基于P2P网络的Private LAN工具:ZeroTier
Linux (DEB and RPM distributions)
We've found a way to make the easy but infamous "curl|bash" more secure. If your system has GPG, try this:
curl -s 'https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1657198823E52A61' | gpg --import && if z=$(curl -s 'https://install.zerotier.com/' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi
卡在分配身份上(树莓派3b+安装的时候却没有任何问题),ctrl+d退出,运行时会报段错误(Segmentation fault)
官方Github上下载源码包 ZeroTierOne-master.zip
//解压 unzip ZeroTierOne-master.zip //进入文件夹 cd ZeroTierOne-master //编译后安装 sudo make && sudo make install
//启动主程序 sudo zerotier-one -d
//加入到创建的私有网络 zerotier-cli join your_network_id
sudo nano /etc/rc.local //在 exit 0 所在行之前前添加代码 zerotier-one -d