import pickle import os import time def cost(wallet, record): # amount = int(input('amount: ')) comment = input('comment: ') date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') with open(wallet, 'rb') as fobj: balance = pickle.load(fobj) - amount with open(wallet,'wb') as fobj: pickle.dump(balance,fobj) with open(record,'a') as fobj: fobj.write( '%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s ' % (date, amount, '', balance, comment) ) def save(wallet, record): # 记录存钱的函数 amount = int(input('amount: ')) comment = input('comment: ') date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') with open(wallet, 'rb') as fobj: balance = pickle.load(fobj) + amount with open(wallet, 'wb') as fobj: pickle.dump(balance, fobj) with open(record, 'a') as fobj: fobj.write( '%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s ' % (date, '', amount, balance, comment) ) def query(wallet, record): # 查询收支明细的函数 print('%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s' % ('date', 'cost', 'save', 'balace', 'comment')) with open(record) as fobj: for line in fobj: print(line, end='') with open(wallet, 'rb') as fobj: balance = pickle.load(fobj) print("Latest Balance: %d" % balance) def show_menu(): cmds = {'0': cost, '1': save, '2': query} prompt = """(0) cost (1) save (2) query (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): """ wallet = 'wallet.data' record = 'record.txt' if not os.path.exists(wallet): with open(wallet, 'wb') as fobj: pickle.dump(10000, fobj) while True: try: choice = input(prompt).strip()[0] except IndexError: continue except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() choice = '3' if choice not in '0123': print('Invalid input. Try again.') continue if choice == '3': break cmds[choice](wallet, record) if __name__ == '__main__': show_menu()
(0) cost (1) save (2) query (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 0 amount: 200 comment: 买衣服 (0) cost (1) save (2) query (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 1 amount: 1000 comment: 兼职 (0) cost (1) save (2) query (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 2 date cost save balace comment 2019-06-18 200 9800 买衣服 2019-06-18 1000 10800 兼职 Latest Balance: 10800 (0) cost (1) save (2) query (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3):