postgrel中存在json和数组类型的字段,而mybatis原生并不支持这种类型(即jdbcType不存在JSON或者数组类型),如果想要将json或者数组格式的数据插入到pg数据库,那么mybatis提供了BaseTypeHandler已供开发者自己扩展,开发者需要根据自己的业务实现(implements)或者继承(extends)BaseTypeHandler。 下面将展示把List<String> 和 JSONObject类型(java)的数据插入到pg数据库。
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.result.ResultMapException; import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType; import org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException; import org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeHandler; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class ArrayTypeHandlerPg implements TypeHandler<List<?>> { @Override public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, List<?> parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException { if (parameter == null) { try { ps.setNull(i, JdbcType.ARRAY.TYPE_CODE); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TypeException("Error setting null for parameter #" + i + " with JdbcType " + jdbcType + " . " + "Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different jdbcTypeForNull configuration property. " + "Cause: " + e, e); } } else { try { ps.setArray(i, ps.getConnection().createArrayOf(, parameter.toArray())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TypeException("Error setting non null for parameter #" + i + " with JdbcType " + jdbcType + " . " + "Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different configuration property. " + "Cause: " + e, e); } } } @Override public List<?> getResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException { List<?> result; try { Array array = rs.getArray(columnName); result = array == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((Object[]) array.getArray())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ResultMapException( "Error attempting to get column '" + columnName + "' from result list. Cause: " + e, e); } if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } else { return result; } } @Override public List<?> getResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { List<?> result; try { Array array = rs.getArray(columnIndex); result = array == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((Object[]) array.getArray())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ResultMapException( "Error attempting to get column #" + columnIndex + " from result list. Cause: " + e, e); } if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } else { return result; } } @Override public List<?> getResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { List<?> result; try { Array array = cs.getArray(columnIndex); result = array == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((Object[]) array.getArray())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ResultMapException( "Error attempting to get column #" + columnIndex + " from callable statement. Cause: " + e, e); } if (cs.wasNull()) { return null; } else { return result; } } }
<!--1.插入数据: 其中字段next_users的类型为(_varchar:字符串数组)--> <insert id="insert" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" parameterType="com.qin.entity.ApplyInfo"> INSERT INTO APPLY_INFO ( <trim prefixOverrides=","> <if test="nextUsers!=null">,next_users</if> </trim> ) VALUES ( <trim prefixOverrides=","> <if test="nextUsers!=null"> ,#{nextUsers,jdbcType=VARCHAR,typeHandler=com.qin.common.typeHandler.ArrayTypeHandlerPg} </if> </trim> ) </insert> <!--2.查询数据--> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.qin.entity.ProcessInfo"> <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/> <result column="next_users" property="nextUsers" jdbcType="VARCHAR" typeHandler="com.qin.common.typeHandler.ArrayTypeHandlerPg"/> </resultMap> <select id="getById" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT id, next_users FROM APPLY_INFO WHERE id = #{id} </select> <!--3.查询数据:数组中是否包某个字符串元素--> <select id="getById" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT id, next_users FROM APPLY_INFO WHERE next_users @> array[#{userName}] ::_varchar </select>
- 如果想要把pg数据库表中的字符串数组字段的值映射到java的pojo对象中,必须使用resultMap标签来映射,不然此字段的值为null。
import; import; import org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler; import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType; import org.postgresql.util.PGobject; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class JSONTypeHandlerPg<T extends Object> extends BaseTypeHandler<T> { private static final PGobject jsonObject = new PGobject(); private Class<T> clazz; public JSONTypeHandlerPg(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type argument cannot be null"); this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, T parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException { jsonObject.setType("json"); jsonObject.setValue(this.toJson(parameter)); ps.setObject(i, jsonObject); } @Override public T getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException { return this.toObject(rs.getString(columnName), clazz); } @Override public T getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { return this.toObject(rs.getString(columnIndex), clazz); } @Override public T getNullableResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { return this.toObject(cs.getString(columnIndex), clazz); } private String toJson(T object) { try { return JSON.toJSONString(object, SerializerFeature.WriteNullListAsEmpty); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private T toObject(String content, Class<?> clazz) { if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) { try { return (T) JSON.parseObject(content,clazz); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { return null; } } }
<!--1.插入数据: 其中字段url的类型为(json:json格式)--> <insert id="insert" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" parameterType="com.qin.entity.ApplyInfo"> INSERT INTO APPLY_INFO ( <trim prefixOverrides=","> <if test="url!=null">,url</if> </trim> ) VALUES ( <trim prefixOverrides=","> <if test="url!=null"> ,#{nextUsers,jdbcType=OTHER,typeHandler=com.qin.common.typeHandler.JSONTypeHandlerPg} </if> </trim> ) </insert> <!--2.查询数据--> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.qin.entity.ProcessInfo"> <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/> <result column="url" property="nextUsers" jdbcType="OTHER" typeHandler="com.qin.common.typeHandler.JSONTypeHandlerPg"/> </resultMap> <select id="getById" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT id, url FROM APPLY_INFO WHERE id = #{id} </select>
- 如果想要把pg数据库表中的json字段类型的值映射到java的pojo对象中,必须使用resultMap标签来映射,不然此字段的值为null。
package cc.oyz.bean;
import cc.oyz.common.JSONTypeHandlerPg;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
* @description: 视角
* @author: libin.hao
* @time: 2021/5/18 9:27
@TableName(autoResultMap = true)
public class ViewingAngle implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@TableId(value = "id",type = IdType.AUTO)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "主键ID")
private Integer id;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "名称")
private String name;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "目的地")
@TableField(typeHandler = JSONTypeHandlerPg.class)
private JSONObject destination;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "定向")
@TableField(typeHandler = JSONTypeHandlerPg.class)
private JSONObject orientation;