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  • mysql-5.1使用

    1. /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe & (启动)

    2. lsof -i :3306

    3. mysql -uroot -p'chengye123' 单实例登录

    4. mysql -uroot -p'chengye123' -S /data/3306/mysql.sock (多实例登录)

    5. ;or g 结束mysql语句  h 查看帮助 不区分大小写

    6. show databases; 查看数据库

    7. mysqladmin -uroot password '211570xcy'  单实例设置密码

    8. mysqladmin -uroot password '211570xcy’ -S /data/3306/mysql.sock 多实例设置密码

    9. 修改密码 mysqladmin -uroot -p'211570xcy' password 'chengye123'

    10. mysqladmin -uroot -p’chengye123’ password '211570xcy’ -S /data/3306/mysql.sock

    11. Update mysql.user set password=password("211570xcy") where user='root' and host="localhost";

    flush privileges;  在mysql中修改密码

    12. set password=password('chengye123');

    flush privileges;

    13. 找回丢失的mysql 密码

    killall mysqld

    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &    在后台无密码启动


    Update mysql.user set password=password("211570xcy") where user='root' and host="localhost";

    flush privileges;

    14. 多实例

    killall mysqld

    mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/data/3306/my.cnf --skip-grant-tables &

    Update mysql.user set password=password("211570xcy") where user='root' and host="localhost";

    flush privileges;

    15. SQL结构化查询(6个部分)






    指针控制语言(CCL)----declare cursor/fetch into/update where current

    16. create database chengye;  创建数据库

    17. show databases like 'chengye%'; 查看

    18. show create database chengye; 查看建表语句

    1. 19.  create database chengye_gbk default character set gbk collate gbk_chinese_ci; 建一个名为chengye_gbk的GBK字符集数据库

    字符集  校对规则

    20. create database chengye_utf8 character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; 建一个名为chengye_utf8的utf8字符集数据库


    21. drop database if exists chengye; 删除数据库

    22. select user(); 查看当前用户 select database();连接数据库

    use chengye_gbk; 进入库中 select version(); 查看mysql版本

    show tables from chengye_gbk;查看库中的表

    drop user ''@'localhost';  删除多余系统账号、

    select user,host from mysql.user; 查看

    delete from mysql.user where user='root' and host='localhost';

    23. 创建用户,再进行授权

    create user chengye@'localhost' identified by 'chengye123';

    select user from mysql.user;  查看用户

    show grants for chengye@'localhost';  查看用户权限,默认USAGE

    grant all on chengye_gbk.* to chengye@'localhost'; 把库的所有权限赋予  flush privileges;   show grants for chengye@'localhost';

    24. grant all on chengye_utf8.* to chengye@'localhost' identified by '211570xcy';直接授权

    25. 远程连接另外一台的数据库失败

    26. revoke insert on chengye_gbk.* from chengye@'localhost'; 收回权限

    27. 生产环境授权:grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop on chengye_gbk.* to chengye@'192.168.1.%' identified by '211570xcy';

    28. 例:create database blog default character set gbk collate gbk_chinese_ci;

    use blog    select database(); 

    建表 create table 表明(

          字段名  类型(长度)  [约束],

          字段名  类型(长度)  [约束]


    create table test(

        -> uid int(32) primary key auto_increment,

        -> uname varchar(32)

    -> );

    show tables from blog;

    show create table testg


    Mysql-5.5 默认ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk

    mysql 字段类型:1. INT(正常大小整数类型) 2. DOUBLE(正常大小浮点数类型)  3.DATE(日期类型)  4. CHAR(定长字符串类型) 5. BLOB TEXT

    6. VARCHAR型(变长字符串类型)

    29. 建立Student表: create table student(

        -> Sno int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'xuehao',

        -> Sname Varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'xingming',

        -> Ssex char(2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'xingbie',

        -> Sage tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'nianling',

        -> Sdept varchar(16) default NULL COMMENT 'xibie',

        -> PRIMARY KEY (Sno),

        -> KEY index_Sname (Sname)


    30. show tables;   desc student;查看表结构 drop table test; 删除表

    31. 每个表只有一个主键,但是可以有多个索引,主键要求列的唯一性,索引不要求唯一

    32. 建表时创建索引create table test(

        -> id int(4) not null primary key auto_increment,  常主键 自增

        -> name char(20) not null,

        -> KEY `index_name` (`name`)    索引  索引名称内容

        -> );

    show index from test;  desc test;

    33. alter table test drop index index_name; 删除索引

    show index from test;

    34. 建表后添加索引 alter table test add index INDEX_name(name);

    create INDEX INDEX_name on test(name); 不能创建主键索引

    35. 删除主键:非自增列 alter table test drop PRIMARY KEY;

    若有自增列不能删,建表时去掉 PRIMARY KEY auto_increment

    36. 表操作:索引可以加快查询速度,若建索引多,更新数据库还要维护,尽量选择在唯一值多的大表上建索引,小表上不要建索引

    use chengye_gbk

    create table test(

        -> id int(4) not null primary key auto_increment,

        -> name char(20) not null,

        -> KEY `index_name` (`name`)

        -> );

    insert into test(id,name) values(001,'chengye'); 插入数据

    select * from test; 查看数据
    insert into test values (4,'evan'),(5,'jiangfang'); 批量插入

    select * from test limit 2;  查询两行

    select * from test order by id limit 0,3; 排序输出

    select * from test where id=4;  指定ID

    select * from test where name='jiangfang';

    select * from test where id>3 and id<5;  选择性输出

    37. use blog

    set names gbk;

    insert into student values(0001,'chengye','nian',24,'jisuanji');

    select * from student;

    select Sname,sum(grade) from sc a,student b where a.Sno=b.Sno group by Sname; 查看每个学生所修学分的总和

    explain select * from test where id=6g 查看有无走索引

    update test set name='gaigai' where id=1; 修改数据

    mysqldump -uroot -p’211570xcy’ -B chengye_gbk >/mnt/tmp.sql 备份

    egrep -v “-|*|^$” /mnt/tmp.sql

    mysql -uroot -p’211570xcy’ </mnt/tmp.sql  还原数据

    update test set id=100 where name='evan';

    delete from test where id=100;  删除表中数据

    truncate table test;  清空表

    38. 在表中增删改desc test;

    alter table test add sex char(4); 添加性别列

    alter table test add age int(4) after name;  指定位置加入

    39. 更改表名rename table test to chengye;

    alter table chengye rename to test;

    drop table test;  删除表

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guoxiaobao/p/14775623.html
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