下面说一下线程中特有的线程存储,Thread Specific Data 。线程存储有什么用了?他是什么意思了?大家都知道,在多线程程序中,所有线程共享程序中的变量。现在有一全局变量,所有线程都可以使用它,改变它的值。而如果每个线程希望能单独拥有它,那么就需要使用线程存储了。表面上看起来这是一个全局变量,所有线程都可以使用它,而它的值在每一个线程中又是单独存储的。这就是线程存储的意义。
1. 创建一个类型为 pthread_key_t 类型的变量。
2.调用 pthread_key_create() 来创建该变量。从Linux的TSD池中分配一项,将其值赋给key供以后访问使用,它的第一个参数key为指向键值的指针,第二个参数为一个函数指针,如果指针不为空,则在线程退出时将以key所关联的数据为参数调用destructor()释放分配的缓冲区。key一旦被创建,所有线程都可以访问它,但各线程可以根据自己的需要往key中填入不同的值,这就相当于提供了一个同名而不同值的全局变量,一键多值。
3. 当线程中需要存储特殊值的时候,可以调用 pthread_setspcific() 。该函数有两个参数,第一个为前面声明的 pthread_key_t 变量,第二个为 void* 变量,这样你可以存储任何类型的值。函数将value的值(不是内容)与key相关联。用pthread_setspecific为一个键指定新的线程数据时,线程必须先释放原有的线程数据用以回收空间。
4. 如果需要取出所存储的值,调用 pthread_getspecific() 。该函数的参数为前面提到的 pthread_key_t 变量,该函数返回 void * 类型的值。
pthread_key_t key; int pthread_create(pthread_key_t,void(*destructor)(void *)); int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key); int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key,const void *value); void* pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
/* * tsd_destructor.c * * Demonstrate use of thread-specific data destructors. */ #include <pthread.h> #include "errors.h" /* * Structure used as value of thread-specific data key. */ typedef struct private_tag { pthread_t thread_id; char *string; } private_t; pthread_key_t identity_key; /* Thread-specific data key */ pthread_mutex_t identity_key_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; long identity_key_counter = 0; /* * This routine is called as each thread terminates with a value * for the thread-specific data key. It keeps track of how many * threads still have values, and deletes the key when there are * no more references. */ void identity_key_destructor (void *value) { private_t *private = (private_t*)value; int status; printf ("thread \"%s\" exiting...\n", private->string); free (value); status = pthread_mutex_lock (&identity_key_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Lock key mutex"); identity_key_counter--; if (identity_key_counter <= 0) { status = pthread_key_delete (identity_key); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Delete key"); printf ("key deleted...\n"); } status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&identity_key_mutex); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Unlock key mutex"); } /* * Helper routine to allocate a new value for thread-specific * data key if the thread doesn't already have one. */ void *identity_key_get (void) { void *value; int status; value = pthread_getspecific (identity_key); if (value == NULL) { value = malloc (sizeof (private_t)); if (value == NULL) errno_abort ("Allocate key value"); status = pthread_setspecific (identity_key, (void*)value); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Set TSD"); } return value; } /* * Thread start routine to use thread-specific data. */ void *thread_routine (void *arg) { private_t *value; value = (private_t*)identity_key_get (); value->thread_id = pthread_self (); value->string = (char*)arg; printf ("thread \"%s\" starting...\n", value->string); sleep (2); return NULL; } void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t thread_1, thread_2; private_t *value; int status; /* * Create the TSD key, and set the reference counter to * the number of threads that will use it (two thread_routine * threads plus main). This must be done before creating * the threads! Otherwise, if one thread runs the key's * destructor before any other thread uses the key, it will * be deleted. * * Note that there's rarely any good reason to delete a * thread-specific data key. */ status = pthread_key_create (&identity_key, identity_key_destructor); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Create key"); identity_key_counter = 3; value = (private_t*)identity_key_get (); value->thread_id = pthread_self (); value->string = "Main thread"; status = pthread_create (&thread_1, NULL, thread_routine, "Thread 1"); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Create thread 1"); status = pthread_create (&thread_2, NULL, thread_routine, "Thread 2"); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Create thread 2"); pthread_exit (NULL); }
其实在Linux 中,新建的线程并不是在原先的进程中,而是系统通过一个系统调用clone() 。该系统copy 了一个和原先进程完全一样的进程,并在这个进程中执行线程函数。不过这个copy 过程和fork 不一样。copy 后的进程和原先的进程共享了所有的变量,运行环境(clone的实现是可以指定新进程与老进程之间的共享关系,100%共享就表示创建了一个线程)。这样,原先进程中的变量变动copy 后的进程中便能体现出来。