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  • 【c++模板实现】二叉查找树


      1 #ifndef BTREE_H_
      2 #define BTREE_H_
      4 #include <iostream>
      5 using std::ostream;
      7 template <class TreeDataType>
      8 class BSTree
      9 {
     10 private:
     11     class BSTNode
     12     {
     13     public:
     14         BSTNode* left;
     15         BSTNode* right;
     16         TreeDataType data; BSTNode():left(NULL),right(NULL) {}
     17         BSTNode(TreeDataType a_data):data(a_data),left(NULL),right(NULL) {}
     18     };//节点声明
     19     typedef BSTNode* BSTNodePointer;
     20     BSTNodePointer m_root;
     22 public:
     23     BSTree():m_root(NULL) {}
     24     ~BSTree() {deleteNode(m_root);}
     25     bool isEmpty() const {return m_root == NULL;}
     26     bool find(const TreeDataType& a_data) const;
     27     void insert(const TreeDataType& a_data) {insertAux(m_root,a_data);}
     28     void remove(const TreeDataType& a_data);
     29     void inorder(ostream& out) const {inorderAux(out, m_root);}
     30     void graph(ostream& out) const {graphAux(out, 0, m_root);}
     32 protected:
     33     void deleteNode(BSTNodePointer a_node);//删除节点和所有到子节点
     34     void insertAux(BSTNodePointer& a_subRoot, const TreeDataType& a_data);
     35     void inorderAux(ostream& out, BSTNodePointer a_subRoot) const;
     36     void graphAux(ostream& out, int a_indent, BSTNodePointer a_subRoot) const;
     37     void find2(const TreeDataType& a_data, bool& found, BSTNodePointer& a_locPtr, BSTNodePointer& a_parent) const; 
     38 };//类模板声明结束
     39 #endif
     41 template <class TreeDataType>
     42 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::deleteNode(BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer a_node)
     43 {
     44     if (a_node->left != NULL)
     45     {
     46         deleteNode(a_node->left);
     47     }
     48     else if (a_node->right != NULL)
     49     {
     50         deleteNode(a_node->right);
     51     }
     52     else if (a_node != NULL)
     53     {
     54         delete a_node;
     55         a_node = NULL;
     56     }
     57 }
     59 template <class TreeDataType>
     60 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::insertAux(BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer& a_subRoot, const TreeDataType& a_data)
     61 {
     62     if (a_subRoot == NULL)
     63     {
     64         a_subRoot = new BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNode(a_data);
     65     }
     66     else if (a_data < a_subRoot->data)
     67     {
     68         insertAux(a_subRoot->left,a_data);
     69     }
     70     else if (a_subRoot->data < a_data)
     71     {
     72         insertAux(a_subRoot->right,a_data);
     73     }
     74     else
     75     {
     76         std::cerr << "a_data already in the tree!\n";
     77     }
     78 }
     80 template <class TreeDataType>
     81 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::inorderAux(ostream& out, BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer a_subRoot) const
     82 {
     83     if (a_subRoot != NULL)
     84     {
     85         inorderAux(out, a_subRoot->left);//L
     86         out << a_subRoot->data << " ";//V
     87         inorderAux(out, a_subRoot->right);//R
     88     }
     89 }
     91 #include <iomanip>
     92 using std::setw;
     93 using std::endl;
     94 template <class TreeDataType>
     95 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::graphAux(ostream& out, int a_indent, BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer a_subRoot) const
     96 {
     97     if (a_subRoot != NULL)
     98     {
     99         graphAux(out, a_indent+8, a_subRoot->right);                //R
    100         out << setw(a_indent) << " " << a_subRoot->data << endl;    //V
    101         graphAux(out, a_indent+8, a_subRoot->left);                    //L
    102     }
    103 }
    105 template <class TreeDataType>
    106 inline bool BSTree<TreeDataType>::find(const TreeDataType& a_data) const
    107 {
    108     BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer locPtr = m_root;
    109     bool found = false;
    110     while (!found && locPtr != NULL)
    111     {
    112         if (a_data < locPtr->data)
    113         {
    114             locPtr = locPtr->left;
    115         }
    116         else if (locPtr->data < a_data)
    117         {
    118             locPtr = locPtr->right;
    119         }
    120         else
    121         {
    122             found = true;
    123         }
    124     }
    125     return found;
    126 }
    128 template <class TreeDataType>
    129 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::find2(const TreeDataType& a_data, bool& found, 
    130                                 BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer& a_locPtr,
    131                                 BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer& a_parent) const
    132 {
    133     a_locPtr = m_root;
    134     a_parent = NULL;
    135     found = false;
    136     while (!found && a_locPtr != NULL)
    137     {
    138         if (a_data < a_locPtr->data)
    139         {
    140             a_parent = a_locPtr; 
    141             a_locPtr = a_locPtr->left;
    142         }
    143         else if (a_locPtr->data < a_data)
    144         {
    145             a_parent = a_locPtr; 
    146             a_locPtr = a_locPtr->right;
    147         }
    148         else
    149         {
    150             found = true;
    151         }
    152     }
    153 }
    155 template <class TreeDataType>
    156 inline void BSTree<TreeDataType>::remove(const TreeDataType& a_data)
    157 {
    158     bool found = false;
    159     BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer x; //被删除的节点
    160     BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer parent;
    161     find2(a_data,found,x,parent);
    162     if (!found)
    163     {
    164         std::cerr << "a_data is not in the tree!\n";
    165         return;
    166     }
    168     if (x->left != NULL && x->right != NULL)//节点有两个子女
    169     {
    170         //查找x的中续后继节点及其双亲节点
    171         BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer xSucc = x->right;
    172         parent = x;
    173         while (xSucc->left != NULL)
    174         {
    175             parent = xSucc;
    176             xSucc = xSucc->left;
    177         }
    178         x->data = xSucc->data;
    179         x = xSucc;
    180     }
    181     BSTree<TreeDataType>::BSTNodePointer subTree = x->left;
    182     if (subTree == NULL)
    183     {
    184         subTree = x->right;
    185     }
    186     if (parent == NULL)
    187     {
    188         m_root = subTree;
    189     }
    190     else if (parent->left == x)
    191     {
    192         parent->left = subTree;
    193     }
    194     else
    195     {
    196         parent->right = subTree;
    197     }
    198     delete x;
    199 }


     1 #include "BSTree.h"
     2 #include <cstdlib>
     3 #include <iostream>
     4 using namespace std;
     6 int main()
     7 {
     8     BSTree<int> intBST;
     9     cout << "Constructing empty BST\n";
    10     cout << "BST " << (intBST.isEmpty()?"is":"is not") << "empty\n";
    12     int number;
    13     for (;;)
    14     {
    15         cout << "Item to insert (-999 to stop):";
    16         cin >> number;
    17         if (number == -999) break;
    18         intBST.insert(number);
    19     }
    20     intBST.inorder(cout);
    21     cout << endl;
    22     intBST.graph(cout);
    24     //测试find
    25     for (;;)
    26     {
    27         cout << "Item to find (-999 to stop):";
    28         cin >> number;
    29         if (number == -999) break;
    30         bool found = intBST.find(number);
    31         cout << boolalpha << found << endl;
    32     }
    34     //测试remove
    35     for (;;)
    36     {
    37         cout << "Item to remove (-999 to stop):";
    38         cin >> number;
    39         if (number == -999) break;
    40         intBST.remove(number);
    41         cout << endl;
    42         intBST.graph(cout);
    43         cout << endl;
    44     }
    45     intBST.inorder(cout);
    46     return 0;
    47 }
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    HTTP Response Code 中文详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hanxi/p/2645929.html
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