在移动端使用swiper的整屏滚动,如果slide里面有滚动内容的话,滚动的时候会整个页面一起滚动,如果想里面的滚动区域单独滚动的话,可以在初始化swiper的时候添加上 noSwipingClass 这个选项,值就是你想滚动的那个区域的class。
new Swiper('#Jswiper', { direction: 'vertical', noSwipingClass : 'scroll-wrap', }
2,slide高度不固定 ,必须在swiper-container为display:block的状态下初始化,即使设置了observer:true,observeParents:true,也是不行的
//swiper-slide里嵌套滚动容器 p.s.:需要滚动的slide的样式要添加 overflow-y:scroll; var startScroll, touchStart, touchCurrent; mySwiper.slides.on('touchstart', function (e) { if(mySwiper.activeIndex == 0){ //actinveIndex 就是需要滚动的slide对应的index startScroll = this.scrollTop; touchStart = e.targetTouches[0].pageY; } }, true); mySwiper.slides.on('touchmove', function (e) { if(mySwiper.activeIndex == 0){ //actinveIndex 就是需要滚动的slide对应的index
touchCurrent = e.targetTouches[0].pageY; var touchesDiff = touchCurrent - touchStart; var slide = this; var onlyScrolling = ( slide.scrollHeight > slide.offsetHeight ) && //allow only when slide is scrollable ( ( touchesDiff < 0 && startScroll === 0 ) || //start from top edge to scroll bottom ( touchesDiff > 0 && startScroll === ( slide.scrollHeight - slide.offsetHeight ) ) || //start from bottom edge to scroll top ( startScroll > 0 && startScroll < ( slide.scrollHeight - slide.offsetHeight ) ) //start from the middle ); if (onlyScrolling) { e.stopPropagation(); } } }, true);