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  • Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

    Given a binary tree, find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the tree.

    According to the definition of LCA on Wikipedia: “The lowest common ancestor is defined between two nodes p and q as the lowest node in T that has both p and q as descendants (where we allow a node to be a descendant of itself).”

    Given the following binary tree:  root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4]

        ___5__          ___1__
       /              /      
       6      _2       0       8
             7   4

    Example 1:

    Input: root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4], p = 5, q = 1
    Output: 3
    Explanation: The LCA of nodes 5 and 1 is 3.

    Example 2:

    Input: root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4], p = 5, q = 4
    Output: 5
    Explanation: The LCA of nodes 5 and 4 is 5, since a node can be a descendant of itself
                 according to the LCA definition.


    • All of the nodes' values will be unique.
    • p and q are different and both values will exist in the binary tree.

    Approach #1: C++.

     * Definition for a binary tree node.
     * struct TreeNode {
     *     int val;
     *     TreeNode *left;
     *     TreeNode *right;
     *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
     * };
    class Solution {
        TreeNode* lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p, TreeNode* q) {
            if (!root) return NULL;
            if (root == p || root == q) return root;
            TreeNode* leftchild = lowestCommonAncestor(root->left, p, q);
            TreeNode* rightchild = lowestCommonAncestor(root->right, p, q);
            return !leftchild ? rightchild : !rightchild ? leftchild : root;
            // if (leftchild && rightchild) return root;
            // if (!leftchild) return root->right;
            // if (!rightchild) return root->left;


    In this case we should understand it is difference between:

    return !leftchild ? rightchild : !rightchild ? leftchild : root;


            if (leftchild && rightchild) return root;
            if (!leftchild) return root->right;
            if (!rightchild) return root->left;

    Approach #2: Java.

     * Definition for a binary tree node.
     * public class TreeNode {
     *     int val;
     *     TreeNode left;
     *     TreeNode right;
     *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
     * }
    class Solution {
        public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
            if (root == null) return null;
            if (root == p || root == q) return root;
            TreeNode left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);
            TreeNode right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);
            return left == null ? right : right == null ? left : root;


    Approach #3: Python.

    # Definition for a binary tree node.
    # class TreeNode(object):
    #     def __init__(self, x):
    #         self.val = x
    #         self.left = None
    #         self.right = None
    class Solution(object):
        def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root, p, q):
            :type root: TreeNode
            :type p: TreeNode
            :type q: TreeNode
            :rtype: TreeNode
            if not root:
                return None
            if root == p or root == q:
                return root
            left = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q)
            right = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q)
            if left and right: 
                return root
            if not left:
                return right
            if not right:
                return left


    永远渴望,大智若愚(stay hungry, stay foolish)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/h-hkai/p/10008049.html
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