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  • MATLAB数字图像处理

    工具: MATLAB;

    动机:使用 MATLAB toolbox 程序设计相对简单,通过初步学习一些图像处理的常见技术,帮助建立这方面的技能体系;


    1 图像、视频文件读取

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Display the read image
    figure, imshow(A);
    % Print height, width and number of channels of the read image
    height = size(A, 1);
    width = size(A, 2);
    number_of_channels = size(A, 3);
    % Resize the image to 2x and display
    B = imresize(A, 2.0);
    figure, imshow(B);
    % Rotate the image 逆时针旋转
    C = imrotate(A, 90);
    figure, imshow(C);


    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Translate the image
    A_trans = imtranslate(A, [5 15]);
    % Write the transformed image to disk
    imwrite(A_trans, 'newlena.jpg');


    1-1 视频读取(选看)

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Initialize an object for reading video
    videoObj = vision.VideoFileReader('video1.mp4', 'ImageColorSpace', 'RGB');
    % Get video frame size and frame rate
    S = info(videoObj); width = S.VideoSize(1); height = S.VideoSize(end); frame_rate = S.VideoFrameRate; % Get individual video frames image_data = step(videoObj); % Run the loop until all frames have been displayed while ~isDone(videoObj) % Display video frame one by one imshow(image_data); image_data = step(videoObj); end % Release the object for reading video release(videoObj);

     关键:step,其流程reader读取生成对象,得到信息,逐帧显示 , PS:视频教程中有另外一种实现。 

    3 图像格式

     3.1 RGB、灰度图片

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read a RGB image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Verify number of channels
    number_of_channels = size(A, 3)
    % Convert RGB image to Grayscale
    A_gray = rgb2gray(A);
    number_of_channels2 = size(A_gray, 3)
    figure, subplot(1, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Input RGB image');
    subplot(1, 2, 2), imshow(A_gray), title('Converted Grayscale image');


    关键:灰度图像颜色通道位1,rgb图像颜色通道数是3,subplot 显示多个图像,便于查看。

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read a RGB image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Extract individual R, G & B channels from RGB image
    R = A(:, :, 1);
    G = A(:, :, 2);
    B = A(:, :, 3);
    % Convert RGB image to HSV color space
    A_hsv = rgb2hsv(A);
    % Extract individual H, S & V channels from HSV image
    H = A_hsv(:, :, 1);
    S = A_hsv(:, :, 2);
    V = A_hsv(:, :, 3);
    % Display the read RGB image and HSV converted image
    figure, subplot(1, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Read RGB image');
    subplot(1, 2, 2), imshow(A_hsv), title('Converted HSV image');
    % Displaying individual image channels.
    figure, subplot(1, 3, 1), imshow(S), title('Saturation channel');
    subplot(1, 3, 2), imshow(H), title('Hue channel');
    subplot(1, 3, 3), imshow(V), title('Value channel');


    关键:R、G、B、H、S、V 都是提取空间域(矩阵表示)的信息,位图片大小,RGB、HSV格式都是3个颜色通道,前者unit8,后者double格式。PS:HSV 有用的是V(当前)。

    4 直方图及其均衡化

     直方图以前都是空间域上对像素操作,直方图则是借助频率来获取图像的统计信息 imhist。

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    B = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Convert the read image to single-channel
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Plot and display the histogram if A is a single channel image with
    % default number of bins
    figure, subplot(1,3,1),imhist(A), title('Histogram of read image');
            subplot(1,3,2),imshow(A),title('Grayscale image');
            subplot(1,3,3),imshow(B),title('RGB image');



    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('lena.jpg');
    % Plot and display the histogram if A is a 3 channel image with
    % default number of bins
    figure, imhist(A(:, :, 1)), title('Histogram of 1st channel of read image');
    figure, imhist(A(:, :, 2)), title('Histogram of 2nd channel of read image');
    figure, imhist(A(:, :, 3)), title('Histogram of 3rd channel of read image');


     5 直方图均衡化


    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Convert the image to single channel image
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Equalize the histogram of read single channel image
    A_histeq = histeq(A);
    % Display original and equalized images side by side with their respective
    % histogram plots
    figure, subplot(2, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Original Image');
    subplot(2, 2, 2), imshow(A_histeq), title('Equalized Image');
    subplot(2, 2, 3), imhist(A), title('Histogram of Original Image');
    subplot(2, 2, 4), imhist(A_histeq), title('Histogram of Equalized Image');



