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    Generalized Stochastic Block Model
    [Jamali et al. 2011]
    • Social influence and selection lead to
    formation of communities/groups.
    • Users belong to different (latent) groups,
    e.g. teacher interacting with students or his/her son
    or camera being rated by professional vs. amateur.
    • Items belong to different (latent) groups,
    e.g. high-quality and low-quality items.
    • Clustering based method for recommendation.

    Significance of friend recommendation
    – All major social networks have it.
    – E.g., in LinkedIn 50% of connections from
    recommendations. [Posse 2012]

    C. Posse: Key Lessons Learned Building Recommender Systems for Large-Scale Social Networks,

    KDD 2012.

    A. Sharma, D. Cosley: Do social explanations work? Studying and modeling the effects of social
    explanations in recommender systems, WWW 2013.

    Supervised random walks [Backstrom & Leskovec 2011

    Model based Methods
    • MF based models [Rennie & Srebo 2005]
    – Social network as a binary matrix.
    – Similar to MF methods for rating prediction.
    – Factorize the network matrix into product of
    lower rank matrices (representing user factors).
    – Advanced version in [Yang et al. 2011]:
    factorize user-user matrix and user-item matrix

     Bo Hu, Martin Ester: Spatial Topic Modeling in Online Social Media for Location Recommendation. RecSys 2013

    Samaneh Moghaddam, Martin Ester: The FLDA model for aspect-based opinion mining: addressing the cold start problem. WWW 2013: 909-918

    Bo Hu, Zhao Song, Martin Ester: User Features and Social Networks for Topic Modeling in Online Social Media. ASONAM 2012: 202-209

    Bo Hu, Mohsen Jamali, Martin Ester: Learning the Strength of the Factors Influencing User Behavior in Online Social Networks. ASONAM 2012: 368-375 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guolei/p/3419769.html
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