For this we need to understand how Business Contents/extractors are designed.
Well, based on applications there are different methods followed by SAP to differentiate different Business Events in Logistics Applications.
Say for example, for Logistics applications Process Keys are used to differentiate between different Business Events.
In Financials, we use 'Value Type' to differentiate whether the data is a planned data or a Actual data or budgeted or a commitment or forecast etc.
Since, logistics applications are Business Events oriented, documents are differentiated using Process Keys.
process key is used to interpret document information from r/3 to bw.
The extractors presented here represent, in principle, structures that collect document-specific information from the logistics application Purchasing and transfer it to the SAP BW.
Many key figures are yielded from the application. These must be transferred to the SAP BW with the help of the extractors. SAP ensures that document information is interpreted in advance with the help of a 'process key' so that key figures, which describe and measure the particular processes, can be more easily derived for customers.
how to
to activate : transaction Transaction MCB_ in r/3
sample in purchasing
Here is a list of the values that process key - BWVORG can assume, according with the purchasing item type, processed document and purchasing order type:
1 - For non return items:
a) Document type: Purchasing order
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 001
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 011
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 021
b) Document type: Goods receipt
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 002
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 012
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 022
c) Document type: Invoice receipt
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 003
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 013
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 023
d) Document type: Scheduling agreement
- Normal scheduling agreement - BWVORG = 004
- Stock transport agreement - BWVORG = 014
- Cross company agreement - BWVORG = 024
e) Document type: Contract
- Normal contract - BWVORG = 008
- Cross company contract - BWVORG = 028
f) Document type: Request of quotation
- Request of quotation - BWVORG = 009
- Quotation - BWVORG = 040
2 - For return items:
a) Document type: Purchasing order
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 005
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 015
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 025
b) Document type: Goods receipt
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 006
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 016
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 026
c) Document type: Invoice receipt
- Normal purchasing order - BWVORG = 007
- Stock transport order - BWVORG = 017
- Cross company order - BWVORG = 027
d) Document type: Scheduling agreement
- Normal scheduling agreement - BWVORG = 041
- Stock transport agreement - BWVORG = 051
- Cross company agreement - BWVORG = 061