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  • python基础

    1. python 资料:



    python3博客地址: http://www.liaoxuefeng.com


    # 1. 输入
    print("****** abc *******",end="")
    print("****** 123 *******") # == > ****** abc ************* 123 ******* 备注: end=""不换行
    # 2. 运算符
    a = input("Please input the first number:")
    b = input("Please input the second number:")
    print("The result %s + %s = %d"%(a,b,(int(a)+int(b)))) # == > The result 10 + 23 = 33
    # 3. list
    arrayList = ["abc","123",[123,"345"],[["se","df"]]]
    a1 = arrayList[0]
    a2 = arrayList[2][0]
    a3 = arrayList[3][0][0]
    a3=%s"%(a1,a2,a3)) # == > a1=abc  a2=123  a3=se
    # 4. 计算体重
    a4 = 1.75
    a5 = 80.5
    BMI = a4 / a5**a5
    if BMI > 32 :
    elif BMI > 28:
    elif BMI < 18.5:
    else :
    # == > 过轻
    # 5. 循环遍历
    names = ["a","b","c"]
    for name in names:
        print("name=%s"%name) # == > name=a  name=b  name=c
    sum = 0
    for x in [1,23,3,3,3,3,3,0,5,5,5,5]:
        sum += x
    print("sum=%d"%sum) # == > sum=59
    # 6. 计算1-100整数的和
    listArray = list(range(101))
    sum6 = 0
    for s6 in listArray:
        sum6 += s6
    print("0~100的整数和:%d",sum6) # == > 0~100的整数和:%d 5050
    # 7. while循环计算
    sum7 = 0
    a7 = 0
    while a7 < 101:
        sum7 = sum7 + a7
        a7 += 1
    print("while循环:%d",sum7) # == > while循环:%d 5050
    # 练习请利用循环依次对list中的每个名字打印出Hello, xxx!:
    L = ["Python","Objective-C","Swift"]
    for L1 in L:
        print("Hello,%s"%L1) # == > Hello,Python  Hello,Objective-C  Hello,Swift
    # 8.字典 
    dictionary = {"WebApp":"Python","iOS":"Objective-C","Android":"java"}
    dict8 = dictionary["WebApp"] # 拿到字典中key为WebApp对应的Value
    print("拿到字典中key为WebApp对应的value:%s"%dict8) # == > 拿到字典中key为WebApp对应的value:Python
    bool = "iOS" in dictionary # 判断key是否在字典中
    print("判断key是否在字典中不存在%d"%bool) # == > 判断key是否在字典中不存在1
    a8 = dictionary.get("PHP",-1) # 字典中的key不存在的话输出-1
    print("字典中的key是否存在不存在输出自己设定的值:%d"%a8) # == > 字典中的key是否存在不存在输出自己设定的值:-1
    s8 = dictionary.pop("iOS")
    print("用pop删除key对应的value为%s"%s8) # == > 用pop删除key对应的value为Objective-C
    # 9.set:set和dict类似,也是一组key的集合,但不存储value。由于key不能重复,所以,在set中,没有重复的key
    s = set(["1","2","3"])
    print("打印一个set",s) # == > 打印一个set {'2', '1', '3'}
    s = set(["1","2","3","3","2","1"])
    print("set可以去重",s) # == > set可以去重 {'2', '1', '3'}
    # add(key)方法可以添加元素到set中,可以重复添加,但不会有效果
    print("输出添加元素后的set",s) # == > 输出添加元素后的set {'2', 4, '1', '3'}
    # 通过remove(key)方法可以删除元素:
    print("输出移除后的代码",s) # == > 输出移除后的代码 {'2', '1', '3'}
    s1 = set([1,2,3])
    s2 = set([2,3,4])
    s3 = s1 & s2
    print("交集结果",s3) # == > 交集结果 {2, 3}
    s4 = s1 | s2
    print("并集结果",s4) # == > 并集结果 {1, 2, 3, 4}
    # 10.排序
    sortArray = ["3","2","1"]
    print("排序后的数组:",sortArray) # == > 排序后的数组: ['1', '2', '3']
    # 练习: 九九乘法表
    m = 1
    while m <= 9:
        n = 1
        while n <= m:
            print("%d*%d=%-2d "%(n,m,m*n),end="")
            n += 1
        m += 1
    #1*2=2  2*2=4
    #1*3=3  2*3=6  3*3=9
    #1*4=4  2*4=8  3*4=12 4*4=16
    #1*5=5  2*5=10 3*5=15 4*5=20 5*5=25
    #1*6=6  2*6=12 3*6=18 4*6=24 5*6=30 6*6=36
    #1*7=7  2*7=14 3*7=21 4*7=28 5*7=35 6*7=42 7*7=49
    #1*8=8  2*8=16 3*8=24 4*8=32 5*8=40 6*8=48 7*8=56 8*8=64
    #1*9=9  2*9=18 3*9=27 4*9=36 5*9=45 6*9=54 7*9=63 8*9=72 9*9=81
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