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  • 7 种 join

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_dept`;
    CREATE TABLE `test_dept` ( 
      d_id int(20)  COMMENT 'id',
      d_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT  '部门名称',
      PRIMARY KEY (`d_id`)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_emp`;
    CREATE TABLE `test_emp` (
      e_id int(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
      e_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名', 
      d_id_fk int(11) default null COMMENT '部门表外键',
      PRIMARY KEY (`e_id`),
      key fk_dept_id (d_id_fk)
    INSERT INTO test_dept VALUES(1, '部门1'),  (2, '部门2'),                  (4, '部门4');
    INSERT INTO test_emp  VALUES(1, '李1', 1), (2, '李2', 2), (3, '李3', 3);
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d inner join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ; #1
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ; #2
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is not null; #3
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is     null; #(与 'inner join' 的示意图区域重合,但是意义不同 )
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ; #4
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is not null; #5
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is     null; #(与 'inner join' 的示意图区域重合,但是意义不同 )
    -- 6. full  join
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ;
    -- 7. full outer join ... is not null (去重 结果等于 'inner join',但示意图不同 )
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is not null
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is not null;
    -- 8. full inner join ... is null    (与 'inner join' 的示意图区域重合,但是意义不同 )
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is null
    SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is null;
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d inner join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    |    4 | 部门4   | NULL | NULL   |    NULL |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is not null;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    | NULL | NULL    |    3 | 李3    |       3 |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is not null;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id
        -> UNION ALL
        -> SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id ;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    |    4 | 部门4   | NULL | NULL   |    NULL |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    | NULL | NULL    |    3 | 李3    |       3 |
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test_dept d left  join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where e.d_id_fk is not null
        -> UNION ALL
        -> SELECT * FROM test_dept d right join test_emp e ON e.d_id_fk = d.d_id where d.d_id is not null;
    | d_id | d_name  | e_id | e_name | d_id_fk |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |
    |    1 | 部门1   |    1 | 李1    |       1 |
    |    2 | 部门2   |    2 | 李2    |       2 |

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_student`;
    CREATE TABLE `test_student` (
      `id` int(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '学号',
      `sex` int DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '性别 0-男 1-女',
       `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名', 
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_score`;
    CREATE TABLE `test_score` ( 
        `s_id` int(20)  COMMENT '学号',
        `score` int NOT NULL COMMENT '分数',
        `level` int COMMENT '成绩 0-不及格 1-及格 2-优良 3-优秀' 
    -- 初始化学生
    INSERT INTO test_student VALUES(1, 0, '张三'), (2, 0, '李四'), (4, 0, '新来的');
    -- 初始化成绩
    INSERT INTO test_score   VALUES(1, 10, 0),   (2, 20, 0),              (5, 10, 0);
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts inner JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id ;-- 1. inner
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts LEFT  JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id ;-- 2. LEFT outer join
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts LEFT  JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id where tc.s_id is null;-- 3. 
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts right JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id ;-- 4. right outer join
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts right JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id where ts.id   is null;-- 5.
    -- 6. full outer join
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts LEFT  JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id ;
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts right JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id ;
    -- 7. full outer join ... is null
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts LEFT  JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id where tc.s_id is null ;
    SELECT * FROM test_student ts right JOIN test_score tc ON ts.id = tc.s_id where ts.id   is null;
    select id from `test_student` order by rand() limit 1000; -- 随机抽样
    -- 可优化为:
    select id from `test_student` t1 
    inner join 
    (select rand() * (select max(id) from `test_student`) as nid) t2 
    on t1.id > t2.nid 
    limit 1000;
    -- 解析:
    select id from `test_student` t1 
    inner join 
    (  select rand() *2  as nid) t2 
    on t1.id > t2.nid 
    limit 1000;
    select id from `test_student` t1 
    inner join 
    (  select rand() *2  as nid) t2 
    on t1.id > 0 
    limit 1000;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hahajava/p/10690707.html
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