    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read a RGB image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Convert the RGB image into HSV image
    A_hsv = rgb2hsv(A);
    % Perform histogram equalization of V-channel in HSV image which is the 3rd
    % channel
    A_hsv(:, :, 3) = histeq(A_hsv(:, :, 3));
    % Convert back equalized HSV image into RGB image
    A_histeq = hsv2rgb(A_hsv);
    % Display original and equalized RGB images side by side
    figure, subplot(1, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Original RGB image');
    subplot(1, 2, 2), imshow(A_histeq), title('Equalized RGB image');


    关键:histeq(A(:,:,3) ,A是hsv格式,流程:RGB图片转化为HSV 图片,然后对HSV图片的V进行均衡化,均衡化后重新转化为RGB图片。

     6 图像平滑化(image smoothing)


    空间域: 生成一个任何大小的矩阵,用该矩阵对图像某个像素及其周围像素进行集体操作后代替原像素。根据将像素值设置为不同的值类型,可以分为:最小化,最大化,均值,加权均值操作。


    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Conversion to single channel image
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Generate Average filter
    average_h = fspecial('average', [9 9]);
    % Generate Gaussian filter
    gaussian_h = fspecial('gaussian', [13 13]);
    % Filter input image using average filter
    B_average = imfilter(A, average_h);
    % Filter input image using Gaussian filter
    B_gaussian = imfilter(A, gaussian_h);
    % Filter input image using median filter
    B_median = medfilt2(A, [5 5]);
    % Display input and filtered images side by side
    figure, subplot(2, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Original input image');
    subplot(2, 2, 2), imshow(B_average), title('Image filtered using Averaging filter');
    subplot(2, 2, 3), imshow(B_gaussian), title('Image filtered using Gaussian filter');
    subplot(2, 2, 4), imshow(B_median), title('Image filtered using Median filter');



    6.2 中值滤波(加权平滑滤波器)

    pixel 有不同权值的滤波器,特点:越靠近中心的像素越重要;与非权值的滤波操作(均值滤波)相比,更好的模糊化,滤波器构造如下图所示。


    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Filter the image using guided filter
    A_guided_filtered = imguidedfilter(A);
    % Display original and processed image side-by-side
    imshowpair(A, A_guided_filtered, 'montage');


    7 边缘检测


    思路:空间域上对 x, y 求导,大于特定的值就是边缘,不同的算子生成方式有不同的近似求导方案。

    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Convert the image to single-channel intensity image if the read image
    % is RGB (3-channel)
    A_gray = rgb2gray(A);
    % Method for Sobel edge detection
    BW_sobel = edge(A_gray, 'sobel');
    % Method for Prewitt edge detection
    BW_prewitt = edge(A_gray, 'prewitt');
    % Method of Canny edge detection
    BW_canny = edge(A_gray, 'canny');
    % Display the images together
    figure, subplot(2, 2, 1), imshow(A_gray), title('Original');
    subplot(2, 2, 2), imshow(BW_sobel), title('Sobel');
    subplot(2, 2, 3), imshow(BW_prewitt), title('Prewitt');
    subplot(2, 2, 4), imshow(BW_canny), title('Canny');

    8 二值图像(im2bw)


    流程:灰度 - double - im2bw,第2个参数要 ∈[0,1] ,阈值除以 255 带入 。 PS:  otsu 算法已经集成在matlab 工具箱中了

    clear all;close all;clc;
    % Read an input image A = imread('test1.jpg'); % Convert the image to single-channel grayscale image A_gray = rgb2gray(A); figure,imhist(A_gray),title('hist of A_grey'); % Convert image to double i.e., [0,1] A_gray = im2double(A_gray); % Generate threhold value using Otsu's algorithm otsu_level = graythresh(A_gray); % Threshold image using Otsu's threshold and manually defined % threshold values B_otsu_thresh = im2bw(A_gray, otsu_level); B_thresh_50 = im2bw(A_gray, 50/255); B_thresh_100 = im2bw(A_gray, 100/255); B_thresh_150 = im2bw(A_gray, 150/255); B_thresh_200 = im2bw(A_gray, 200/255); % Display original and thresholded binary images side-by-side figure, subplot(2, 3, 1), imshow(A_gray), title('Original image'); subplot(2, 3, 2), imshow(B_otsu_thresh), title('Binary image using Otsu threshold value'); subplot(2, 3, 3), imshow(B_thresh_50), title('Binary image using threshold value = 50'); subplot(2, 3, 4), imshow(B_thresh_100), title('Binary image using threshold value = 100'); subplot(2, 3, 5), imshow(B_thresh_150), title('Binary image using threshold value = 150'); subplot(2, 3, 6), imshow(B_thresh_200), title('Binary image using threshold value = 200');


