package net.wt.gate.ui.activity.bleLight; public class TransformUtil { /* * Convert byte[] to hex string.这里我们可以将byte转换成int,然后利用Integer.toHexString(int)来转换成16进制字符串。 * @param src byte[] data * @return hex string */ public static String bytesToHexString(byte[] src) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); if (src == null || src.length <= 0) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { int v = src[i] & 0xFF; String hv = Integer.toHexString(v); if (hv.length() < 2) { stringBuilder.append(0); } stringBuilder.append(hv); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Convert hex string to byte[] * * @param hexString the hex string * @return byte[] */ public static byte[] hexStringToBytes(String hexString) { if (hexString == null || hexString.equals("")) { return null; } hexString = hexString.toUpperCase(); int length = hexString.length() / 2; char[] hexChars = hexString.toCharArray(); byte[] d = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int pos = i * 2; d[i] = (byte) (charToByte(hexChars[pos]) << 4 | charToByte(hexChars[pos + 1])); } return d; } public static byte[] int2Bytes(int num) { byte[] byteNum = new byte[4]; for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) { int offset = 32 - (ix + 1) * 8; byteNum[ix] = (byte) ((num >> offset) & 0xff); } return byteNum; } public static int bytes2Int(byte[] byteNum) { int num = 0; for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) { num <<= 8; num |= (byteNum[ix] & 0xff); } return num; } public static byte int2OneByte(int num) { return (byte) (num & 0x000000ff); } public static int oneByte2Int(byte byteNum) { return byteNum > 0 ? byteNum : (128 + (128 + byteNum)); } public static byte[] long2Bytes(long num) { byte[] byteNum = new byte[8]; for (int ix = 0; ix < 8; ++ix) { int offset = 64 - (ix + 1) * 8; byteNum[ix] = (byte) ((num >> offset) & 0xff); } return byteNum; } public static long bytes2Long(byte[] byteNum) { long num = 0; for (int ix = 0; ix < 8; ++ix) { num <<= 8; num |= (byteNum[ix] & 0xff); } return num; } /** * Convert char to byte * * @param c char * @return byte */ private static byte charToByte(char c) { return (byte) "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(c); } }