RandomAccessIterator, class Callback >
    void box_intersection_d(RandomAccessIterator begin,          // 迭代器
                            RandomAccessIterator end,
                            Callback callback);                  // 回调函数
    template< class RandomAccessIterator1, 
              class RandomAccessIterator2, 
              class Callback >
    void box_intersection_d(RandomAccessIterator1 begin1, RandomAccessIterator1 end1,
                            RandomAccessIterator2 begin2, RandomAccessIterator2 end2,
                            Callback callback);




    4 Examples


    4.1 minimal Example


    #include <CGAL/box_intersection_d.h>
    #include <CGAL/Bbox_2.h>
    #include <iostream>
    typedef CGAL::Box_intersection_d::Box_d<double, 2> Box;
    typedef CGAL::Bbox_2 Bbox;
    Box boxes[9] = { Bbox(0,0,1,1), Bbox(1,0,2,1), Bbox(2,0,3,1), // low
                     Bbox(0,1,1,2), Bbox(1,1,2,2), Bbox(2,1,3,2), // middle
                     Bbox(0,2,1,3), Bbox(1,2,2,3), Bbox(2,2,3,3) };// upper
    // 2 selected boxes as query; center and upper right
    Box query[2] = { Bbox(0.8,0.8,2.5,2.5), Bbox(1.8,1.8,2.9,2.9) };
    void callback(const Box& a, const Box& b) {
        std::cout << "box " << a.id() << " intersects box " << b.id() << std::endl;
    int main()
        CGAL::box_intersection_d(boxes, boxes + 9, query, query + 2, callback);
        return 0;

    4.2 使用自定义box


    Concept BoxIntersectionBox_d
        typedef unknow_type NT;
        typedef unknow_type ID;
        static int dimension();
        ID id() const;
        NT min_coord(int d) const;
        NT max_coord(int d) const;


    #include <CGAL/box_intersection_d.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iterator>
    #include <cassert>
    struct Box {
        typedef int            NT;
        typedef std::ptrdiff_t ID;
        int lo[2], hi[2];
        Box(int lo0, int lo1, int hi0, int hi1) : lo{ lo0, lo1 }, hi{ hi0, hi1 } {}
        static int dimension() { return 2; }
        NT min_coord(int dim) const { return lo[dim]; }
        NT max_coord(int dim) const { return hi[dim]; }
        ID id() const { return (ID)(this); }


    4.3 Example for Point Proximity Search with a Custom Traits Class


    Concept BoxIntersectionTraits_d
        typedef unknow_type Box_parameter;      // 比BoxIntersectionBox_d多了这个类型
        typedef unknow_type NT;
        typedef unknow_type ID;
        static int dimension();
        ID id(Box_parameter box) const;
        NT min_coord(Box_parameter box, int d) const;
        NT max_coord(Box_parameter box, int d) const;


    #include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
    #include <CGAL/box_intersection_d.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <fstream>
    typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<float>             Kernel;
    typedef Kernel::Point_3                           Point_3;
    std::vector<Point_3>  points;
    std::vector<Point_3*> boxes;     // boxes are just pointers to points
    const float           eps = 0.1f; // finds point pairs of distance < 2*eps
    // Boxes are just pointers to 3d points. The traits class adds the
    // +- eps size to each interval around the point, effectively building
    // on the fly a box of size 2*eps centered at the point.
    struct Traits {
        typedef float          NT;
        typedef Point_3*       Box_parameter;
        typedef std::ptrdiff_t ID;
        static int   dimension() { return 3; }
        static float coord( Box_parameter b, int d) {
            return (d == 0) ? b->x() : ((d == 1) ? b->y() : b->z());
        static float min_coord( Box_parameter b, int d) { return coord(b,d)-eps;}
        static float max_coord( Box_parameter b, int d) { return coord(b,d)+eps;}
        // id-function using address of current box,
        // requires to work with pointers to boxes later
        static std::ptrdiff_t id(Box_parameter b) { return (std::ptrdiff_t)(b); }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/grass-and-moon/p/13219926.html
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