    9 图像降噪 ( fsepcial,imfilter)

    噪声来源于 图像采集及转化、传输过程。

    噪声分类: 高斯:正态分布;椒盐:一定概率分布的黑白像素点;冲击噪声:随机白点。



    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('test1.jpg');
    % Generate Gaussian and Average filters
    h_gaussian = fspecial('gaussian');
    h_average = fspecial('average');
    % Filter input image using generated Gaussian and Average filters
    B_gaussian = imfilter(A, h_gaussian);
    B_average = imfilter(A, h_average);
    % Filter input image using Median filter
    % Median filtering function takes as input grayscale image
    A_gray = rgb2gray(A);
    B_median = medfilt2(A_gray);
    % Display original and filtered images side-by-side for comparing the
    % result of image de-noising
    figure, subplot(2, 2, 1), imshow(A), title('Original image with Salt & Pepper noise');
    subplot(2, 2, 2), imshow(B_gaussian), title('Input image filtered using Gaussian filter');
    subplot(2, 2, 3), imshow(B_average), title('Input image filtered using Average filter');
    subplot(2, 2, 4), imshow(B_median), title('Input image filtered using Median filter');


     10 形态学

    Erosion 腐蚀 :imerode 分离相连物体,去毛刺,让物体变小;Dilation 膨胀 imdilate,拼接物体,填表面小坑,物体变大。

    close all; clear all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('binaryImg1.jpg');
    % Convert to single channel
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Generate structuring element for use
    se = strel('disk', 15); 
    % Perform image erosion
    B_eroded = imerode(A, se);
    % Perform image dilation
    B_dilated = imdilate(A, se);
    % Display the images side-by-side for comparison
    figure, subplot(1, 3, 1), imshow(A), title('Original read image');
    subplot(1, 3, 2), imshow(B_eroded), title('Original image after Erosion');
    subplot(1, 3, 3), imshow(B_dilated), title('Original image after Dilation');



    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('binaryImg1.jpg');
    % Convert read image to single channel image
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Generate structuring element for processing
    se = strel('disk', 15); 
    % Perform image opening operation
    B_open = imopen(A, se);
    % Perform image closing operation
    B_close = imclose(A, se);
    % Display original and processed images
    figure, subplot(1, 3, 1), imshow(A), title('Original image');
    subplot(1, 3, 2), imshow(B_open), title('Original image after Opening');
    subplot(1, 3, 3), imshow(B_close), title('Original image after Closing');




    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('binaryImg1.jpg');
    % Convert the read image to single channel image
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Generate structuring element for use
    se = strel('disk', 5); 
    % Perform image dilation
    % To get the object boundary, subtract the original image from the dilated
    % version of the orginal image
    B_dilated = imdilate(A, se);
    % Subtract the original image from dilated image
    B_boundary = B_dilated - A;
    % Display images side by side
    figure, subplot(1, 3, 1), imshow(A), title('Original image');
    subplot(1, 3, 2), imshow(B_dilated), title('Original image after Dilation');
    subplot(1, 3, 3), imshow(B_boundary), title('Original image with highlighted binary object boundaries');



    clear all; close all; clc;
    % Read an input image
    A = imread('binaryImg1.jpg');
    % Convert the read image to single channel image
    A = rgb2gray(A);
    % Generate structuring element for use
    se = strel('disk', 5); 
    % Perform image erosion
    B_eroded = imerode(A, se);
    % Subtract the eroded image from original image
    B_boundary = A - B_eroded;
    % Display images side by side
    figure, subplot(1, 3, 1), imshow(A), title('Original image');
    subplot(1, 3, 2), imshow(B_eroded), title('Original image after Erosion');
    subplot(1, 3, 3), imshow(B_boundary), title('Original image with highlighted binary object boundaries');



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hanxinle/p/8697820.html
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