from db import db_handler import os def admin_interface(name): user_file_path = r'D:pyATMdb\%s.json' % name if os.path.exists(user_file_path): to_dic = to_dic['locked'] = True return True, '已成功冻结该用户' else: return False, '该用户不存在' def checking(user_name): user_file_path = r'D:pyATMdb\%s.json' % user_name if os.path.exists(user_file_path): user_dic = if user_dic['locked'] == True: print('该用户已被冻结'.center(20, '*')) return True
import json import os from db import db_handler from lib import common def check_bal_interface(): user_name =['name'] user_dict = return '您的余额为:%s' % user_dict['bal'] def withdraw_interface(money): user_name =['name'] user_dict = money2 = money * 1.05 if user_dict['bal'] >= money2: user_dict['bal'] = user_dict['bal'] - money2 return True, '取款 %s 成功' % money return False, '余额不足无法取款' def repay_interface(money): user_name =['name'] user_dict = user_dict['bal'] += money return '还款 %s 成功' % money def transfer_interface(name, money): user_name =['name'] if name == user_name: return False, '用户不能是自己' user_dic = to_dic = user_file_path = r'D:pyATMdb\%s.json' % name if os.path.exists(user_file_path): user_dic['bal'] = user_dic['bal'] - money to_dic['bal'] += money return True, '向用户 %s 转账 %s 成功' % (name, money) return False, '用户不存在,请重新输入' def check_flow_interface(): user_name =['name'] db_handler.bank_flow_select(user_name) return ''
from lib import common from db import db_handler shopping_dic = { '1': ['商品A', 10], '2': ['商品B', 100], '3': ['商品C', 101], '4': ['商品D', 1050], '5': ['商品E', 140], '6': ['商品F', 20000], } def shopping_interface(choice): if choice in shopping_dic: shop_num = input('请输入购买数量').strip() shop_num = int(shop_num) shop_name = shopping_dic[choice][0] name =['name'] db_handler.shopping_save(name, shop_name, shop_num) return True, '加入购物车成功!' else: return False, '暂无此商品,请重新输入' def check_shop_interface(): user_name =['name'] user_dic = return '您的购物车为: %s' % user_dic['shop_car']
import os import json from db import db_handler from lib import common def register_interface(name, password): user_dic = if user_dic: return False, '用户已存在,请重新输入' user_info = {'name': name, 'password': password, 'bal': 15000, 'shop_car': [], 'bank_flow': [], 'locked': False} return True, '注册成功' def login_interface(user_name, user_password): user_dic = if user_dic: if user_dic['name'] == user_name and user_dic['password'] == user_password:['name'] = user_name return True, '登录成功' else: return False, '密码错误' else: return False, '用户名不存在'
import os import sys path = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.append(path) from core import src if __name__ == '__main__':
import json import os from lib import common from interface import user from interface import bank from interface import shop from interface import admin def register(): print('注册功能'.center(20, '*')) while True: user_name = input('请输入用户名:').strip() user_pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip() re_user_pwd = input('请再次输入密码:').strip() if user_pwd == re_user_pwd: flag, msg = user.register_interface(user_name, user_pwd) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) else: print('两次密码不一致,请重新输入') def login(): print('登录功能'.center(20, '*')) while True: user_name = input('请输入用户名:').strip() flag = admin.checking(user_name) if flag: break else: user_pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip() flag, msg = user.login_interface(user_name, user_pwd) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) @common.deco def check_bal(): print('查看余额'.center(20, '*')) msg = bank.check_bal_interface() print(msg) @common.deco @common.otter('转账') def transfer(): while True: print('转账功能'.center(20, '*')) t_name = input('请输入转账对象:').strip() t_money = input('请输入转账金额:').strip() t_money = int(t_money) flag, msg = bank.transfer_interface(t_name, t_money) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) @common.deco @common.otter('还款') def repay(): while True: print('还款功能'.center(20, '*')) money = input('请输入取款金额:').strip() if not money.isdigit(): print('请输入数字') continue money = int(money) msg = bank.repay_interface(money) print(msg) break @common.deco @common.otter('取款(含百分之5手续费)') def withdraw(): while True: print('取款功能'.center(20, '*')) money = input('请输入取款金额:').strip() if not money.isdigit(): print('请输入数字') continue money = int(money) flag, msg = bank.withdraw_interface(money) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) break @common.deco def check_flow(): print('查看流水'.center(20, '*')) msg = bank.check_flow_interface() print(msg) @common.deco @common.otter('购物') def shopping(): while True: print('购物功能'.center(20, '*')) print('0 退出') for k in shop.shopping_dic: print('商品编号:%s 商品名:%s 商品价格:%s' % (k, shop.shopping_dic[k][0], shop.shopping_dic[k][1])) choice = input('请输入您想要购买的商品编号:').strip() if choice == '0': break else: flag, msg = shop.shopping_interface(choice) if flag: print(msg) else: print(msg) @common.deco def check_shop(): print('查看购物车'.center(20, '*')) msg = shop.check_shop_interface() print(msg) @common.deco def Administration(): print('管理'.center(20, '*')) t_name = input('请输入冻结对象:').strip() flag, msg = admin.admin_interface(t_name) if flag: print(msg) else: print(msg) func_dic = { '1': [register, '注册功能'], '2': [login, '登录功能'], '3': [check_bal, '查看余额'], '4': [transfer, '转账功能'], '5': [repay, '还款功能'], '6': [withdraw, '取款功能'], '7': [check_flow, '查看流水'], '8': [shopping, '购物功能'], '9': [check_shop, '查看购物车'], '10': [Administration, '管理'] } def run(): while True: print('0 退出功能') for k in func_dic: print('%s %s' % (k, func_dic[k][1])) choice = input('请输入您的指令编号:').strip() if choice == '0': break elif choice in func_dic: func_dic[choice][0]() else: print('未识别的指令')
import json import os def select(name): user_file_path = r'D:pyATMdb\%s.json' % name if os.path.exists(user_file_path): with open(user_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: user_dic = json.load(f) return user_dic def save(user_dic): user_file_path = r'D:pyATMdb\%s.json' % user_dic['name'] with open(user_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(user_dic, f) def login(mag): user_file_path = r'D:pyATMlogaccess.log' with open(user_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(mag) def bank_flow_save(msg, name): user_dic = select(name) user_dic['bank_flow'].append(msg) save(user_dic) def bank_flow_select(name): user_dic = select(name) print('您的流水为:') for i in user_dic['bank_flow']: print(i, end='') def shopping_save(name, shop_name, shop_num): dic = {} user_dic = select(name) shop_car = user_dic['shop_car'] if shop_car: for i in shop_car: if shop_name in i: dic[shop_name] = i[shop_name] + 1 shop_car.remove(i) break else: dic[shop_name] = shop_num else: dic[shop_name] = shop_num shop_car.append(dic) save(user_dic) # shop_car = [{'b':11}, {'a':23}, {'c':33}] # dic = {} # for i in shop_car: # if 'a' in i: # dic['a'] = i['a'] + 1 # print(dic) # shop_car.remove(i) # shop_car.append(dic) # print(shop_car)