第1章 使用R语言
#machine learing for heckers
#chapter 1
library(ggplot2) library(plyr)
#定义空字符串为NA:na.strings = ""
ufo <- read.delim("ML_for_Hackers/01-Introduction/data/ufo/ufo_awesome.tsv", sep = " ", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE, na.strings = "")
tail() 可查看后6行
names(ufo) <- c("DateOccurred", "DateReported", "Location", "ShortDescription", "Duration", "LongDescription")
head(ufo[which(nchar(ufo$DateOccurred) != 8 | nchar(ufo$DateReported) != 8), 1])
good.rows <- ifelse(nchar(ufo$DateOccurred) != 8 | nchar(ufo$DateReported) != 8, FALSE, TRUE) length(which(!good.rows)) ufo <- ufo[good.rows, ]
ufo$DateOccurred <- as.Date(ufo$DateOccurred, format = "%Y%m%d") ufo$DateReported <- as.Date(ufo$DateReported, format = "%Y%m%d")
get.location <- function(l){ split.location <- tryCatch(strsplit(l, ",")[[1]], error = function(e) return(c(NA, NA))) clean.location <- gsub("^ ", "", split.location) if(length(clean.location) > 2){ return(c(NA, NA)) } else{ return(clean.location) } }
city.state <- lapply(ufo$Location, get.location)
location.matrix <- do.call(rbind, city.state) ufo <- transform(ufo, USCity = location.matrix[, 1], USState = tolower(location.matrix[, 2]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
us.states <- c("ak", "al", "ar", "az", "ca", "co", "ct", "de", "fl", "ga", "hi", "ia", "id", "il", "in", "ks", "ky", "la", "ma", "md", "me", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mt", "nc", "nd", "ne", "nh", "nj", "nm", "nv", "ny", "oh", "ok", "or", "pa", "ri", "sc", "sd", "tn", "tx", "ut", "va", "vt", "wa", "wi", "wv", "wy") ufo$USState <- us.states[match(ufo$USState, us.states)] ufo$USCity[is.na(ufo$USState)] <- NA
ufo.us <- subset(ufo, !is.na(USState))
summary(ufo.us$DateOccurred) quick.hist <- ggplot(ufo.us, aes(x = DateOccurred)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "50 years") print(quick.hist)
ufo.us <- subset(ufo.us, DateOccurred >= as.Date("1990-01-01")) quick.hist.new <- ggplot(ufo.us, aes(x = DateOccurred)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "50 years") print(quick.hist.new)
ufo.us$YearMonth <- strftime(ufo.us$DateOccurred, format = "%Y-%m") sightings.counts <- ddply(ufo.us, .(USState, YearMonth), nrow) date.range <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(min(ufo.us$DateOccurred)), to = as.Date(max(ufo.us$DateOccurred)), by = "month") date.strings <- strftime(date.range, "%Y-%m") states.dates <- lapply(us.states, function(s) cbind(s, date.strings)) states.dates <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, states.dates), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
all.sightings <- merge(states.dates, sightings.counts, by.x = c("s", "date.strings"), by.y = c("USState", "YearMonth"), all = TRUE) names(all.sightings) <- c("State", "YearMonth", "Sightings") all.sightings$Sightings[is.na(all.sightings$Sightings)] <- 0 all.sightings$YearMonth <- as.Date(rep(date.range, length(us.states))) all.sightings$State <- as.factor(toupper(all.sightings$State))
state.plot <- ggplot(all.sightings, aes(x = YearMonth, y = Sightings)) + geom_line(aes(color = "darkblue")) + facet_wrap(~State, nrow = 10, ncol = 5) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("darkblue" = "darkblue"), guide = "none") + xlab("Time") + ylab("Number of Sightings") + ggtitle("Number of UFO sightings by Month-Year and U.S. State (1990-2010)") print(state.plot)