$(elemStr).select2( { placeholder: 'Enter name', //Does the user have to enter any data before sending the ajax request minimumInputLength: 1, allowClear: true, language: "zh-CN", ajax: { //How long the user has to pause their typing before sending the next request delay: 250, //The url of the json service url: "/Controller/Action", dataType: 'json', //Our search term and what page we are on data: function (params) { if (params.term == "undefined") { searchItem = " "; } else { searchItem = params.term; } var query = { searchTerm: searchItem, pageSize: 20, pageNum: params.page || 1 }; return query; }, processResults: function (data, params) { //Used to determine whether or not there are more results available, //and if requests for more data should be sent in the infinite scrolling params.page = params.page || 1; return { results: data.results, pagination: { more: (params.page * 20) < data.total } }; }, cache: true } });
1. 自定义向后台传输参数:
data: function (params) { var query = { searchTerm: searchItem, pageSize: 20, pageNum: params.page || 1 }; return query; },
向后台传输了输入框中的值:searchTerm, 整个下拉列表中可显示的数量:pageSize,当前页码:pageNum
2. 结果返回后的处理过程:
return { results: data.results, pagination: { more: (params.page * 20) < data.total }
1. 符合select2格式的模型
public class Select2Result
public string id { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
2. 返回到select2回调函数的模型
public class Select2PagedResult { public int total { get; set; } public List<Select2Result> results { get; set; } }
3. Controller/Action
[HttpGet] public async Task<IActionResult> GetDepartmentPersonSelectList(string searchTerm = null, int pageSize = 20, int pageNum = 1) { var departmentPersonListQuery = repo.GetAll(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) { departmentPersonListQuery = departmentPersonListQuery.Where(a => a.SpellingFirstCode.Contains(searchTerm)); } var total = await departmentPersonListQuery.CountAsync(); var departmentPersonList = await departmentPersonListQuery.OrderBy(a => a.SpellingFirstCode) .Skip(pageSize * (pageNum - 1)) .Take(pageSize).Select(a => new Select2Result { id = a.PersonID.ToString(), text = a.PersonName }) .ToListAsync(); Select2PagedResult result = new Select2PagedResult { total = total, results = departmentPersonList }; return new JsonResult(result); }