1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Document</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <!-- <?php 9 @$qytj=$_POST["qy"]; 10 @$zltj=$_POST["zl"]; 11 @$fltj=$_POST["fl"]; 12 @$key=$_POST["key"]; 13 14 //造查询字符串 15 $st1=" 1=1"; 16 $st2=" 1=1"; 17 $st3=" 1=1"; 18 $st4=" 1=1"; 19 //判断第一个条件是否有值 20 if (count($qytj)>0) { 21 $ss=implode("','",$qytj); 22 $st1=" Area in ('$ss') "; 23 } 24 //依次判断第二三四个条件 25 if (count($zltj)>0) { 26 $zz=implode("','",$zltj); 27 $st2=" Renttype in ('$zz')"; 28 } 29 if (count($fltj)>0) { 30 $ff=implode("','",$fltj); 31 $st3=" HouseType in ('$ff')"; 32 } 33 if ($key!="") { 34 35 $st4=" KeyWord like '%$key%'"; 36 } 37 $sqltj=" where".$st1." and ".$st2." and ".$st3." and ".$st4; 38 39 ?> --> 40 <form action="hhcheck.php" method="post"> 41 <div> 42 <div>区域: 43 <input type="checkbox" id="qyall" name="qyall" onclick="CheckAll(this,'qy')" >全选 44 </div> 45 <div> 46 <?php 47 //1.造连接对象 48 $db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2"); 49 //2.判断是否连接成功 50 !mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败"); 51 $sqlqy="select distinct(Area) from House"; 52 $result=$db->query($sqlqy); 53 $arrqy=$result->fetch_all(); 54 for ($i=0; $i <count($arrqy); $i++) { 55 echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='qy[]' class='qy' value='{$arrqy[$i][0]}' onclick="Checkpa(this,'qyall')";>{$arrqy[$i][0]}</div> "; 56 } 57 ?> 58 </div> 59 <br> 60 <div>租赁类型: 61 <input type="checkbox" id="zlall" name="zlall" onclick="CheckAll(this,'zl')">全选 62 </div> 63 <div> 64 <?php 65 //1.造连接对象 66 $db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2"); 67 //2.判断是否连接成功 68 !mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败"); 69 $sqlzl="select distinct(Renttype) from House"; 70 $result=$db->query($sqlzl); 71 $arrzl=$result->fetch_all(); 72 for ($i=0; $i <count($arrzl); $i++) { 73 echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='zl[]' class='zl' value='{$arrzl[$i][0]}'onclick="Checkpa(this,'zlall')";>{$arrzl[$i][0]}</div> "; 74 } 75 ?> 76 </div> 77 <br> 78 <div>房屋类型: 79 <input type="checkbox" id="flall" name="fl[]" onclick="CheckAll(this,'fl')">全选 80 </div> 81 <div> 82 <?php 83 //1.造连接对象 84 $db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2"); 85 //2.判断是否连接成功 86 !mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败"); 87 $sqlfl="select distinct(HouseType) from House"; 88 $result=$db->query($sqlfl); 89 $arrfl=$result->fetch_all(); 90 for ($i=0; $i <count($arrfl); $i++) { 91 echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='fl[]' class='fl' value='{$arrfl[$i][0]}' onclick="Checkpa(this,'flall')";>{$arrfl[$i][0]}</div> "; 92 } 93 ?> 94 </div> 95 <br> 96 <div>关键字: 97 <input type="text" name="key"> 98 <input type="submit" value="搜索"> 99 </div> 100 </div> 101 </form> 102 <table border="1" width=100% cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 103 <tr> 104 <td>关键字</td> 105 <td>区域</td> 106 <td>面积</td> 107 <td>租金</td> 108 <td>租赁类型</td> 109 <td>房屋类型</td> 110 </tr> 111 <?php 112 //1.造连接对象 113 $db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2"); 114 //2.判断是否连接成功 115 !mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败"); 116 $sql="select * from House ".$sqltj; 117 $result=$db->query($sql); 118 $arral=$result->fetch_all(); 119 for($i=0; $i<count($arral); $i++){ 120 echo "<tr> 121 <td>{$arral[$i][1]}</td> 122 <td>{$arral[$i][2]}</td> 123 <td>{$arral[$i][3]}</td> 124 <td>{$arral[$i][4]}</td> 125 <td>{$arral[$i][5]}</td> 126 <td>{$arral[$i][6]}</td> 127 </tr>"; 128 } 129 130 ?> 131 </table> 132 </body> 133 <script> 134 function CheckAll(ck,list) 135 { //找到全选按钮的选中状态 136 var zt=ck.checked; 137 //找到所有控制的checkbox 138 var all=document.getElementsByClassName(list); 139 //控制所有的checkbox状态和全选的状态一致 140 for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { 141 all[i].checked=zt; 142 } 143 } 144 function Checkpa(pa,ids) 145 { 146 if(!pa.checked) 147 { 148 149 document.getElementById(ids).checked= 150 false; 151 152 } 153 } 154 </script> 155 </html>
图1: 全选中